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NaNoWriMo 2005


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09:27 / 04.10.05
The NaNoWriMo forums have opened afresh and sign-up has begun. 50,000 words are just waiting to be written during the month of November. Who is planning to participate this year?

It will be my 4th year, I think.
16:57 / 04.10.05
I thought I was, till I came to my senses. I'm a grad student who will (hopefully) be working fulltime, for gods' sake.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:16 / 05.10.05
I brought this up all those years ago and whipped people into doing it - then never bothered to finish my own.

Maybe this year.
04:48 / 05.10.05
Thirty days? Sounds downright spacious.
Rollo Kim, on location
10:00 / 05.10.05
I had a crack at this a couple of years ago and actually got it done give or take a hundred words or so. Maybe I'll give it another go.
Eloi Tsabaoth
10:24 / 05.10.05
Bowing out this time, as a reflection of my complete failure last year and the fact that I need to rewrite my successful submission of 2002 before all the characters escape my hard-drive and come after me with terrible weaponry.
15:24 / 05.10.05
Sorry - did it two years ago and really enjoyed it, but this year I'm suppose to be editing my teen fiction. Although I did appreciate the meet-ups - I wonder if I would be allowed to attend in a supporting capacity, and bring cake and wrist supports?
I have a Nanwrimo sticker on this laptop saying 'Ask me about my novel'.
Whisky Priestess
16:23 / 05.10.05
What's happening with your novel, Ex?

17:47 / 06.10.05
I'm considering it. I have no idea why, though since I know for a fact that I don't have enough "free" time.

Might be good for a laugh, though.
21:13 / 06.10.05
I might be up for this... I think I have some holiday during that month, too, and no money to go anywhere.
21:57 / 06.10.05
squirm, what happened with the three novels you hammered out thus far?

curious to know what you ended up with - might be a good idea to get a draft of something out some time?

i'm too far into another novel and have not the spare time to devote to another project of any size, let alone a whole fucking novel [!!], in november, but a couple of people in a novel workshop i am in are keen to have a go...

good luck, s'all i can offer...
01:35 / 12.10.05
I'm in.
12:14 / 13.10.05
What's happening with your novel, Ex?

Well, I'm glad you asked that! I wouldn't do justice to your enqiry with a short answer, though, so I really need someone to buy me lunch, or at the very least a Foyles Cafe chocolate brownie, to go into it in more depth...

Good luck, sine and all those wavering.
20:02 / 13.10.05
Maybe this year...
21:47 / 13.10.05
16:06 / 14.10.05
Oh yes, I will be. It's my first bash at nanowrimo-ing. I work full-time so it'll be evenings and weekends of writing. I'm looking forward to it.
19:07 / 25.10.05
I just signed up for this, actually. I am pretty psyched about giving this a shot. Anyone here planning to host their novels for everyone else to read when they are done?
08:54 / 26.10.05
God no. If I actually do this no-one is going to read the end product. As Jack Fear said last year, it's a first draft - and it'll be a shit first draft at that.
09:23 / 26.10.05
Astrojax69, my novels were mainly abandoned, never to be seen again. I let some people read about the first page of each, but that was it.

I am wondering if I should attempt something different this year and actually contemplate a plot before starting to write.
Tryphena Absent
10:27 / 26.10.05
I would rather tear my eyes out than read a novel that I could potentially write in 30 days. What a painful, painful idea.
13:52 / 26.10.05
Anyone here planning to host their novels for everyone else to read when they are done?

I thought that everyone just rolled up on the day and started writing from scratch. But reading the nanowrimo forums that's not the case at all. There is plenty of plot-planning and abstract-writing happening pre-event. So that's making me think about what I will be writing about.

My plan, though, has always been to serialise it in a weblog. I'll probably post daily, after about day three - so that nothing will go up without having been edited at least once. But... it's my first nanowrimo... so that plan could all go horribly wrong.
17:42 / 26.10.05
Maybe I'll do like would-be marathon runners do and start small. Yeah. I think I'll write a chapter of a novel for NaNoWriMo.
17:53 / 26.10.05
I just realized - this means averaging 1,667 words a day. Every day. All month.

The only way I could conceivably produce that volume would be if I devoted 100% of the time and effort I normally spend on reading Barbelith, e-mailing, web-surfing and LJ-ing to writing a novel.

Somehow I just don't think it's going to happen. I'm an addict, I admit it.

Perhaps I'll just settle back and cheer y'all on. Go! Go!
18:08 / 26.10.05
Or maybe I just signed up.

Nuts. Gone nuts.
21:38 / 26.10.05
write a novel about surfing barbelith and e-mailing, then do a month's research while you write it, sekhmet!

i'm taking the slower, i-rekkun-a-draft-ready-to-edit-by-next-may approach to my novel... good luck, nanowrimowers!
Liger Null
00:05 / 27.10.05
I missed this last year. This time around I'm so in I'm actually taking a week's vacation in November so that I can have more time to work on it.
15:23 / 27.10.05
Write a novel about surfing barbelith and e-mailing, then do a month's research while you write it, sekhmet!

Didn't somebody already write that novel?

No good ideas. Crap. I don't know enough about anything to write about it.

I'm terrified that what I'm going to end up with is an unreadably shitty autobiography...
16:50 / 27.10.05
I'm terrified that what I'm going to end up with is an unreadably shitty autobiography

I feel the same. I can write 50000 words, no sweat. But I have nothing to say... really. Do you know what is worse than an autobiography? Yep, something that is which is pretending not to be. And, that, is, exactly, what I'll end up doing. Groan.
02:36 / 28.10.05
I don't know enough about anything to write about it.

aww, sekhmet, that never stopped a work of fiction - make it up!!

and anyway, this seems to me to be a draft exercise, so any 'facts' you wanna add to the draft later can be done post-writing..? chin up!
12:27 / 28.10.05
Do you know what is worse than an autobiography? Yep, something that is which is pretending not to be...


(*surreptitiously crumples up page of notes and chucks it*)

Hmm. So... ponies? Who likes to read about ponies?
13:06 / 30.10.05
Why not just write the biography you *wish* you had...
grim reader
03:44 / 31.10.05
Only 1,667 words a day? I reckon i could manage that, but like someone else said, doesnt mean it'll be 1667 words of anything worth reading...

I am going to give this a go, just because I've been going through a period where i've been writing lots recently, and there's nothing to lose (but an awful lot to gain if it gets me writing regularly).

Thanks for the suggestion!
08:38 / 31.10.05
It doesn't matter whether you would want to read it *if* you're thinking in terms of a first draft.
16:45 / 31.10.05
Okay, I have chosen a genre and have a glimmering of a plot beginning to form...

So who all is actually doing this? The only people who have rung in with a definite yes so far are Squirmelia, sine, neukoln, alejandro, Liger, calvin, and myself. Who else is in?
20:17 / 31.10.05
I'm in (going for 10 5,000 word stories this year).

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