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The Barbelith Dance Card


Page: 1234(5)

00:48 / 21.04.06
I'm sorry. I really am. But i couldn't resist...

"it's probably not the best idea to plan such a thing seriously on an open forum, "

Quoted "without comment"...

*wink wink*
03:23 / 16.05.06
I feel somewhat bad about signing up for this whole thing with great intentions of spreading good will and cheer throughout Barbelith via the postal system, but then just kind of forgetting about the whole thing.

To remedy that I've decided to offer up a mixtape to whoever wants it. I've been working on a no-wave/noise/post-punk mix for a handful of friends, but it's shaping up so nicely I decided it would be a crime not to offer it up to the rest of the world. So long as demand isn't too high (and I doubt it will be), I'll probably include a little picture or illustration or collage or poem or surprise or whatnot with each CD I send out too.

so if you like your music noisy, and you're a member of the Dance Card (or heck, even if you're not) send me a PM and I'd be happy to send you a copy.

P.S. the mixtape isn't actually complete yet, and everytime I think I'm finished I stumble upon another band or album or compilation that I want to include something from on the tape. so it might take another week or two or three, just fyi.
11:57 / 16.05.06
Me! Me! No-Wave Dance Card me!
16:50 / 16.05.06
I'd like one too! Please?
Char Aina
18:05 / 16.05.06
that sounds awesome, dude.
18:18 / 16.05.06
I PMed Anna, but I don't know if I'll get a response. Anybody want to e-mail me some info? So that I might partake in the fun?
19:30 / 16.05.06
people are interested!

feverfew - it doesn't appear that you're on the dance card, but PM me with your address and I'd be happy to send you one too

oh yeah, and speaking of the mixtape never being finished because I keep finding new stuff - I found some BRAZILLIAN no-wave/noise-rock/post-punk comps last night... some of that will almost certainly be making it's way on to the disc
mondo a-go-go
16:59 / 20.10.06
I seem to have had a ton of PMs about this from ages ago (I should point out that I really dislike the PM system on this place, but am equally rubbish about checking my email) so I thought I'd bump this thread.


I'd love to see it start again, I just don't want to do all the work. If someone else sorts it out, groovy. If not, then it dies again, sorry. Things seem to get swapped okay on here without it...
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:07 / 20.10.06
I feel bad because I was one of the ones who bothered her.

Oh dear.
19:55 / 20.10.06
Right. I was utterly pants at this dancecard thing and put no effort in whatsoever. I got a puzzle card from Grant and I have no scanner so I didn't scan it, but now I have a lovely camera so I will take a picture and upload it to Flickr.

Anna, I think this went by the wayside because it was soooo complicated, what with lists and mail outs and all that lot. If there is an address list, why don't we just keep that and if a new person wants to join then it becomes their responsibility to add their name to the list and mail it to everyone else on the list?

I don't even know if the list has my new address on. How do I find out?
13:35 / 21.10.06
Just finished reading this thread and am gagging for the chance to spread postcard joy 'lithwide. Can some one PM me the last list and I'll pm my details to those on the list. I'd love to play too and I agree with Lula on the complexity thing.
19:43 / 21.10.06
Aha! I have found the list in my mailbox and my details are correct on it.

Redtara, PM me your email address and I'll send the list I have here to you.
19:49 / 21.10.06
Yes. The new people plan should work I think.

If Redtara adds herself then she can mail the updated list to everyone and that way the up to date list stays in circulation but Anna doesn't have to do it. Same goes for anyone on it. If you need to amend the list or remove yourself or whatever, then it's your responsibility to send it on to everyone else.
22:51 / 23.10.06
Done and done, ta Lula.
10:18 / 25.10.06
Could you send me the list too?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:02 / 25.10.06
I'll take a list and add my name to it.
14:12 / 25.10.06
me too!

I'll PM you my email?
19:04 / 25.10.06
Right ok. Just this once I'll add people if they email me their details, but I'm not taking on the task forever. Redtara can you email me the list back and I'll add everyone before I send it out?

Everyone: The idea is that you ask someone to send you the list and you add yourself and then you send it on to everyone on the list. That way it doesn't become one person's chore. But as I say, since we are trying to resurrect this, I'll add Kali, Eirdandfracar and xk just this once. Anyone else who wants to be added will have to have the list sent to them to add thirselfs.

As a point of reference I have removed Paranoidwriter because he has been banned from Barbelith. Elsewhere on the internet a friend of his has recently been making veiled threats to some members of the site, so I would be unhappy about sending PW an updated list of people's addresses. Anyway the point is moot because it's a Barbelith thing and Paranoidwriter is no longer a member of the board.

Is that OK with everyone here?
19:06 / 25.10.06
Absolutely fine by me. (In fact, if you WERE sending him people's addresses, I'd have myself removed).

The way I understand it is that people originally on the list are still there, yes? (With that obvious exception).

THIS time I promise I'll actually try to send stuff. Nice though all the stuff I got sent was, I'm not sure I could live with the guilt again...
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:06 / 25.10.06
Fine with me.
19:14 / 25.10.06
Hey Lula I havn't received the list. Did I give you my hotmail address or my .org version? I have only been checking hotmail, off with tooth ache!
19:17 / 25.10.06
I emailed PW and told him about not getting the dance card.
19:37 / 25.10.06
Redtara, I did send it. Will send it again and PM you to check I have sent it to the right place...
19:48 / 25.10.06
Eirdandfracar and Kali, can you PM me your emails and your actual street addresses please?
Char Aina
00:11 / 31.01.07
dance card action!
i have no idea who that was, but that was ace.
thank you!
Ninjas make great pets
12:00 / 06.02.07

big thanks for the CD.. I'm guessing that was you TeN (only real name was on the box not lith name so hope not offending anyone if it wasn't you)

Bit of a cultural exchange on that CD - it's not like anything I'd check out myself. This is a good thing. I'm still listening/checking it out. THANK YOU
14:12 / 06.02.07
Is THIS where that came from? I've been listening to it in awe in my car, staring at the address, going, "I KNOW I've seen that address in that writing before...."

That thing is great. The right kind of mystery.

US Teens are Spoiled Bums.
13:19 / 07.02.07
I got one as well and wasn't sure who it was from either. I quite like it and plan to listen to it more. Thanks TeN!
17:08 / 11.03.07
So, how's this going?
17:53 / 11.03.07
In terms of what Princess? It's kind of an ongoing thing...
18:05 / 11.03.07
Well that's kind of answered my question
I just wanted to know whether people where still sending stuff out.

Now I've just got to read through the thread and see how I can get involved.
18:11 / 11.03.07
Ah, just found the bit on the wiki. All is now clear.

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