You always are saying that people should do something, but you don't do it. You tell us to move the conversation on another way, but actually you don't do it.
Yes I did. I tried to move the conversation along by asking a shit load of questions that I'd like to see explored, I tried to highlight all of the things that I thought were problematic about the ideas raised in this thread, I suggested that someone try to join the dots a bit more as I didn't fully understand where this was going or what the point was. This is me moving the conversation on. I didn't just call you on the various ill-thought out ideas in your thread, but highlighted the various things that I find interesting about the subject area and the things I'd like to hear people's opinions on. I don't really know enough about videogame design to really expand on any of my points, and it's not really an area of magic I'm that interested in in anything more than a casual sense. All I'm doing here is providing the objective critical devil's advocate voice, that tries to nudge people towards explaining themselves more clearly and exploring some of the ideas they have raised with a bit more rigour. A role that sadly seems more and more necessary on barbelith, of late. I thought I did it quite politely, in this instance.
don't tell me what to do or what to talk about.
I wasn't telling you to do or not do anything. I don't really care what you contribute at all, as I find your posts fairly boring. Based on past performance, I'm not really interested in anything you have to say on any subject. I do think there is some mileage in this thread though, but that's almost despite your contributions to it really.
sonocitology the fact that *electrical* membranes in cells give out sound (can the exposure to videogames, along with the stimulation on nervous system induce changes on physiollogy of the individual?)
Yes? And? Where are you going with that? How does it relate to magic and/or videogames? What sort of changes in physiology exactly? Towards what end?
QiGong the fact that a lot of qigong masters can actually change the rate of electricity in their bodies
Can they though? Is that not highly debatable? Where are you going with it anyway and how does it tie into the videogame stuff in any meaningful sense?
Seizures like I sign of initiation in shamanic cultures. Shaman means "the one who control energies", and related too with an uncontrolled increase of the electrical activity of the nervous system.
As Trouser the Trouserian points out above: The seizure thing is something that has been heavily critiqued from the 60s onwards. As Mordant points out above, speaking as someone who is both a magician and who actually suffers from epileptic seizures: Your position is a highly problematic, not to mention highly dodgy/offensive, basis for an argument. The relationship between seizures and trance is at best a tangential one.
Shaman actually does not translate as "one who controls energy" at all. And which specific shamanic culture are you talking about anyway? But even assuming that the term did relate to the electrical activity of the nervous system, which it doesn't, where are you going with this and how exactly does it tie in with videogames?
Then you have shamanic journeys, astral travels that are related too with an increase of the stimulation of electricity in the body (people who had these report that feelings, and i include myself)
Are they? References beyond the vague and anecdotal, please. I'm afraid this is still not the new age fantasy dolphin fluff crystal wish fulfillment forum, despite your best efforts to make it so.
Do you think all these are wankeries?
To call the content of your posts "Wankeries" is to do an injustice to semen.
Well, they include bizarre energy senses since i've been practising qigong, with a lot of strange sounds an visual hallucinations of strange vortexes of energies in the gap between dream state/waking state. I have addressed to qigong experts and they tell me that are mystical, spirituall experiences.
And how, in the name of Elvis Fucking Presley, does that experience have anything at all to do with videogames and their potential as magical tools?
As you can see, i share information with you (that is something you don't do when asked)
Are you still on your little high horse about that? The fact that I wasn't prepared to talk about a personal aspect of my magical practice with a total stranger on a public message board when asked to. Look through the fucking archives. I've written so much about magic on this board over the eight years I have been posting here almost daily. I always try to respond to a question about magic that I think I can be of some assistance with. I always try to respond to posts that I see problems with, in order to challenge the kind of shoddy thinking that makes most discussion forums about magic unreadable and embarrassing. I talk about my own practice to the extent that I feel comfortable with, and that's my fucking prerogative, not yours or anybody elses. Deal with it.
And the why of all of this to me is clear, and simple: to know best the human mind, his potential, and see how can we improve our experience of the world with these new knowledges.
A good way to begin on that noble endeavour might be to cultivate some level of self-awareness about all of the flaws in your argument, holes in your logic, and problems in the points you are making, when people take the time and effort out of their busy day to try and point them out to you. Seeking to address these problems and refine your ill-thought out position, in the light of objective criticism, could for instance be one way in which you could improve your experience of the world with new knowledge. |