took a second to figure the mp3 coding, but...
here's a six minute sample of my drumming so far.
it's pretty unplanned, goes in and out of time and has no real structure, but the sound is awesome.
all i've done mix-wise is copy the single track about six times and put reverb on one and a bit of delay on another.
oh, and i panned the tracks a bit.
audacity soundforge is amazing for simple stuff like this, and my co-10 mike seems to be better and better every time i use it. the pair were free and cheap, in that order.
i guess i should slap a creative commons warning on it, just in case anyone thinks they should steal it.
i mean, i have no idea why they would, but it would shit me proper if somone made millions on my desk tapping.
so uh, yeah.
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