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On the Night Shift, oooohhhh!


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Saint Keggers
22:12 / 22.03.05
Ketamine sounds like a catfood brand.
22:12 / 22.03.05
Hehe, sounds jolly good Benny!
22:13 / 22.03.05
The Stoat's Filthy Lesson
The Stoat's Filthy Lesson
The Stoat's Filthy Lesson
Falls upon deaf ears
Falls upon dead ears

It's a Bowie song. Sort of.
22:15 / 22.03.05
How many songs have you posted Mistoff? It actually scares me a little..
Saint Keggers
22:15 / 22.03.05
Oh I did indeed catch the reference... I just NEED to know what the lesson is.
22:15 / 22.03.05
Three drinks only, Keggers? Wow. You are getting old.

And so am I,

Benny, I am thrilled for you. You must be so excited. Love is such a wonderful thing. I wish you all the best, and I cannot wait to find out how things transpire when you pop the question.
22:16 / 22.03.05
Each time I hit refresh there are 3 new posts.. Im getting all dizzy..
22:18 / 22.03.05
I am sure my cat is on ketamine.

Okay, time to go now, with my new friend for birthday dinner and maybe a drink. I am not feeling like drinking.

*scratches head*

Must be an age thing.

Anyway, my actual Birthday is on the 24th, not today, but my friend is working on Thursday and so am I.
22:19 / 22.03.05
Oh, the ACTUAL lesson?

It's.. um... geography.

Only, y'know... filthy.
22:20 / 22.03.05
Dont worry, itll go away, have fun
Saint Keggers
22:20 / 22.03.05
Yes, I am getting old. Thats me. Crazy Old Keggers. Just sitting on my porch screaming obscenities at the pedestrians. At least I dont have fourty cats...yet.
22:22 / 22.03.05
exactly what does filthy geography entail?
22:22 / 22.03.05
Filthy geography? like the way Italy is shaped like a dominatrix's boot? Or filthy as in "covered with filth?"

'Evening everybody. Happy birthday, Strix.
22:23 / 22.03.05
Knowing how to find Piddle-on-the-Wold on a map
22:23 / 22.03.05
It's looking at maps and going "ooh! that peninsula looks like a willy". Probably.
22:23 / 22.03.05
Grab a map. Look at norway. Now thats filthy,,
22:23 / 22.03.05
And, of course, knowing that Cockermouth is in Cumbria.
Saint Keggers
22:24 / 22.03.05
Have fun Strix! Happy early B-day!
22:25 / 22.03.05
Lake Titicaca!
22:26 / 22.03.05
Right, time to really hardcore with the vinyl rips. Abba time. It had to happen sometime, let's just hope they're scratched.
22:26 / 22.03.05
Ohh.. this is even better than the infamous lexx shower scene..
Brigade du jour
22:29 / 22.03.05
Which Lexx shower scene? The one where she's on her own and on the ship, or the one where she's in a women's prison in Texas (guest starring Craig Charles and Hattie Hayridge)?
Saint Keggers
22:30 / 22.03.05
Whats the infamous Lexx Shower Scene???
22:32 / 22.03.05
You havent seen the lexx shower scene?! Its fantastic I tell you.. Its on the spaceship, Zed is showering and you can surely picture the rest..
22:32 / 22.03.05
The really infamous one was in one of the two-hour movies that made up the "first" series. Course, that was the original Zev (who spelled her name with a Z).

Note to self: must get out more.
22:33 / 22.03.05
Hopefully nothing like the Enterprise shower scene. With the dog. Ugh.
22:34 / 22.03.05
Thats the one Stoat
Brigade du jour
22:36 / 22.03.05
Does no one else remember the prison one, then?
22:37 / 22.03.05
Oh dear. My recessive gay genes have kicked in again. No wonder I'm single when my parents let me listen to this album (Super Trouper) so much when I was seven... I feel I should stop recording but my hetero genes are being completist and Hornby-like and forcing me to record everything I own. You think drinking is bad. Try dealing with an Audacity habit.
22:37 / 22.03.05
Yeah, but it wasn't as good. Although it was Xenia, and in that season she had dreads. Which was nice.
Brigade du jour
22:39 / 22.03.05
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. And she's the one you met in person, Stoat? I may have to shake your hand. It'd be the closest I've got to sex in a while.
22:40 / 22.03.05
Dreads are good
22:40 / 22.03.05
I'm dreading the day I sit down to convert my vinyl to CD/MP3. My collection isn't huge, but it's big enough to eat a month of weekends when the time comes. And it'll have to come soon, too. I've been getting the itch for some of my old faves from the graves, some of which isn't available on CD...
22:41 / 22.03.05
Have I told you the story about being in a lift with Alice Krige and not recognising her? Maybe later.
22:42 / 22.03.05
Ahh.. Soon finished downloading Flash Gordon, is it as good as some people would like me to believe?

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