Is Jack really a doctor? Not once during the flashbacks is he referred to as such, just "mister".
"You would've expected someone on this flight to have packed a hairbrush" - what's with that? Why would something need every single hairbrush? DNA collecting? Are the survivors clones?
Locke continues to be my favourite. They could've gone "scary survivalist nutjob" but right now he's the good guy, a slightly weird knive-fetishist good guy, but still.
Sawyer continues to be King Asshole.
Something I'm thinking on: What if the island is Fantasy Island? Put this way, what if everyone is being given the chance to be something they always wanted? I've posted something similar before, however:
Locke gets his legs. What I think he also got was mad survival and knife throwing skillz. Jack? He gets turned into Captain America and has his head pumped full of 9 years worth of medical knowledge.
Or not: as people have said, Locke might've just picked up years of survival knowledge from readin' books in isolation. Jack's "nerves like angel hair pasta" could very well be something his dad said to him during one of his "be a man" speeches that he's repeating verbatim. I love the ambiguity of this. Connect with Locke's "I'm a guy who likes to live in the real world, Jack" except you don't. Everyone on this island seems to be stepping into an ideal. So is the island just feeding their illusions, or is it stripping away the grime of ages to reveal bare inner truth, inner self?
Locke > Hunter, Jack > Leader, Mercutio > Father, Kate > Innocent.
"We're being given a clean slate" (prior episode). The Island of Renunciation?
"I looked into the eye of this island, and it was beautiful". Locke is Faust. Sawyer is Lucifer. Mark it. |