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NaNoWriMo 2005


Page: 123(4)5

22:14 / 13.11.05
Yer sodding clots!

Alex, you may have succeeded in shaming my fellow nanowrimers into hiding. But I have demonstrated that not only I can write a mean dog metaphor... but I am equally adept at fruit metaphors. Therefore I can ignore your childish envy, and proudly proclaim that this weekend I have managed to write another 100 words. Yes, comrades. One hundred words. Nothing can stop the steam-train that is my creativity.
12:40 / 14.11.05
I tacked on another grand over the weekend, but I'm still falling farther and farther behind...

Once when I was in high school I parked my car on top of a hill and forgot to put it in Park. The thing started rolling down the hill backwards, and I compounded my stupidity by running to catch it. It's amazing how much speed a piece of heavy machinery can pick up when gravity takes hold. I managed to get the door open, dive in and pull the emergency brake, which did absolutely nothing. The whole thing ended with the car crashing into a tree and me lying next to it unconscious with second and third degree road rash on my legs - not so much having caught the car as having had the car catch me.

Writing this novel feels a little bit like chasing a car. I hope it ends better.
13:09 / 14.11.05
Disaster - My computer hard drive has died - fortunately i have managed to recover my november novel from its death throes, but have lost more precious days...
14:09 / 14.11.05
Oh noes!!!!

Sorry about the 'puter, sleaze!
15:17 / 14.11.05
Oh, the puter will be fine - it's back at the mac hospital being fixed... unfurtunately it had only been back with me for a month from the last time it went to the hospital...- its all on applecare so it hasn't cost me any money but over the years my ibook has been away getting fixed a little too often for my liking - My trusty 2000 vintage iMac has never given me any sort of trouble and is still going strong enough for me to be typing these very lines into it...
16:39 / 14.11.05
Huh. I'm writing mine on an iBook.

Note to self - make a backup...
16:56 / 14.11.05
Hey, is anybody up for an all-Barbelith 30-minute Word War?

Maybe this evening? (Well, depending on time zones, this might actually be difficult...)
18:25 / 14.11.05
I'm up for a word war - - something to move things on...
Liger Null
18:43 / 14.11.05
14,189 words down. 35,811 to go.

So Sleaze, how do you propose we wage thissy-hyar "Word War"?
19:35 / 14.11.05
Hey, don't look at me - this is Sekhmet's idea - that bloodthirsty goddess is the word-warmongerer...
19:35 / 14.11.05
They do that on the forums at the NaNo website - looks like the idea is for everyone to see how many words they can get down in the allotted time, and they all do it simultaneously (so you know that others are out there scribbling furiously at the same time you are). Thought it looked like fun, and wondered if we could do one right here.

I guess we just figure out a time, and then maybe have someone post "GO!" at the start, and then after the time's up we report our results. Whoever gets the most words in 30 minutes wins!

Now, what they win is another matter entirely...
19:36 / 14.11.05
Bloodthirsty? Moi?

(*grins toothily at sleazenation*)
19:51 / 14.11.05
Word War.

I can't do it tonight. But if you care to repeat it tomorrow I'll sharpen my pencil and meet you all for a show down. Which I'll win, of course. Just in case you are thinking you stand a chance.
20:23 / 14.11.05
Them's fightin' words, neukoln...
22:08 / 14.11.05
how about 11pm or midnight UK time tomorrow night?
03:16 / 15.11.05
Midnight London time would be, I think, 6:00 where I am - I think I can do that.

Anyone else want to play? Will that time work?
08:52 / 16.11.05
So, I did this - did anyone else? Did I win just by taking part?
12:10 / 16.11.05
Criminy. You probably did. I was still planning to try it, but life interfered.

Care to have another go at it?
13:03 / 16.11.05
Oh - how many words did you get out?
13:29 / 16.11.05
I got about 263 words - not particularly impressive at all - I am a slow writer, even when it's just a matter of getting stuff on a page...

But yes - am up for this again...
13:38 / 16.11.05
I didn't do it. I was waiting for the starter pistol to sound. But, yeah, I'll do it tonight.
21:36 / 16.11.05
so, tonight?
22:05 / 16.11.05

22:12 / 16.11.05
Crap, I forgot about daylight savings time. It's 1:00 in the morning in London, isn't it?
22:31 / 16.11.05
469 words this time - I'm getting better at this... it's also a tense moment in the narrative where events happen very quickly and can be described at great length as they do so...
22:32 / 16.11.05
nope it's now 12:34...
10:18 / 17.11.05
I realise I could lie, and no-one would be any the wiser. But honour amongst thieves, and all - so will shamefully admit to having written. Er... [mumble] 304 [/mumble]. I want to make it crystal clear, OK, that I am not at all competitive. OK? Got that? Not competitive. It doesn't matter that I didn't win. Not at all. Nope. Not bothered.

[goes to corner and screams]

Right. When is the next one then?
12:35 / 17.11.05
I got a mere 290. How embarrassing.
13:49 / 17.11.05
I've given up, but if anyone wants a sticker or an "I write books" badge, let me know.
14:30 / 17.11.05
Well, its worth pointing out that you both managed more on your first attempts than i did on mine...

But yeah - I'm up for this again- how about tonight? Each half hour we dash out brings us closer to the total - and even if we dson't get to the finnish line by the wend of november that's no reason to give up on our rubbish novels - keep on going till you reach the end...
16:31 / 17.11.05
I'm about to do a lunchtime 30-minute dash - if anyone's about you're welcome to join me...

Right... now!
16:32 / 17.11.05
Yes. I'm up for another one tonight. I have to accept that I'm not going to make 50,000. However I've got a lot out of it never the less. And, yeah, another 300 words written will be 300 words closer to the target.
16:33 / 17.11.05
Sekhmet: you're on. I'm 2 mins behind you. But yep... go!
17:12 / 17.11.05
422. Boo-yah!
17:17 / 17.11.05

You're kidding me? I did 420.

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