She's discovered boys, etc.
This would, I agree, make for an interesting 'coming of age movie,' especially if Christine(?) Robin was continually revisted by the girlhood chums she'd deserted on her thirteenth birthday, when she started having teh sex, during the tortured adolescence she'd inflicted on herself by 'leaving the 100 Mile Wood' in the first place. It would be difficult for her to come to terms with all this, so she'd start taking drugs, and lots of them. Each of the characters would then represent a kind of party treat - Pooh would be cannabis, Tigger, speed, Owl, LSD, Eeyore, Ketamine, and so on, they'd flicker in and out of her ascent to the top, A-level revision, Oxbridge and such, until the final scene where Christine, bereft, having been done over by an older man and having not got that job at Goldman Sachs, finally saw her way back to all her old friends again, all at once, and so found her road back to AA Milne land - the last lines of the original text could then be read over scenes of Christina being driven away in the back of a car to The Priory, but this probably isn't the movie they're going to make, sadly. |