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Laft shite


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03:49 / 06.09.05
I totally know how that is. Sometimes I get really, really tired at work. Good luck getting through the night. How long is it until you get off work?

(I'm not working tonight. Even if I were, I wouldn't be there yet, bcuz my shift doesn't start until 11pm)
03:54 / 06.09.05
Technically another hour or so, but the workload's so light at the moment I finished ages ago... so any time now, really, I guess.
04:14 / 06.09.05

I decided to read the forums on my ISP (I don't think they're available to people who don't subscribe to the ISP) to see what people were saying about the Katrina disaster. Usually when I go to these forums, if there's anything political, there are more people who come out of the woodwork to praise Bush than there are who'll critisize anything the government does, and I was expecting more of the same. Um...people actually seem really pissed off. I knew that people I know in real life were pissed off at the government, but they're always pissed off at the government. But these people online who are usually talking about how wonderful Bush is are now talking about how fucking aweful the government response has been, etc. Maybe it's just somewhat different people than usually post, or maybe (I'm hopeing) people are opening their eyes to how incompetant and evil the Bush administration is. Maybe.

I did a google news search to see if there were recent polls of his approval rating, but the last such poll was published on wednesday, and I suspect that it was taken before the disaster became a total fucking disaster. And even then Bush's approval ratings were at an all time low.

I hope I don't sound insensitive. I'm really pissed off about how the government has been handling the disaster (and how they've handled everything else, especially that fucking war) and my heart goes out to all the people who've been hurt, or had their homes destroyed, or lost their families, etc. It's so soo horrible. I wish there was more that I could do.

Sorry to be such a downer. Fuck.
02:17 / 07.09.05
Anyone shifting tonight?
02:30 / 07.09.05
Yeah, I'm about... for a while. At work, predictably. How are you? I've been enjoying the "Bush you sick fuck" thread most this evening, I think...
electric monk
02:32 / 07.09.05
Hey alas. Hey Stoatie.

How're y'all?
02:40 / 07.09.05
Yes, it was "Sick fuck Bush, meet sick fuck Erision" (or whateverthefuckhissadlibertarianass name was).

Hey! I'm up late working as well. I hope not for too much longer, but it's hard to tell.
02:48 / 07.09.05
Morning, Monk.
02:52 / 07.09.05
Sup homies.
electric monk
02:53 / 07.09.05

Y'know, I scanned "Bush, you Sick Fuck" earlier at work. Had, like, 5 replies or something. Off home and few hours later, it is en fuego. That's my lunch hour set for tomorrow.
02:55 / 07.09.05
Really? Shit, it was like that when I got here.
02:56 / 07.09.05
First decent knock 'em down, drag 'em out fight we've had in ages. Reminds me of Leaptopia in so, so many ways.
03:00 / 07.09.05
And I like the idea of a Barbelith High School, but I suspect that's been done, here, probably any number of times.
03:01 / 07.09.05
Mm. Indeed. Kinda makes the heart race when you first smell the blood in the air.
03:03 / 07.09.05
(I put your second post up for deletion alas, so don't propose the first one!)

I don't think we have done Barbelith Highschool. I wonder if it'd be like Mafia?
03:03 / 07.09.05
I like the way that post could be in response to either me OR alas and still make sense.
electric monk
03:05 / 07.09.05
snippet of Theme song!

Bar Bar
Barbelith High School

It works on so many levels.
electric monk
03:10 / 07.09.05
Kinda makes the heart race when you first smell the blood in the air.

Indeed. Tho, I tend to hang back from such things, I do circle above the doings like a carrion bird, eyeing the morsels. It really can be like watching a well-coordinated killer (killa?) bee attack.

Is it a sickness, do you think, to take pleasure in such violence?
electric monk
03:12 / 07.09.05
A Freudian slip on a job posting for NewsMax on

"West Palm Beach Media company is seeking an Advertising Sales Professional to join its print and onlie sales team."

See what they did there?

Sorry. I'm all over the place tonight.
03:16 / 07.09.05
I onlie have i's for you!
electric monk
03:19 / 07.09.05
I wish I could smoke a cigarette and surf at the same time.

But I can't.

I'm off. Pleasant mornings/evenings to you all.
03:20 / 07.09.05
On Lie in an Extra-Moral Sense.
03:20 / 07.09.05
Night, monkster.
03:22 / 07.09.05
Damn. Damn. Damn. Why won't my printer cooperate with me tonight? Why?
03:23 / 07.09.05
Printers never do.

Maybe you've got it set to "evil"?
03:33 / 07.09.05
oh, Night Monk!

Sorry that my curses distracted me. I think I've got the printer functioning again. But I had to promise it certain services that I'd rather not discuss right now.
03:38 / 07.09.05
(Oh, and thanks, Sally, if you're still around, for initiating the deleting of the vexing double post, above--which ! notice is already gone...yippee. Such a marvel of efficiency, this little spot of cyberspace, this collection of pixels, this Barbelith...)
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:47 / 07.09.05
It strikes me as very Barbelith for someone to admit a mistake, and then it turns into a HUGE thread wherein all of people's social anger comes through. It's the group process...

First is Forming, where everyone is polite and tries not to create conflict.

Then is Storming, where everyone's issues come out.

Then is Norming, where the group decides how they will learn to deal with each other.

And finally is Dissolving, where members of the group go back to their lives, taking what they learned in the group out into the world.

We haven't had a good storm in a while.

Can you tell I have already put in 40 hours this week AND IT'S ONLY FUCKING TUESDAY!!!
03:58 / 07.09.05
I think I'm close to you on "the hours worked this week" scale.

But then I'm probably beyond Storming to the "Completely Botched Federal Response" phase. Which, unfortunately doesn't seem to rhyme.
04:00 / 07.09.05
Good god, Stoatie, you'd better be getting the fiercest of overtime!
04:06 / 07.09.05
I think you mean SR there rather than me... I'm about to go home (an hour early... there's no work left).
Saint Keggers
04:07 / 07.09.05
04:08 / 07.09.05
Hey, keggers... I'm just off, I'm afraid! I'll see you all later!
04:09 / 07.09.05
so long, stoatie--hello keggers!
Saint Keggers
04:11 / 07.09.05
good Bye Stoats,
Hello Alas.

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