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NaNoWriMo 2005


Page: 1(2)345

21:03 / 31.10.05
I'm in, though i have no idea if i'm going to 'complete'...
21:26 / 31.10.05
I'm in too... I must be mad.
22:02 / 31.10.05
Just put together a complete synopsis for an idea I've been playing with for months.
Oooh, amazing what you can do when you're under pressure.
12:27 / 01.11.05
Happy NaNoWriMo Day One!

Scribble as if your life depends on it! SCRIBBLE!
12:39 / 01.11.05
I'm not actually going to start writing until tomorrow as I won't be able to get anything done without a complete chapter synopsis. I'm not capable of writing without planning.
13:45 / 01.11.05
I'm not capable of writing well without planning, as today's endevours have shown... still, I've started now, from scratch and have reached today's magic total. I hate much of the 'plot' I have come up with and may attempt to change it later. Working on the 'lost' principle of keeping everything ambigious so I can change my mind later...

I'm also going to throw an old idea i had for a play into the mix tomorrow...
Liger Null
14:26 / 01.11.05
Haha!! 324 words so far!!! In yer face, biatches!!!!!

Of course, now I've come to an impasse...

I'm going out for Chinese Food, anybody want anything?
14:37 / 01.11.05
Could you get me some of those fried rangoon things that supposedly have crab in them but are really just full of cream cheese?
15:03 / 01.11.05
1,667 - I'm on target, until tomorrow...
17:28 / 01.11.05
Drat. I only have 935 words so far. Unless chapter headings don't count, in which case I have 932.

Has anyone else already started going back and injecting lots of adjectives and adverbs to plump their prose up?
19:50 / 01.11.05
Dude, do a Dickens and just start describing the surroundings in great detail... clothes, digressions - they are all grist to making the daily target...
19:59 / 01.11.05
Well, I've written just over 1500. I am going to edit it on the train tomorrow. I'm sure I'll screw out another hundred words from that.
20:12 / 01.11.05
I'm in again this year, but I don't really have any hope of writing 50k words.

This year might be easier than in the past though as I'm basically rewriting a Hindu epic as close to scene-for-scene as I can. Yet somehow, I still have faith that my lack of ambition will win out over the convenience of thievery.
Liger Null
20:36 / 01.11.05
Could you get me some of those fried rangoon things that supposedly have crab in them but are really just full of cream cheese?

The place by my house puts too much pimento in them. But they're still good for some reason. Must be the MSG

Back to writing!!!!

*cracks cat-o-nine-tails*
Jack Fear
22:53 / 01.11.05
I am going to edit it on the train tomorrow.


Just don't.

The whole poinbt of the exercise is to WRITE, straight through, without stopping to fix anything. Edit in December, if you must, but for now WRITE.
01:57 / 02.11.05

Just don't.

The whole poinbt of the exercise is to WRITE, straight through, without stopping to fix anything. Edit in December, if you must, but for now WRITE.

While I agree strongly, and would add don't even read what you've written til December, technically, National Novel Editing Month is in March.
The Natural Way
09:25 / 02.11.05
Sleaze, in my case it's about more than writing well, it's about staying the course. I get very frustrated and distracted when I don't know where I'm going, and usually end up throwing my computer out the window.

Thankfully I've finished my synopsis and I'm about to start.

Woot. Scary!
The Natural Way
09:26 / 02.11.05
Arrgh. Using Runce's suit accidentally (I'm at our Mum's).

I be Boboss.
13:25 / 02.11.05
3366 words... on target for day two, but it's tough boing without a plan. I'm just throwing balls up in the air at the moment and hoping I can pick them up on the way down...
20:15 / 02.11.05
The whole poinbt of the exercise is to WRITE, straight through, without stopping to fix anything.

Ah, but my talent knows no bounds. I can write and edit without breaking into a froth. I wrote 2008 words today. So, can afford to take it easier tomorrow.
20:20 / 02.11.05
20:47 / 02.11.05
I wrote 3,788 words today, but I've been writing all day. I'm never going to get another day when I can write for this long.

I'm not gonna make it.
20:58 / 02.11.05
Hey, you're on target sehkmet - just remember 1667 a day, everyday for a month...
01:13 / 03.11.05
I'm at 3583. If anyone's interested, I'm publishing mine as I go here. I started without a plan, but only my opening sentence:

He woke up suddenly, wondering why he smelled like sausage.

This is a blast and a half. It really only takes two hours a day out of the schedule, and I think I may be able to create a buffer over the weekend since it is a four-day weekend for me.
08:03 / 03.11.05
I didn't manage it this year. Real life unpleasantness kind of got in the way, and I didn't even have time to fucking register, let alone get started on anything. And I was really looking forward to it, too...
Oh well. Good luck everyone!
09:11 / 03.11.05
I'm finding it easy, so far. Yep, sure, we are only 2 days in. And I may not be so confident in a week. We'll see.

The reason I find it easy, I think, is because it contrasts so markedly from the normal writing I do. Which is academic writing. For that you don't just write: you research, read, then write. Whilst it's interesting and challenging - it isn't spontaneous. This, this nanowrimo writing, is like letter-writing. You write what you think. You use your native vocabulary. You can just sit down and write about a conversation between your main character and someone else. You don't have to research it for three weeks and adopt an artificial language/vocab. It's fun.

Yep, we'll see whether I am still saying this in a week...
12:18 / 03.11.05
Enjoying this tread greatly. Gotta say, you guys are bloody brave/insane, good luck?

Will the poeple that finish be posting their novels for the rest of us to praise/slag-off? I would love to read what novels you guys can come up with. Keep it up!
14:23 / 03.11.05
5,006 words. A truly terrible story that is going to require several miracles just to tie up all the logical inconsistancies I've introduced over that past three days let alon anythig else.. But strictly on the basis of word count, I'm on target.
19:56 / 03.11.05
Okay, I have 7,364 words so far, which is well and good, I'm ahead of quota. Peachy.

The problem is that the story hasn't really started yet, and I'm almost a sixth of the way through the 50K already. This is not an issue I was expecting to have.
Liger Null
21:26 / 03.11.05
HaHa! Congrats Sekmet!

Unfortunately, I myself have only just now crossed the 1000 word mark, thanks to an electrician who STILL HASN'T FIXED THE FLIPPING CIRCUIT BREAKER GODAMMIT!!!!!!

*wanders off in the direction of the "Arrgh, Fuck..." thread*
22:01 / 03.11.05
Sekhmet - that's a good thing - I think i've thrown one too many balls up in the air in my novel at the moment. Blowing up the hotel was definitely over the top. But I'm not going to pretend it didn't happen - no, I think I'll just write it off as a coincidence...
00:06 / 04.11.05
If anything goes wrong, blame it on physics. Start randomly talking about the laws of thermodynamics suddenly going haywire, and let the universe just start to melt down.

Just sayin'.
07:31 / 04.11.05
Life got in the way yesterday - so I only wrote 900 words. I'll catch up over the weekend I hope. I've written 4400 all up, so it's not too bad. The content though, well, that's pretty dire.
21:54 / 04.11.05
I'm only at 5741. I need to be at 6668. Drat. Thank god I have a long weekend... At least my plot is turning out nicely, albeit fast.
05:43 / 05.11.05
sleaze, what's your genre?

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