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Barbelith Homework


Page: 123(4)

20:25 / 14.01.07
Tiny art project: Draw six different cartoon expressions. Or, if that doesn't float your boat, what about drawing a bird using only a few lines?
17:05 / 15.01.07
Tsuga - I don't have your vim, vigour or valour, and the form of the villanelle was vexing me. It wasn't so much the constraints of meter but the fact that I couldn't phrase what I wanted to phrase within the vicarious constraints, and the fact I was trying to be vivacious.

So there.

I do applaud your off-the-cuff number, though, even though I stick my tongue out and waggle it at you insouciantly.

Lula - thank you, perfect, I'll take the second option.
Leigh Monster loses its cool
19:10 / 16.01.07
i feel like i'm turning in my homework incomplete without the tunes...cry. whine. oh well. soon.


woke up this morning thinking what'll i do
i couldn't find my princeton review
the test's in a week and i don't have a clue
I'm terrified and it's making me blue because

I might not get a 1300 on my SATs
I might not get a 1300 on my SATs
And if I don't have a 1300 to call my own
The Good Lord knows I'll probably die cold and alone

I play classical piano, I read a book each day
I hold three jobs and none of them pay
I do all my homework til it drives me to despair
I raised my baby sister, But Harvard won't care because

I might not get a 1300 on my SATs
I might not get a 1300 on my SATs
And if I don't have a 1300 to call my own
The Good Lord knows I'll probably die cold and alone

I saved a man from drowning
I saved Darfur too
I've met the president and i've lived in peru
I broke my ankle sprinting but i still won the race
But without a 1300 Princeton won't hear my case

I might not get a 1300 on my SATs
I might not get a 1300 on my SATs
And if I don't have a 1300 to call my own
The Good Lord knows I'll probably die cold and alone
Whisky Priestess
16:05 / 17.01.07
Top stuff dude! I'll have that one on my megamix CD too (assuming you are compiling one for me. I hope so).

Did any of the artists feel even faintly inspired by the Liars' League poster request on p3?
Leigh Monster loses its cool
20:21 / 17.01.07
mrg. everything i know about blues i learned from wikipedia.

um, i've got a different sort of request: does anyone have any good fiddle tunes I can learn? irish preferable, as it's what i'm studying. i don't have any recordings at my disposal at the moment. Nothing too scarily difficult, as i'll be doing it on cello which is like doing step dance if you're a gorilla.

and if anyone wants a writing homework--can anyone do anything with this sentence? my eye just fell on it:

"Enough. the pandas and the anacondas and the Chinese names won't give it up to me tonight."

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