I've just downloaded issue two (you can find a torrent with it in here, and if you use the Azuereus bittorrent client you can choose to only download Liberality and not the actual good comics)
When I first heard about this series I thought it was a funny little curiosity, a so-bad-it's-good thing, maybe even a clever joke about the Right's persecution complex. Issue two has convinced me otherwise.
This shit is warped.
The key scene in this issue, for me at least, is Sean Hannity surviving an assassination- killing two Islamofascist terrorists who attack him with Saracen swords (!), pouring pig's blood over one of his attackers (!!) and proceeding to attach pig skin to said attacker with a nailgun (!!!). Now, everybody has the right to defend themselves, but religiously-motivated torture of an already wounded assailant is several giant leaps too far.
I'm seriously considering e-mailing Mike Mackay, and even Sean Hannity- nobody deserves to be portrayed as a sadistic, torturing racist. I'll keep you informed if I get a reply from either party. |