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Barbelith Science Music Mix


Page: (1)234

20:34 / 20.09.06
As promised, a shiny new sterilised, triple-distilled, bunsen burner of a thread for this.

I'm afraid I'm a little short on time and/or sleep at the moment and very long on stress so I hope Xk will forgive me for taking her guidance from the success of the Luv Project.


1.You PM me your scientific song choice.

2. All folks who participate will get a copy snail mailed if they provide me with their address.

3. The list remains private until everyone receives their copy. We will then each cast one vote for best song and the person who picked it wins a prize which I will mail them.

4. Please post a public "I'm in" message in this thread BUT:

If I do not have your choice or cannot find your choice of song I will PM you to discuss our options.

CD mixes are tricky things as space is determined by mp3 size. So the sooner you announce your intent in this thread the more likely you are to get on the mix.

Any song listed openly in this thread WILL NOT go on the list.

I reserve the right to reject any song that contains any material generally considered offensive by Barbelith standards which I will happily discuss with the person suggesting it and in this thread if we can't agree. Swearing isn't the issue so you should not particpate if hearing naughty language offends you.

All genres of music are welcome as long as relevance leans away from tenuous and towards concrete.


So far the volunteers are:

paranoidwriter waves hello
and MattShepherd.

You quick-off-the-mark souls, you.

Going by experience, this means that I should be able to accommadate another four to six people dependent on song length - I'll say four, for now, collate the songs and then if two more can squeeze in I'll put in a forty-eight hour deadline for last gasp new blood and then if nothing is forthcoming, work something out.

So... The (Giant, chiming, lemon and orange powered) Clock is ticking! Those already in, please pm me your song choices; those dilly-dallying on the way, stop, and sign up!

It's Alive!
20:40 / 20.09.06
I want to be part of this!
20:42 / 20.09.06

21:02 / 20.09.06
21:05 / 20.09.06
Me too.

Although, looks at yeti's post: edit: Yes, if other people want to participate and didn't in the previous one, please replace me with them.
21:18 / 20.09.06
21:21 / 20.09.06
i'll jump in on this if there's room, but if we've got people that want in that weren't on the luv/anti mix, i'll defer to them.
22:14 / 20.09.06
If the average mp3 is under 7 mb, and a CD rom can take 700 mb, there should be enough room for everybody. It would nix the snail mail though.
00:05 / 21.09.06
I might be wrong here, but i assumed the idea was that the cds were written as music disks, rather than data disks, so would be in .wav format...
Mike Modular
00:18 / 21.09.06
Yes, mp3 size is fairly irrelevant when burning an audio CD: it's still all about length (fnar). But, you can easily fit at least 15 songs or so on a CD, so everyone here should get a chance. Oh, yeah, and I'M IN (but need a bit of time to PM final choice, if that's OK...?)
01:02 / 21.09.06
you can usually get 15 songs on a cd. It is nice to format them to audio as well in case folks want to play them in the car or on a cd player etc.
01:56 / 21.09.06
I'm in.
06:08 / 21.09.06
I defer to experience here and I'm going to set the overall level at 14 people and 14 songs. (It's like 9 songs, just, without the hardcore sex. I know some of you may be disappointed.)

So, In so far are

paranoidwriter waves hello
A Twist in the Mist
Cat Room
Black Stoats at the Sky
Junior Anti-Yeti League
Mike Modular
and TeN.

Two more people are needed and welcome.

Of all of you, I have pm'ed song choices from TeN, .trampetunia, a twist in the Mist, Kali, Paranoidwriter and xk. Those who have not pm'ed, please do so at your earliest convenience.

I am, alas, off to work now, but I'll keep a readers' track (rather than a replyer's observation) of this thread from there.

It's all about the covalent bonding, baby...
06:39 / 21.09.06
I'm in.

PM on way soonage.
Saturn's nod
07:40 / 21.09.06
Kiltartan Cross
08:11 / 21.09.06
Oh buggery drat. Am I too late?
16:03 / 21.09.06
Should we PM you the choice, or email you an mp3?

Actually, mine's on the web, so no diff.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:06 / 21.09.06
Feverfew, my email addy for you isn't working.
17:26 / 21.09.06
At the close of business today, the list stands as follows:

A twist in the Mist
A Twist in the Mist
Cat Room
Black Stoats ate the Sky
junior anti-yeti league
Mike Modular
The Triplets of Bel Air
and Saturn's Nod.

Kay's Catastropic Kill, you are the nominated Compilation Reserve - it's like being on the substitute bench, but with more prestige. If something goes titular, or more likely there's plenty of room at the end of the CD, then your suggestions will be picked up on and you'll be on the all-inclusive tip.

I have suggestions in so far from

A twist in the Mist
The Triplets of Bel Air
Saturn's Nod
Black Stoats ate the Sky
Kay's Catastrophic Kill
as the aforementioned reserve.

I have six songs so far, from

A twist in the Mist
and Paranoidwriter via email, and

via linkage, the suave and suggestive soul that he is.
17:32 / 21.09.06
Ok, I may be officially overtired - As nice as Mistoffelees undoubtedly is, he is not two people.

Bear with me for five minutes here while I resort to the ancient art of paper-fu.
17:38 / 21.09.06
I'm slap bang in the middle of moving house. When do the songs have to be in by???
17:50 / 21.09.06
Please mentally replace the second Twist in the Mist above with Mattshepherd, as evidence that my administration skills wane once the sun sets.

What this means is that I am eagerly awaiting suggestions from:

Cat Room
Mike Modular
and junior anti-yeti league.

I am therefore also awaiting tunes from the aforementioned above four people (once suggestion is forthcoming) and

Kali (I'll resend the email address in a mo.)
The Triplets of Bel Air
Saturn's Nod
and Black Stoats Ate The Sky.

In short, it looks a little something like this;

xk [Suggested, Sent]
A Twist in the Mist [Suggested, Sent]
.trampetunia [Suggested, Sent]
Paranoidwriter [suggested, Sent]
Kali [Suggested, Sending pending]
grant [Suggested, sent in a flash manner]
Cat Room [Neither]
Black Stoats ate the Sky [Suggested]
Junior anti-yeti league [Neither]
Mike Modular [Neither]
TeN [Suggested, Sent]
Triplets [Suggested]
Saturn's Nod [Suggested]
MattShepherd [Neither].

Those who are ahead of the game, thank you. Those who have suggested, thank you also and if I haven't pm'ed you re: your suggestion I will be doing so very soon. Those who haven't suggested yet; what are you playing at?

I hope everyone is still excited. In an ideal way, the tunes would be in by close of play on Saturday and I could then work on putting everything together on Sunday; after this, I would theoretically be able to get everything in the post by Wednesday. I may be getting ahead of myself, however.
17:55 / 21.09.06
I should add that the suggestions so far have been excellent - not what I would immediately expect and very, very quality stuff.

Plus, no-one has suggested She blinded me with science by Thomas Dolby or Bunsen Burner by John Otway, so you're all still in my good books.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:38 / 21.09.06
Everything is on its way.
00:00 / 22.09.06
christ, that was fast.
00:18 / 22.09.06
Are you dissing Otway?

Am I gonna have to give you 'eadbutts?
12:18 / 22.09.06
Further Updates to follow soon!

And I would never diss Otway. He's my hometown's superstar. I've seen him in concert several times, from when I was ten upwards, and I even have a photo of me with him from the last concert I saw him at.

I don't like him much, but I do think he's a good ultimate extension of the variety act, in my humblest.

Await the update! Await the update!
17:32 / 22.09.06
Alright then.
17:41 / 22.09.06

I am now only awaiting a suggestion from Cat Room, who has mitigating circumstances and has faithfully promised that, following the trivial "moving house" issue, it will be done, oh yes. Which is good enough for me.

I am therefore now only awaiting songs from Mike Modular, junior anti-yeti league, Triplets, MattShepherd and Saturn's nod, and I have received correspondence from all but Triplets, but ze is a tricksy mountebank, so I harbour no grudges.

(Towards the end of the week, my language can become more flowery - plus, a hell of a week...)

I am loving, I mean really loving, the stuff I'm getting at the moment.

If I could transmit the excitement I feel, I'd be arrested.

Do Not! touch that dial! More News as it Happens!
17:50 / 22.09.06
Also, those who have not pm'ed their address, (and I hope you know who you are, if not, I could tell you, but then...) please do so at your next convenient opportunity.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
08:40 / 25.09.06
I have been stalled by not being able to find the album I wanted to find, but I've sent up some alternates.
16:42 / 25.09.06
Ok. It's all coming together. I currently have 10 of the 14 songs sent by people, but I do have an apology to make - I'm sorry this possibly hasn't been quite as smooth as the Luv/Anti-luv mixes, and I willingly put this down to the fact that I don't currently have a download program - or I do, but it's on a computer without an internet connection.

Until this Saturday, hopefully, anyway. So out of the four tunes that are currently in transition, I have one promised, one semi-promised, one being sought for and one in an active but delicate negotiation process.

Spooky, huh?

At current call, I also need addresses from five people then it's all working it's way into place.

And to make up for my disrespecting of Otway, I'd like to add the following:

Bunsen Burner

I'm an Alchemist baby

I can turn heavy metal .... into gold

I can make unstable compounds of mercury explode

I can make you glow

I can make you phosphoresce

I can burst your bubble

I can make you effervesce

Science tells you love

Is just a chemical reaction in the brain

Let me be your bunsen burner baby

Let me be your naked flame

You're going to turn bright red

When I do my litmus test on you

Acid it was, acid it is

And what acid was true

Check out what's in the test tube baby

You're my little pipette

The favourite piece of apparatus

In my chemistry set

Science tells you love

Is just a chemical reaction in the brain

Let me be your bunsen burner baby

Let me be your naked flame

You're the kind of carbon I can date

You're the element that makes me passionate

There's a chemistry experiment

I want to try in my brain

So come close to the Bunsen Burner

Feel the Heat of the naked flame

More news as it follows, keen-eyed viewers, unless, the flying monkeys... Well, I've said too much already.
18:28 / 26.09.06
For those keeping track; 11 songs in, and three to come, via negotiation, work and possibly trickery.
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:53 / 26.09.06
Have you tried warfare?

I could try to go into an alternate future, steal one of our 'WAR is PEACE' CD's and send it to you. Then you could catch 'em, put them in a storage unit and play the CD's OVER AND OVER, REALLY - FUCKIN - LOUD!....*coughs*... Until they finally submit?


21:44 / 26.09.06


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