Possibly the best weights training sites on the Internet are Toronto-girl Krista's stumptuous.com and the good old ExRx.
Although I haven't been weighting so much lately - I've been rehearsing so much that my training schedule has gone out the window. Often, in the beginning of the rehearsal period, we do hour-long warmups that are fairly strenuous and involve a certain degree of strength training, flexibility, cardiovascular and plain old attention to physical details. Where God is, apparently.
When in training mode, I usually run a couple days a week and swim whenever my feet and legs feel like they've taken a beating. I lift weights (mostly as physio for my knees) and try to do stuff like handstands and cartwheels and what not. I'll do yoga in the mornings if I feel stiff, and on the weekends cut some serious rug on the dancefloor. I am a sweaty, sweaty girl at the club and I just love it, dancing for three hours.
A few, you-are-so-haaaarrrd exercise faves:
Clapping pushups: You heard the lady. Feet and hands in the air, clap your hands while you're up, next pushup. Warm up your wrists first. It's more ab strength than arm strength for this one.
Sit in a V: Oh-so-many variations on this one, legs together or apart, straight and high, low, whatever, as long as your only point of contact with the ground is your butt. If that's easy, now turn 360 degrees.
One-legged squats: I can't, but I will be able to soon.
Upside downs: Cartwheels, handstands, headstands - anything scary involving the balance. Handstand pushups are so not in my range at the moment, but we'll see.
Squat jumps: preferably across a large room, leaping as far as possible, landing as softly as possible. Go backwards. Squat jump turning 180 every time. Sideways. Next day you'll feel all the muscles you never knew you had.
And, well, so on. I got about fifty pages worth of great physical exercises last summer at a particular actor's training workshop in Berlin. By the fifth day I was walking down stairs backwards and had to modify the way I sit down by leaning forwards as far as possible so as to not use my quadriceps so much. It was great. |