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Barbelith Homework


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20:53 / 13.10.06
I would like some homework. I am utterly terrible at pulling my finger out and actually doing something without being prodded. I am the Queen of procrastination. I want to draw like Junko Mizuno (kawaii noir style):

Isn't she amazing? But I don't practice much so how will I ever achieve my goal?

I need homework.

If I have homework I will do it because I have this little 'have to be good' gene inside me that makes me and also I will have a reason to get my drawing book out.

I think some people might say that if you have to be told to do it you don't really want to, but this is not true. I am just fundamentally lazy. And currently uninspired.

So I have created this homework thread. What you do is, you ask for creative homework, and some nice person will come along and set you some. Ideally it should be a person with the relevant experience - people who draw should set drawing homework, people who photograph can set that and so on and so forth. Results can be posted here but don't have to be. Discussion can be held if you like.

Practice maketh perfect as any fule kno, but have you considered that homework is practice?

So set me some drawing homework, please.
Liger Null
23:06 / 13.10.06
Draw a Luck Dragon.
15:58 / 14.10.06

Do you think offering a deadline would be useful?
I find it helps me to get going if I have one.
Liger Null
07:49 / 15.10.06
I agree, having a deadline is the only thing that gets me going.
the Fool
21:52 / 15.10.06
Lula, you are sooo my best new friend! Junko is one of my favourite artists!!!

If you are going to draw Junko stylee you need cute and you need gore and violence!!!

Draw a girl in appropriately skimpy wear lovingly injecting her zombie boyfriend with a giant blood filled needle!!! Maybe have the boyfriend squirting blood from holes in him while squeeling with delight!


Anyone want to set me something?
Liger Null
14:14 / 17.10.06
Fool, I would like to see you design a Tarot Deck (if you haven't done so already).

For the purposes of this thread, however, a single card will do. I prefer Strength or The Empress, but you might like to do your namesake or just make up some crazy cool Trump nobody's ever heard of.
Liger Null
14:17 / 17.10.06
Oh, I almost forgot:

Could someone give me an assignment? Pretty please, with dark chocolate syrup on top?
16:15 / 17.10.06
These suggestions are fabulous, thank you, and I love the idea of Fool doing a tarot card.

I shall report back soon.
16:49 / 17.10.06
Fool's done quite a few already hasn't he? During that Temple tarot project a whiles back?

They were ace. I'm sure I have them stashed away on my drive somewhere......
17:21 / 17.10.06
Draw a phoenix Liger Null.
17:39 / 17.10.06
Would someone mind setting me a project?
the Fool
22:17 / 17.10.06
Fool, I would like to see you design a Tarot Deck (if you haven't done so already).

For the purposes of this thread, however, a single card will do. I prefer Strength or The Empress, but you might like to do your namesake or just make up some crazy cool Trump nobody's ever heard of.

As people have noted I have done a few cards already for the barbelith tarot project in the Temple from many moons ago. However the two cards you have chosen are ones not done, so I guess its homework accepted!

For reference I've completed The Fool (obviously), The High Priestess, the Star, The Moon, The Sun and The Universe... I've complied them here...
the Fool
05:11 / 18.10.06
Homework - part 1

Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
05:54 / 18.10.06
Feverfew: Would someone mind setting me a project?

Write a villanelle about villainy?
07:42 / 18.10.06
You have one week, by the way.
11:27 / 18.10.06
I'm liking this thread a lot and I think we might all get a great deal out of it. I hope so.

I think people should ask for a certain kind of homework - specify what you talent is. So feverfew, if you want writing homework - specify writing - poetry or something like that.

Fool, you really are an inspiration.
12:57 / 18.10.06
Fool, any particular reason the sun in the background is octagonal?
Char Aina
13:10 / 18.10.06
all about the eight:

Because it is the eighth card, it is associated with Arachne. Arachne challenged Athena, goddess of science, war, and the useful arts to a weaving contest. And had the temerity to win. To punish her for her victory, Athena transformed her into the eight armed spider. Bespeaking the danger of challenging the mysteries, we may be destroyed or transformed by them.

Eight is also associated with the Great Goddess because it takes eight years for Venus and Earth to sync up against the zodiac. Eight years go get into accord with the goddess as the object and provoker of desire.
Char Aina
13:12 / 18.10.06
although, that is from wikipedia and should be taken as such.
21:06 / 18.10.06
if you want writing homework - specify writing - poetry or something like that.

Funnily enough, I was contemplating art homework, but writing homework is perfect. I will have a villanelle by Sunday night.

(But in future I will specify!)
Liger Null
22:50 / 18.10.06
You have one week, by the way.

Working on it as we speak...or type, or whatever.

For reference I've completed The Fool (obviously), The High Priestess, the Star, The Moon, The Sun and The Universe... I've complied them here...

Squee-worthy as always, Fool. Should you make the deck available to the unwashed masses, I will be first in line to snag me a set!
the Fool
00:19 / 19.10.06
Homework - part 2

Iamus - As for the octagon sun, well, its a really obvious reference to 8, I also saw some references where it represented a fusion of reason and emotion - between the square and the circle - which ties in with an early reading of the card as fortitude, the strength to face and overcome adversity (that's also the reference behind the knocking over the pillar).

Liger Null - A full set might be some way off. But at least the major archana seems almost attainable at this point.
12:08 / 19.10.06
May I please have a drawing homework?
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
17:33 / 19.10.06
Fiction homework, I need fiction homework. I'm planning on finishing up the gothic short-short story I'm writing tonight, but I need something for afters.
the Fool
02:27 / 20.10.06
eirdandfracar - how about drawing a floating city drifting above arcadian fields?

Papers, unpublished canon - perhaps take 3 or so character (if there are that many) from the gothic story you have just written and transpose them either 500 years into the future or to an ancient civilization of your choice (or even invention).
11:17 / 20.10.06
Because it is the eighth card....

God. That was a bit of a Guh-huh! moment right there. Thanks for the further clarification there guys.
Liger Null
22:26 / 21.10.06
Draw a phoenix Liger Null.

Here you go:
00:14 / 25.10.06
I love the Phoenix, Liger. I know what it is that I think it needs. More contrast using greens, deep reds and a touches of blue (on the yellowish areas). It would give it depth and punch. Or even inking it.

I am just trying to be helpful with your homework. I really don't mean to be critical. It is very good. It is just not stimulating me like I think it could.
00:15 / 25.10.06
Just like in the tail, but all over.
the Fool
10:34 / 25.10.06
Can people choose another 2 cards. That was fun and I like having this sort of homework...
Char Aina
11:19 / 25.10.06
have you done the tower or the hermit yet?
11:25 / 25.10.06
The Universe, could be challenging.
Whisky Priestess
12:32 / 25.10.06
The Lovers


The Tower Struck By Lightning
16:17 / 25.10.06
The Happy Squirrel.
17:11 / 25.10.06
Tower would be great!

I like this thread idea and I could use some creative homework, myself.

Okay, I haven't touched ink in a while. A long while. Years.

I like to draw and paint Goddesses. Since I always want to paint them all, half my battle is deciding which Goddess. I throw my poor-excuse-for-talent at your mercy. Which Goddess shall I do first in pen & ink? I want to attempt this style by Aya Kato. I am not certain what that style is called, but it rawks my sawks.

For more of Aya Kato grooviness, go here.

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