I feel somewhat bad about signing up for this whole thing with great intentions of spreading good will and cheer throughout Barbelith via the postal system, but then just kind of forgetting about the whole thing.
To remedy that I've decided to offer up a mixtape to whoever wants it. I've been working on a no-wave/noise/post-punk mix for a handful of friends, but it's shaping up so nicely I decided it would be a crime not to offer it up to the rest of the world. So long as demand isn't too high (and I doubt it will be), I'll probably include a little picture or illustration or collage or poem or surprise or whatnot with each CD I send out too.
so if you like your music noisy, and you're a member of the Dance Card (or heck, even if you're not) send me a PM and I'd be happy to send you a copy.
P.S. the mixtape isn't actually complete yet, and everytime I think I'm finished I stumble upon another band or album or compilation that I want to include something from on the tape. so it might take another week or two or three, just fyi. |