I've been practicing majick of one form or another since I was a child, always alone, and in later years found myself most comfortable with sigils. They work, and theres not to much hoo-hah, as I am often fairly lazy and disorganised. But every so often, and particularly right now, I feel like I'm going nowhere. majickally speaking, and something is missing. I feel pretty unconnected to any majickal tradition I've come across so far, except perhaps for some sympathies/empathies with Spare's system and aspects of Chaos majick. I feel quite desperate, and panicky inside at the thought of this spiritual deadness I feel. Something big is coming, and I don't think its pretty. I think I need to shit, or get off the pot, as it were, before I go totally off the deep end. This is the first time I've publicly attempted to talk about this, as none of my friends or acquaintances practice majick, aside from some friends of my wife, and their sympathies lie more with nature and witchcraft, which I simply have NO feeling for. Hopefuly, if I dig around and lurk in these here parts for a while, I may find myself tugged in the right direction. Thanks for listening, and apologies if it makes no sense. |