we (Barbelith, the non-Muslim portion of the British public, whoever)
Of course, because Barbelith doesn't have any Muslim members, presumably. Or, in particular, any Muslim women who would actually want to post here after having been denigrated, mocked and generally told they're the victims of false consciousness on this thread so far.
Jack Straw is requesting it and Our Lady is critiquing the underlying assumptions of it (i.e, that men can be whipped into a rape-frenzy by the sight of a woman's face). A key feature of Liberalism as opposed to Authoritarianism (and since you're on this board I assume you favor the former over the latter) is the belief in the power of reason and argument as opposed to compulsion ('telling' somebody they have to do X from a position of power).
No, it read to me as if Lady was making a joke at the expense of the teacher's assistant. Perhaps I was wrong. I'd welcome clarification on this. And Phex, I don't believe in an 'authoritarian/liberalism' spectrum -- I hate liberalism, actually, and critique it from an ultra-left marxist/autonomist perspective, with a dose of theory and sometimes psychoanalysis. I am a believer in debate, but not in order to win people over because you think they need to be saved.
The veil issue is one of those that conflates gender politics and the cultural politics of difference to the extent that I reckon it acts like a kind of 'vent' for non-Muslims letting off steam about Islam generally. Since most 'Westerners' like to think of themselves as anti-sexism, the veil is one of those things that it's okay to dislike about Islam. No matter that most people who think this have probably never talked to a women who wears hijab, or niqab, about why she does so. No matter that it's actually a cultural practice with as many different local manifestations, and relationships to religion and local cultures as any kind of dress practice in Euro-American 'culture'. Veils are different enough from skin-baring cultural practices to be impossible to ignore. It's not okay to talk about how weird Muslims are in any other way but this -- but this topic, this is where everyone 'draws the line'.
Unfortunately for poor confused white folks, yes, there are many different political opinions about veils in Islamic society. Hijabs' political significance changes according to location -- in Afghanistan, the veil is being used as a way to crush people and exert power, yes. In Australia, more women are wearing the hijab because it's a visible marker of Islam, and a badge of pride. And all the different possibilities that, so far, people on this threead may have no idea about. Islam is not a monolith. It may always be a confusing issue. In my world, such confusing issues are consigned to the pile of, "I wish I could have an opinion about this, but I don't know enough about it to decide one way or the other," or better, "Gee, things are different depending on context. That must mean that there's no way to have a blanket opinion on veils generally. Maybe I'll inform myself more, and come back for an opinion later."
But that would be too hard, and "we" also have some poor benighted Islamic women to save... Meanwhile "we" bomb their countries to shit and treat them as if they're terrorists, or at the very least as if they intimidate "us". No wonder they love "us" so. |