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Possible breach of etiquette Lateshift


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01:39 / 01.04.05
You ever notice that Demons backwards is Snomed?

It's like trying to pronounce "Snowmen" with a cold. Which would make sense seeing as it'd be Winter.

Demons is just Demons because obviously it'd be far to hot where they come from to have a cold and I don't think that sweat affects pronunciation much.
electric monk
01:49 / 01.04.05
Unless they're snow demons. With icicle teeth. And bad tempers due to leaky galoshes.
01:57 / 01.04.05
That must be where the SUPER HOTT HENTAI PICKXS!!!!1! come in handy.
Saint Keggers
01:57 / 01.04.05
I love that word. Galoshes. Its such a happy sounding word!
electric monk
02:02 / 01.04.05
Its such a happy sounding word!

So's 'hentai'.

'S bondage for barnyard fowl, yeah?

Happy happy kinky chickens at their shitty chicken gang bang.
02:06 / 01.04.05
I'm just happy nobody noticed the distinctly Freudian "come in handy" at the end of my last post.

I can understand why Leaky Galoshes would be nasty for a Demon Snowman, though. There would be nothing to catch themselves in when the sun comes out.
Saint Keggers
02:10 / 01.04.05
Oh it was noticed.
Saint Keggers
02:11 / 01.04.05
Well folks Im going to call it an evening...

g'night alls
02:12 / 01.04.05
I think all this talk of Hentai has got you going...

Fare thee well, Keggers. Fare thee well.
electric monk
02:13 / 01.04.05
And we'll discuss it at length with your neighbors, conservative relatives, and daycare providers.

So anyway...sole-less snow demons...
electric monk
02:16 / 01.04.05
'Night Keggers. Pleasant creams. DREAMS! I meant dreams.
02:17 / 01.04.05
...and the cartoon girls who love them.

Best Jenny Jones ever.
electric monk
02:19 / 01.04.05
For my money, nothing beats that time Geraldo Rivera got his nose turned inside out by a flying chair.
02:21 / 01.04.05
Think I missed that one.

Was it a flying demon chair?
electric monk
02:32 / 01.04.05
Yeees, 'twas a flying demon chair. Scaly backrest, riding a horse-headed snake, the whole caboodle. They had to consult the Lesser Key of Solomon's Furniture Outlet for the proper sigil to bring it under control. As they cast it back into the Pit, it uttered this curse on young Rivera: "Thou shalt ne'er get rid of thine mustache and shalt always walk in leaky galoshes!"
02:38 / 01.04.05
And ye be doomed to forever induce vomiting in the viewing public by overuse of a creepy kissing fingers/peace sign gesture....

DO NOT fuck with demon chairs.

Well that's me off too. Sorry monk.

Bet you that sly lekvar will still be lurking about, meek and timid. If you can flush hir out and trap hir, you'll be fine.
electric monk
02:43 / 01.04.05
G'night 'dreen.

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