Looking forward to seeing young uncle P go a bit green as he tries to finish a fat Havana. I take it NG will be smoking hers over a very large G&T.
Funnily enough, I started telling her about getting some Havanas, and she immediately said "I'm going to have a huge fucking G&T!" So you know, I think you might just be right.
P will be grinning like a nut when he sees the baby, I reckon. All fambly members are going a bit nutso, to be honest. Is pretty nice to see their various insanities synchronize for once.
Tom, you've just flicked my empathy switch - I'm feeling nervous and excited for you.
Awwww, save it for yourself, man. I really do wish you the best of luck.
Oh, and my nervousness is mostly gone, now just ready to meet the damn baby! I'm horrible at waiting, being the kid that always managed to find/wheedle/moan and get a present before X-Mas, but no matter how much I want it, this baby is staying put until he or she is damn well ready to arrive.
I think it's indicative that one of the only obvious personality traits we've felt about the baby so far is stubbornness. Must take after mom. Or dad.
Let us know when it's safe to come round and we can have a barb-themed celebration. I excel at standing around uncomfortably in the presence of babies, and also at cigar smoking so it's win-win for me.
Would be nice! We'll see, because breastfeeding with visitors can be awkward, so a party might have to wait. However, we will have you 'round to feel uncomfortable near the infant, be sure of that.
Hey, I'm a member of team pregnant and I'm only 29.
Heck, I'm only 24.
And remember, on no account complain about standing around or how your arm aches from holding NG's hand or any other minor quibbles that pale into insignificance in the face of having to push a baby out of your body.
No, because I'd like to keep functioning limbs. NG when really angry is enough to scare off Ancient Evils From Beyond Time and Space (IA! IA!), seriously.
Ah, but Tom'll be able to cheat with talk of labour, and living breathing babies, and suchlike.
All I got is anxiety, a sickly girlfriend, and a fetus.
Yeah, but after six-or-so months of constantly worrying, it starts to die down. NG and I are quite lucky, in that our baby seems to be a lot more active than most - a good sign for it's health - so we know it's doing fine. But seriously, just try to relax, because being stressed does not help whatsoever. I know it's easier said than done, but meditation or relaxation exercises can work wonders.
A quick aside...
It's Tom Tit Tot. You can shorten it to Tom, or TTT, but I just wanted to note this, because I think once the baby is born we'll call it Nobody's Tot. 
I also have to say, parents treat you differently once you're about become "one of them". It's a bit like Freaks, and it's scary (gooble gobble!) to think that you get inducted into this obnoxious, exclusive club just because you reproduce. I think this contributes to older people treating Homo- or Bi- sexual people without children like they themselves are children or immature. It's kinda upsetting.
Just an observation.
Oh, and I am so buying that Alligator Baby book. Sweet. |