Hopefully ....
Are you going into properties to get the exact url?
Try using the preview button to play around with it.
or just check the wiki to see how its done
Thank the lord
Nope still nope happening - the preview looked fine.
to kill the suspense it's just the Lock-Up poster with our man stallone
Nope still not happening - the preview looked fine.
to kill the suspense it's just the Lock-Up poster with our man stallone
But..but...its all in German! NO habla da deutchlanduberallouette?
You prolly did it right that time then, they might not allow direct image linking (or whatever the correct digerati term is).
Cheers Shoulder Bug - I feel a slightly better drunker twat now
All must bow down before the glory that is:
You can all get up and start talking again, its kind of too quiet.
I would bow if it involved defecating
You take that shit elsewhere buddy!
Oh, I'm talking... I just keep forgetting to actually type any of it.
Shit Stoats, you should have told me. Im still wearing my tin-foil beanie. Im still having problems with the you-know-whos.
Great, I show up and everyone's gone all Art Bell on me.
I blame society.
That's just where they want you to lay the blame...
As a card carrying memeber of society I take full responsibility. I did it. And I'll do it again! MUwhahahahah!
Don't listen to Keggers, he's just a patsy.
I am not! They even gave me a nice plaque with the words Keggers: He's No Patsy! engraved right into it. Now does that sound like something a patsy would get? I think not!
Ah, but Keggers, don't you think they'd give you that to lull you into a false sense of security?
Are you mad? they dont just give these out. You have to earn them!
These past 7 panels would make a great comic. Somebody make them into a grewat comic.
That's your job, Keggers old bean!
No there are better comic people here than I.
I could script it and then the artist won't draw it for two years. JUST LIKE MY WEBCOMIC
But I'm not bitter. No, not me.
sobs quietly
Hands out a kerchief. "there, there"
HI< LAETSHIFT!!!111!!!!
Seriously, though. Anyone about?
How was Transformers the movie? Did it hold up for ya?