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Doctor Who spoilers thread


Page: 12(3)

10:05 / 06.07.06
I just hope they aren't Daleks who escaped the end of season one

Back to my still uninformed speculation that the falling star in Age of Steel is that dimension's Dalek escape pod.
Whisky Priestess
10:15 / 06.07.06
Ah, so we've moved on from "the new companion looks shit and will cause a massive popularity slump for the next series" to "the new companion is untested"? That's a lot less difficult to agree with.

No, Fly, my opinion of her hasn't changed, I'm just expanding on it and explaining why I think the above, as requested in the other thread. Freema's not (completely) untested. I've seen her act, she didn't blow me away, and I have my doubts about her ability to fill some pretty big boots.

OK, end of self-justification. Normal service may resume.

I suppose I just want Captain Jack or similar back. I think it's time the Doctor got a male companion (and then that would set the stage for Tilda Swinton to be female Doctor #11) - a girl can dream ...
10:35 / 06.07.06
I think that any Doctor/companion relationship is going to struggle to hit the heights of Eccleston/Piper... and I speak as one who was initially unconvinced by what seemed like Mel-esque stunt casting.

Tennant/Piper has for me suffered in part because of that. I'm wondering, in fact, if having a new companion will help Tennant to move out of the shadow somewhat (although it seems the viewing public is not having this problem so much). I wasn't slain by the new bug in Army of Ghosts, but, as I say, I'm happy to blame the script for that, at least for now. Has anyone seen her in anything else?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:44 / 06.07.06
Computer says just a few episodes of The Bill and Casualty. I doubt her performance last Saturday is enough to judge her by, there's a whole world of difference between a redshirt performance and someone with a proper role...
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:46 / 06.07.06
Agree that the Piper/Tennant combo has hit a few bum notes and that that's one reason why I might be excited about the prospect of a new companion, whoever it is. I dunno, this could go in the other thread, but it always felt like Doctor Nine had found Rose at a point where he was shellshocked and lonely and needed a friend, hench his almost immediate fierce attachment to her was very plausible, whereas Ten can't quite sell a line like "If there's one thing I believe in, it's her!"

Um... Again not sure if this goes in this thread or the other, but food for all those people who think Finch = the Master - when the oil gets spilt on the Kryllitane (sp? God knows), it hisses and burns them and they all start screaming, but he just looks pissed off, i.e. maybe he really isn't their species. Hmmm.
10:54 / 06.07.06
This is my hope. If I were a young black actress (and who knows, there's still time...) who turned up to audition for the role of first-to-the-floor, I might not be giving it all my welly.
13:53 / 06.07.06
Theory for the last episode (based on brain power and the trailer from last week): I think Rose's "death" is misinformation and she stays on earth as along with Mickey her dad has popped over from Earth:Cyber and she gets the nuclear family she's been craving for. There's a bit in the trailer where Pete is shouting "You never listened..." (or something like that, it has been five days since I saw it) and I recokn he's taking to "our" Jackie.
The "death" is of the old life/adventure of Rose. With mom and (alternative) dad she has too much to lose to go back to the high-jinks of her and the Doctor.

Just a thought...
Mister Six, whom all the girls
14:48 / 06.07.06
Adam, I agree that her 'death' will probably be much like what you say but... it's terribly lame and nonsensical at the same time.

If that's her 'death' then in the intro to last week as she mentioned her death she should have been holding up a pair of finger paranthesis.

It's like the best thing that Wolverine does is auto repair. Hey, it's certainly messy... what? did you think he killed people?? Oh God! Never!
Mister Six, whom all the girls
14:50 / 06.07.06
Adam, just to be clear I'm not saying your idea is lame.

I think your theory is spot on and that it's signposted in the episode. It's RTD's lame-ness I'm calling here.
Lama glama
18:38 / 06.07.06
Gah. I hope she doesn't "die." That would be such an enormous cop out. It was revealed on today's Totally Doctor Who (what? Why are you looking at me like that?) that the four Daleks that emerged from the Void Ship will have individual names. I predict biblical names, to tie in with the whole genesis ark schtick.
18:49 / 06.07.06
I think 'Fred' would be a good name for a Dalek.

Mister Six, whom all the girls
19:21 / 06.07.06
Fred, Alistair, Ginger and Sniffles have arrived to destroy all life.
Lama glama
20:51 / 06.07.06
From the Wikipedia: An article in The Times speculates that, since Agyeman has martial arts skills, she may have "a more physical approach" to the role.

Have Martha doing aikido! Venusian aikido!
01:50 / 07.07.06
Fred, Alistair, Ginger and Sniffles have arrived to destroy all life.

07:04 / 07.07.06
Venusian aikido!

Is that the one where your opponent attacks you, you go with their attack, and then you wait several thousand years before the planet you're both on is destroyed by a fatal build-up of greenhouse gases?
11:29 / 07.07.06
the four Daleks that emerged from the Void Ship will have individual names

Finally Eddie Izzard's Steve the dalek gets his TV debut.

And thank you for the kind words Mister Six. Let's just hope RTD riases to the occasion and does something wonderful with the ending...
Mister Six, whom all the girls
11:38 / 07.07.06
Adam, he's done quite well (in places) this year so RTD might surprise me. I just recall looking forward to everything connecting last year and the resolution to the Bad Wolf mystery felt SO ham-fisted that I was deflated.

My expectations are much lower this year.

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