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Keith, like a scientist
02:11 / 18.08.05
that was definitely the episode that made everyone in the US spit out their Coke and take notice of this show.
06:15 / 18.08.05
FYI there is now an E4 thread for those who want to talk about ep. 4.
17:36 / 18.08.05
Can someone identify for me please the excellent piece of music Channel 4 are using to advertise this show with and also the music that played through the end montage of last nights show when Hurley was sat listening to his Walkman. I would really love to get hold of both pieces. Thanks in advance...
Keith, like a scientist
18:34 / 18.08.05
i believe the advert music is Cinematic Orchestra "Channel 1 Suite" (haven't seen the advert but people on the ninja tune forum were discussing it)

i can't remember what that other track is.
tea and biscuits
21:03 / 18.08.05
Google "lost episode 3 music" and one of the results of the first page gives you "Wash Away" by Joe Purdy.
22:46 / 18.08.05
does anyone know where i might be ablew to find the channel 4 trailer for LOST online?
23:19 / 18.08.05
Here, if this is the one you mean

The E4 promo piece. (music by Portishead).
yawn - thing's buddy
09:51 / 19.08.05
i loved the peace out, coke ad vibe of the last few mins of eppy three.

animal noise heard before is v. mechanical. rain stops aw a sudden. information about predicament is revelaed neatly and sequentially. characters conform, initially, to sterotypes.

Evil Scientist
07:51 / 24.08.05
Just watched the 3rd episode last night. I'm starting to really like the growing tension between the Korean couple, and the fact that, although he seems uber-authoritarian, the fella does care for her. I get the feeling that he comes from a very rigid background (check his obvious discomfort with the preggers Ozzie girl holding his hand to her belly).

I reckon there might be a bit of anger when Driveshaft guy is revealed to have enough smack to have carried the US Marshall off without all the shooting and throttling.

The end was nicely upbeat with a slightly predictable finish on bald, scarred, "I'm obviously a serial killer." man.

Possible weirdness. Kid sees polar bear in comic and one attacks the group. Kid's Dad says he'll go look for the dog when the rain stops, and the rain stops.

That kid better not be distorting reality.
09:29 / 24.08.05
Watching the start of #3 now. What I've noticed is that the main characters (Walt, Driveshaft, Doctor and Kate) all seemed to get what they wanted mid or post-crash (dog surviving, Charlie keeps his stash, Jack gets to play hero surgeon, Kate gets freed), even the macho prick pseudo-rapist got a really powerful handgun.
09:32 / 24.08.05
PS. I am totally digging Sayid. Great orator!
09:47 / 24.08.05
Evil Scientist: The end was nicely upbeat with a slightly predictable finish on bald, scarred, "I'm obviously a serial killer." man.

I think you'll enjoy tonight's episode if you feel that way!
11:22 / 24.08.05
A friend of mine reckons he's got it cracked. I'm fairly certain he hasn't, so...


1. The dog is evil.
2. The monster is the tyrannosaurus from Zoids.
3. That's it.
Evil Scientist
11:28 / 24.08.05
That would be the mighty ZOIDZILLA!

Here's hoping the red zoid mammoth turn's up on the season finale and they fight across the island. Wu-dan style!
Evil Scientist
10:57 / 30.08.05
Hot damn! DaveB you were right. That was a kick ass plot twist. Nicely developed too.

So Locke's seen one of the big nastys now. Anyone got any guesses what they are? Aside from being treasonous spider-zoids of course.
waxy dan
11:57 / 30.08.05
It's a great series... but isn't it just Forbidden Planet meets Fantasy Island?
Evil Scientist
07:58 / 31.08.05
Nah, Forbidden Planet's got a better selection of graphic novels and Harley Quinn statuettes.
All Acting Regiment
11:39 / 31.08.05
Is it just me or did Locke seem pleased- nay, calm and enlightened- once he'd (presumably) seen The Monster? Perhaps when you see The Monster you get to "know the score"?


If we're going to say it's a Zoid then I at least want some action from the big lion one and the tiger one, oh and possibly Zear who could go quad- or bi-pedal and carried a double barelled laser cannon. Or, the tortoise one with the japanese only upgrade that turned it into long range artillery with a cannon twice the size of it's body. I fucking love Zoids.
11:42 / 31.08.05
Maybe he just saw - in his eyes - the Ultimate Big Game.
12:27 / 31.08.05
My best guess is that the monster will be invisible, so will represent what different people want it to represent (a monster, an alien, a spirit, a magical force, God...). Locke’s apparent fib when asked if he ‘saw’ it, might not be a fib afterall.
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:06 / 31.08.05
You think it's a Vorlon, my GOOD friend?
Jack Vincennes
21:09 / 31.08.05
The best thing about this show, and because I feel it bears repeating:

"her nerves just fell out like angelhair pasta"

This is the odd thing about this programme, I'd find the dialogue completely laughable if it was in (for example) a Star Wars film, but every time someone says something like 'if you leave a rat be, it will lead you to its hole' on Lost it seems perfectly okay.

Also, does anyone ever snog on that island? Obviously, people who've seen the series in the US or even who have E4 shouldn't answer that question for fear of spoilage but I'm wondering whether the fact that mostly extremely attractive people surived is ever going to be a plot point.
21:11 / 31.08.05
Is Jack really a doctor? Not once during the flashbacks is he referred to as such, just "mister".

"You would've expected someone on this flight to have packed a hairbrush" - what's with that? Why would something need every single hairbrush? DNA collecting? Are the survivors clones?

Locke continues to be my favourite. They could've gone "scary survivalist nutjob" but right now he's the good guy, a slightly weird knive-fetishist good guy, but still.

Sawyer continues to be King Asshole.

Something I'm thinking on: What if the island is Fantasy Island? Put this way, what if everyone is being given the chance to be something they always wanted? I've posted something similar before, however:

Locke gets his legs. What I think he also got was mad survival and knife throwing skillz. Jack? He gets turned into Captain America and has his head pumped full of 9 years worth of medical knowledge.

Or not: as people have said, Locke might've just picked up years of survival knowledge from readin' books in isolation. Jack's "nerves like angel hair pasta" could very well be something his dad said to him during one of his "be a man" speeches that he's repeating verbatim. I love the ambiguity of this. Connect with Locke's "I'm a guy who likes to live in the real world, Jack" except you don't. Everyone on this island seems to be stepping into an ideal. So is the island just feeding their illusions, or is it stripping away the grime of ages to reveal bare inner truth, inner self?

Locke > Hunter, Jack > Leader, Mercutio > Father, Kate > Innocent.

"We're being given a clean slate" (prior episode). The Island of Renunciation?

"I looked into the eye of this island, and it was beautiful". Locke is Faust. Sawyer is Lucifer. Mark it.
waxy dan
07:41 / 02.09.05
I was kinda seeing Locke as a John the Baptist to Jack's Christ.

I really hope the monster isn't a Vorlon/Monster from the Id/Solaris/etc. it's been done to death (it always makes for a fun story with lots of great character arcs; but... it's been done to death).
Evil Scientist
09:13 / 02.09.05
I'm wondering if Ozzie pregnant girl was pregnant before she got on the flight? Has this been seen in any of the terrestrial episode flashbacks yet? You would have thought someone would remember if she hadn't. But I'm curious.

Is it just me though, or isn't it supposed to be a terrible idea to wash in salt water? They've all been bathing in the sea since episode one and not a salt sore between them.

No zoid action this week. I like that they don't come smashing though the forest every episode.
21:04 / 02.09.05
I hope Charlie doesn't run out of those migraine tablets he's taking

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