Robert Rosen: For me, you can logically explain and scientifically prove with mathematical precision the non-existence of a Creator and I will not accept it.
Quantum: That's nice. In other words your Faith (in the existence of God) overrides your reason (your faith in logic, science, math etc.), which is all well and good, but-
Should schools teach based on Faith or Reason, robertrosen?
robertrosen: For me the answer to your question is a simple one. Schools should be teaching both Faith and Reason. I feel that Faith, whether we believe in it or not, has always influenced humanity to a great degree. Anything that has such incredible influence needs to be studied and taught and researched. It exists. It‘s a fact of life. Ignoring it would make no sense. Spaghetti theory just doesn’t have the weight necessary to be taught. If it did, I’d say right on! I understand that the majority can be wrong. In fact, this happens quite often, but this isn't about wrong or right. It’s about what is!!!!!
Rosen: Is it possible that the brain of a radical right wing conservative and that of a radical left wing liberal are so different that they can never see eye to eye?
Quantum: No.
Rosen: To a certain extent, I disagree. Sure, on occasion we will have agreement between radical left and right, but look at the world today. Surely, based on weighting, large majorities just refuse to agree. It makes me seriously wonder about the physical differences between the two. Are Homosexuals born differently from others? Same thing, yes?
Quantum: I notice elsewhere you say- Using religion to force your ideas on others is not only dangerous, but the exact action that my God would frown upon.
So I'm assuming that means your God would frown upon the teaching of non-evolution?
Rosen: I believe that the key word is force. Making students aware of what a large % of people from all walks of life, regardless of geography, are thinking and therefore doing, makes sense to me. Dissecting the why seems to make great sense, yes? Forcing one kind of belief or mandating faith, as a fact of life would be outrageous! This I do not support! Obviously, I cannot speak for my God. I can only assume that any intelligent force would respect the act of study and research.
Tarquin: it's surely worthwhile to examine the relationships and interplay between them when they turn up together with such frequency and influence?
Rosen: Agreed 100%.
As far as change being different from evolution, evolution is just change happening over time.
Being saved is a process that comes about over time as well. That time is different for all that are saved. It happens when the last piece of the puzzle falls into place, when the equation comes into balance.
To Mr. Tricks: Funny and amusing, but makes no sense to me. When 70-80% of the world goes to church to worship The Spaghetti Theory, then we should consider teaching it.
To me teaching is not saying that anything is forever. Every scientific “fact” is only good until it is disproved or enhanced. |