So, I thought it'd be fun to continue the series with a guy who's status is, for better or worse, kind of that of a lesser light than the likes of Ellis, Ennis &c.
I also wanted to take issue with Ms. Wonderstarr's thesis that "Moore, Morrison and Gaiman have a more distinct style and vision than Mills, Milligan and Wagner". It may be simply that I find his company in that list objectionable in part, but I think Milligan has an absolutely driving obsession that permeates about 90% of his work: that of the malleability of identity, how it can be pushed and changed, how loose it was in the first place. Anyway, that's the theme, and I reckon you can make a case in pretty much everything he's done over the last 20 years, up to and including the likes of Toxin or 'Golgotha' in X-Men and finding something of an apotheosis in Human Target. It's a big theme, granted. (You don't have to talk about this - I'm just sayin' is all.)
I also am operating a thesis that Milligan is quite possibly the only Brit writer working in the American mainstream who's not quite obviously doing so in the shadow of Alan Moore; though there's maybe a case for Ennis too, I suppose.
Anyway, onto the actual comics. I think Enigma, which is also incidentally Mark Millar's 'comic he wished he'd written', is likely to score high here and with good reason. The shift in lead character Michael's identity and the later decision he made about it therein was possibly the most remarkable and striking one I've read in a comic, however many years ago it was. The Fegredo art is pretty much unparalleled too. It's smart, it's po-mo, it's sexy, it has superheroes and villains, it has gender politics. You can't really ask for more.
On the other hand, there's Rogan Gosh, which as a piece of craft is sensationally constructed, with five pretty much seamlessly interwoven narrative strands, various curry-involved wordplays and the intergalactic style of Brendan McCarthy on art. That bit with guy in the bra and 'I know where beauty lies.'? Fuck, I melted.
More recently, I'm thinking Dead Girl, still in progress, is superceding all the X-Force/X-Statix that came before it, and is quite easily the best comic I'm getting right about now. (Well, in two weeks.) I love the hinted at cosmology and rules, the razor dialogue, everything is on point.
Anyway, there's loads of other stuff that's dead good - I'd love to talk about Girl, Skreemer, fuck - even the Minx if you like.
Bring it. |