While there's others I can think of, I believe Rolf De Heer's Bad Boy Bubby is very much deserving of a place here. A transformative tale set in a dystopian future... except it's not really a dystopian future. It's the home of a particularly fucked-up woman who's convinced her 40-year-old son (I think? Or 30?) that if he goes outside, he'll die.
Oh, and she fucks him.
Suffice to say, his escape from the house, and his subsequent entry to the world of music (I SWEAR this is how The Birthday Party started - Nicolas Hope, the actor, is channelling an idiot Cave so well that it's frightening.), discovery of life, death and love is amazing. There's friendships forged with profoundly retarded people, and examinations of how much more fucked up the norm is than other parts of life, as well as religious comparison, violence and breasts.
I hated this film when it first came out, but saw it not long ago and absolutely, completely loved it. Brave, difficult to watch, and one that will make you cry at a couple of points. Brilliant. The sound's worth getting this one for, alone, as the sounds from Bubby were recorded using a binaural headset, which leads to a claustrophobia that's amazingly intense.

Has anyone mentioned Mike Leigh's Naked? |