there is an escape.
wouldnt you feel like a prick if you died before you got to do everything that you've read about, though?
why not immerse yourself ordinary people and their oh-so-mundane lives in an effort to stimulate your creativity?
you could be an agent of goth in a world of norm, cracking open that wierd world once and for all.
it would be a project, wouldnt it?
and it would give you something to pretend you were busying yourself with, wouldnt it?
it might even help you realise that the having sex/friends thing is not a standard to be attained for fucking acceptance or respect.
people reccomend you make friends and fuck people for the benefits to you and the possible effect upon your mood, not so that you can be in the friends and fucking gang.
If anything my life needs less of the mundane.
which is why you should give serious thought to how fucking boring it can get when folks give advice only to be asked for it time and time again as if they havent said anything.
i dunno.
you'll prolly dismiss what i say because i said fuck once or twice and you can therefore assume i hate you and am out to get you.
feel free to do so.
i am not.
if you buck the trend and decide to listen to people, and maybe even me, then here's my advice.
an actual plan of action.
open your holy bible up and remove the CD. using both hands, break it in half and mount its corpse on your wall and put it where your eyes will fall on it every time you get out of bed. keep it there until you have bought five new albums by five different artists or waited 6 months, whichever takes you longer.
after this time, take it down.
smash it into as many tiny pieces as you can and then straight away take a bus into town. when there, get someone attractive that you have never met before to buy you a new copy. give hir the money, but make hir buy it for you.
the first person you ask might not say yes, but it wont take long to find someone who will.
persevere, and reflect upon the nature of the exercise as you do so.
as a writer it should be fairly simple to concoct a reasonable excuse for making the person buy it, and i think it important that it is your invention.
once you have the CD in your possesion or have spent two hours walking round town(whichever is longer), go back home.
when you get there, play every album you have bought since the begining of this exercise once through while destroying the case from your original copy of the holy bible.
then, and only then, you can listen to the holy bible again. make sure you keep the volume no higher than you had the other albums.(i'd just play them all really loud, if i was you.)
you should do this while burning the original sleeve notes and keeping a pen and paper handy.
write down anything that comes into your head while listening, but dont worry if your mind stays clear.
once through, then leave it. dont listen to it again that day.
once you're done, PM me.
or dont, if you'd rather not.
you'll be a new man, regardless.
try to resist the urge to just explain to me why it would all be too much for you, and dont tell me that you cant live without the manics for six months. well okay, say what you like. but if you say either of those things i think we can both tell you are talking shit.
feel free to ignore all my advice, but also feel free to realise that if you do, that will be EXACTLY why i'll be so harsh on you and everyone else'll post monkeys.
because of your actions, or lack thereof.
your actions which you can change at any time, starting NOW.
roxette is fucking SPOT ON, lad(ie)s.
well done, i had almost forgotten about them.
'the look' kicked the most ass.
the most. |