Holysmokes, it’s not merely daybreak ‘round here, it’s freakin’ high-noon, and I don’t mean that in a Hollywood Western shoot-em up sense, but more of a lovely sun on the skin sense, unless, of course, high noon is occurring in such a place were the temperature is likely to cause heat stroke in too few moments, so in either case, and all the rest, perhaps it’d be better to say that you lot are a lovely group of people, and you’ve all been a busy group of people too! But I’m babbling, which is making me parched, so I’ll take some of that Earl Grey too please, and I’ll try to settle down.
It’s nice how the tea here in Litherland is always like baby bear’s porridge...
Ah…those damn Zs, eh? Like Zeno, Zen, and Zero: Orobouros has been un/spoken, un/signed, and in/e/voked!* And Zs go w(her)e with (he)res?!? Z goes knonewhere and Z goes foreveryonewhere! Zisn’t & Zis!
[res: Latin, ‘thing’]
Whoa Persephone, whadcha’ put in this tea?
I think I might be speakin’ in tongues…
And I was tryin’ ta settle down…

First off, thanks everyone for participating in * (above); next, shouts to Will for the name/equation injection, Persephone for the spin, and May for the signs (*real* nice, makes me think, “hmm...tattoos maybe?” . Also, I appreciate your kind words (you too May) and your wise words, Persephone, and when you say, “...the path is probably a circle and there is no ahead or behind,” I’m inclined to agree and add that none of this is a competition or a race. Also, in the spirit the thread, there is a path and there isn’t a path! And finally, s’no problem Lothar: you and Ierne both played crucial roles in the unfolding of all this. Now let’s get back to the topic(s)...
<sips tea, lights smoke>
Yes, I think we agree that language is a barrier when it comes to expressing the whole of the matter, especially when we want to avoid the necessity of saying one thing at the exclusion of that things complement; in other words, we are trying to examine something that is and isn’t while avoiding the pitfalls of our language’s need to divide. A pretty tall order for sure! It’s interesting that we return again and again to circles, circles within circles, and circles within circles within…ad infinitum, all returning to a point, another way of picturing diversity in unity and unity in diversity, I guess?
Will mentions the subjective/objective non/duality, another we can add to our list. We also have these other non/dichotomies cropping up above: internal/external reality, clockwise/counterclockwise, rational/irrational and ordinary/unordinary reality. Again, it seems to me that it’s not that our society is dualistic or that we’ve been “programmed” to think in dualities, but that duality is woven into the very nature of existence/nonexistence. Our experiences of things appears to divide the world into what is and what isn’t, then what is becomes further divided by the words we use to describe it. Or am I flogging a dead horse here?
So gnosis isn’t a unity, a diversity, a unity and a diversity, or not a unity and a diversity: it is the inexpressible.
Onto the sign: I was thinking trinity as well, Persephone. It fits snugly into all this not only from the perspective you mention, but also as a representation of the dialectical movement from thesis (2) vs. antithesis (the other 2) to synthesis which would be the unity (1) and diversity (3). It’s also excellent that the eight-rayed star of chaos is bounded by the circle which is itself bound by the strange attractor defined by the formula. This sign’s, “…got legs, baby: it’s everywhere,” which is to say that, for me, its got all the loops and whirls in all the right places!
Will, I’d also like to discuss, “what happens when we expand the dimension of experience to 4th or 5th,” but we should probably start a new thread for that, in the Laboratory! Hehe. Or one of those roaming threads between here and there, maybe? If you get it started, then I’ll be there for sure!
Lothar, in the context of this thread, I have to say that I meant ALL actions…well…and no actions, ya? And I guess by ‘symmetry’ I might mean gnosis, or the state that is no state.
<ducks, manages not to spill tea>
As for your friend, I imagine I can’t really say much about what I figure without knowing more of the details. It makes sense to me in a way that is influenced by what you say in your post about altered states and visions, and it also sorta’ sounds like a experiential (vs. intellectual) variation of what is going on in this thread. Again, these are only stabs in the dark. But if you mean does that sorta’ mathematics make sense to me, then I’d have to say no (although I am letting it roll around in my mind).
1 + 2 + 2 + 3 = ? (mod Z)
[ 11-02-2002: Message edited by: modfive ] |