Well, what i was trying to say was, all this drawing distinctions between magical work and normal everyday stuff, i find isn't helpful, it like treating magic as a hobby like an RPG or a LARP (i think these things are secular substitutes for the place a communal based religion would of taken, along with sci fi and fantasy). Dividing the world up into magic i begin LBRP and close with magic over doesnt work for me at least.
All life is part of the practice, including dreams, imagination, day dream (paradox to what i just said), spirituality is inclusive of everything and magic and spirituality are the same thing. In how i work and perceive.
The work you do is just as important as the food you eat, you sexuality etc etc its all of a spiritual nature, that display a variety of characteristics of what spirit can be.
Dreams are one such thing, as is how we choose to dress ourselves, our relationship to the deity's artifacts and creatures and places, these are all in the world, of the world, as are our dreams and fantasies.
When the mythological reality (REALITY) begins to collide with our day to day, it can lead to self doubt, questions about our sanity etc,the worth of what we are doing, but it wasn't so long ago when the mythopoetic parts of life were given a huge amount of importance its only very recently that a conscious separation was chosen over mythological perception (The world as a puzzle of forces in convocation), that perception in my opinion is important in a world that places an increasing amount of importance on division through rational categorization, human centred measurement, that denies spiritual reality's in favour of only material answers.
If theres one question i would ask myself when it came to my work, it would be what does my life's experience tell me in this area, what have i learn t from this, am i really going to throw that all away, all that hard work and effort, the trials and pitfuls i have been through to see how i see, be how i am, there are people asking me to do this at this moment in time, give it all up for more solid tangible things, pulling on all the memories of being outside and isolated in what i have chosen for myself, trying to characterize all my interests as weird. I ask myself whats in it for them, another one who has sacrificed there dreams for more realistic goals, a easier way in life?
Easy is boring, at least to me. The journey for me is about learning to fight for what i want to be, how i want to live, the journey is about opening a society to difference, wether it be religious, spiritual or simply personal psychology.
I feel alot of homogeneity being pushed at me from alot of different directions, each with there nicely knit little patterns for me to fall into. Bollocks to them. If i have to give up everything then they can kill me, and i will give up everything, personally i am through with them trying to play me. People telling me i cant do this and that think this way and that, wear these clothes, be this way, there are times in my life where i do just want to lay down and die, some might say unfortunately it doesn't seem to happen, i get back up and carry on with my journey.(none of these journeys are separate from the journey of your life)
Keep on fighting for what you believe in. |