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Barbelith Science Music Mix


Page: 12(3)4

19:39 / 12.10.06
ooooh jealous!
23:17 / 12.10.06
Just showed it to one of my best friends (she guessed instantly which was mine!)

yours was stairway to heaven? but wasn't everyone's..?? happy grooves - is the intent to make more science happen across 'lith? is this the start of a nobel hotbed?? knowledge thru music. neat.
Mike Modular
09:18 / 13.10.06
Huzzah, mine was waiting for me when I got home last night. It has been given a quick listen. A fuller appreciation to come this weekend. Like how the first and last tracks kinda compliment each other and bookend the mix. Indeed a great cover: MonkeyAngelFezTestTubesYeah! I eagerly await the revelations of who sent what...
18:15 / 13.10.06
Many do, I hope.

And sorry to disappoint, Astrojax, but no Led Zeppelin.

So far four have received and three have posted, so I'm happy so far...
02:11 / 14.10.06

12:57 / 16.10.06
I have it, too! Thanks be to science and Feverfew!
17:18 / 16.10.06

I went home for lunch and THERE IT WAS!!!!

thank you! YUMMY GOODNESS!!!! you're the most thoughtful!
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
11:56 / 17.10.06
Got mine! Yeah! Bonus points for whoever imported the track list to the Gracenote CDDB so I don't have to type all this into iTunes!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:22 / 17.10.06
Still haven't got mine.
14:35 / 17.10.06
I'd like you all to know that this CD mix is the only thing keeping me from hiding in a closet under a rug on my very bad day. I have scientificly proven taking the headphones off directly results in depression and anxiety.

I heart the Barbelith Science Mix.
17:26 / 17.10.06
Kali: Patience. Try thinking of other things. Just not David Tennant. Oh, alright, go on then, if you want to.

xk: Yay!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:03 / 17.10.06
Feverfew: I'd actually prefer to think of Eccleston in compromising positions instead. I just want to go drinking with Tennant.

If it doesn't come today, I will assume the mail fairies hate me.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:08 / 17.10.06
Hah! Just got mine! The cover is ace! Can't wait to listen to it!
the Fool
22:28 / 17.10.06
I got mine too!!! I guess I can sorta admit to being the cover artist now

00:05 / 18.10.06
That is sweet. I'm looking forward to seeing the tracks, and your voting...
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:10 / 18.10.06
I think I have my favourite already....
13:23 / 18.10.06
killer cover art! Yes I think I have my favorite too. I had to play it first thing when I sat down this AM.

such great music!
16:33 / 18.10.06
Only just ripped it... will give it a spin at work tonight!

Ooh, all excited now...
16:34 / 18.10.06
So then...

I'd like to thank The Fool first and foremost for providing the artwork. It is beautiful, and I'm very glad everyone likes it - this should be a testament to his talent.

Also, counting off those who have received it and posted so far:

Black Stoats ate the Sky
Mike Modular
and Kali.

The Fool as the artist of such a brilliant cover, and Kay's Catastrophic Kill as the reserve, were also sent copies.

Saturn's Nod has received it, but hasn't posted, but... Why worry? I am certain it will happen eventually.

Paranoidwriter was also sent a copy - if you're reading this, PW, I don't know if you wanted it, but alternately I wanted to send you iy, so I hope you'll accept it as a gift.

This means we are waiting on news from Cats don't like me, grant, junior anti-yeti league and TeN, I believe. I may pm gentle reminders.

I'm really really glad everyone's liking the mix - but "Bonus points for whoever imported the track list to the Gracenote CDDB so I don't have to type all this into iTunes!" - yes. Yes. That was deliberate. Cough. Now what's Gracenote CDDB?

Anyway... Like I Say. Glad it's enjoyed!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:44 / 18.10.06
I may have to start a separate CD collection entitled "The Music of Barbelith."
21:13 / 18.10.06
got mine today!
haven't listened to it yet, but I will when I get a chance
I'm excited!
11:46 / 19.10.06
I'm so ready to vote 'cause I seem to be addicted to the track and will be forced to go buy the entire album.

19:03 / 20.10.06
With three to go (who have been gently nudged via PM), I'd like to open up the voting. Please cast your votes over the next few days, and lo, they will be collated.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:05 / 20.10.06
Do we vote here? Or do we PM you?
19:35 / 20.10.06
I´m all for public voting!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:05 / 20.10.06
Everyone else agree?
20:21 / 20.10.06
Public voting is good. Please go ahead.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:33 / 20.10.06
My favourite?

"White No Sugar" Clint Boon Experience.

It's been a long time since my ears had such joy!!!
21:15 / 20.10.06
My pick is Tornados - Telstar!

Anybody who likes music like this, check out Jean-Jacques Perrey´s album Amazing New Electronic Pop Sounds, especially the song Mary France.

And if you know music similar to Mary France or Telstar please let me know!
Kiltartan Cross
22:06 / 20.10.06
"White no Sugar" for me too, thanks.

22:55 / 20.10.06
01:18 / 21.10.06
Tribe's Supercollider for me, please, mum!
12:41 / 21.10.06
I just got it last night!

Monkeys! New technology!

The supercollider track is just starting.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:14 / 21.10.06
I'd also love to guess who contributed what. I have some good ideas about a few of you.
13:59 / 21.10.06
I think we should vote for this using a three-choice Borda count. Just to be scientific.

Barring that:


With TMBG and Supercollider and MoA? and Clint Boon somewhere right underneath.

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