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On the Night Shift, oooohhhh!


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Benny the Ball
21:56 / 17.03.05
I get to start one, fantastic.

I'm drunk and full of kebabish stuff.

Hello all.
22:08 / 17.03.05
I'm drunk>?? You'rwe drunk!

Just spent ethe evening with mates. Luverrly booze! Got sonmme badges and a hat and EVERTYRTHING

22:14 / 17.03.05
Damn, was just about to start this. And Im not even drunk. Now tell me, is that fair?
22:21 / 17.03.05
It's appaling!

SMASH your mp!
the Fool
22:21 / 17.03.05
I was drunk, now I'm at work. Its all so yesterday...
22:23 / 17.03.05
I should really get to bed. But I wont.
the Fool
23:01 / 17.03.05
At least drink some water... be kind to your head in tomorrow land. A lesson I shoulda learned by now... *groan*
Benny the Ball
23:07 / 17.03.05
Was just watching Anchorman, but housemate fell asleep and his mate wanted to sleep, so I went to bed to leave the sofa free for his mate. Guinness, Murphy's and shooter cocktails make me feel nice.
23:07 / 17.03.05
Yeah.. Im getting up in 4.5 hours.. Damned computer with your entertainment..
23:27 / 17.03.05
Oh well. Since the large amount of obscure german dwarf porn consumed over the last 4 hours have failed to bewilder me or even slightly confuse me in any way or form, I am now going to bed. Good night
Liger Null
00:19 / 18.03.05
"obscure German dwarf porn?"

Post a link!

Images...that's what I eat.
the Fool
01:10 / 18.03.05
"obscure German dwarf porn?"

Why do I get disturbing images of snow white and the seven dwarves??? mmmm...
18:47 / 18.03.05
Because it turns you on, fool..
tom-karika nukes it from orbit
20:56 / 18.03.05
I too am drunk. I have a bag of jelly babies, a return ticket to Waterloo with a zone 1-2 travel card, and I've just answered a question on repair of synaptic tissue in the lab.

Is this ethical?
Benny the Ball
21:11 / 18.03.05
Yes, totally.

I am a little drunk, and a bit too full, and my room is a little too hot, and I haven't been sleeping too well of late, so I'm a little groggy. But I did get some sleep last night! I love waking up at four in the morning face down on the lap-top!
21:29 / 18.03.05
I was treated for the first time to corned tofu and cabbage last night.
I can tell you with some certainty that that dish is a primary factor in Ireland's failure to ever achieve Empire.
Grey Area
21:39 / 18.03.05
The Irish had tofu? Whodathunkit.

Evening all. My fingers are sore from pencilling all afternoon on stuff to go into the wandering notebook, I'm not drunk but I've a bottle of Hobgoblin open. Generally feeling very pleased with myself and all. How's everyone else?
Alex's Grandma
21:48 / 18.03.05
B the B - so did you pop the question yet, or what ? And if so, how did it go ?
21:53 / 18.03.05
Grey Area, my SO and I don't do the red meat thing so we had to improvise. Next year she's gonna make it with seitan. (wheat gluten)

Grey Area
21:55 / 18.03.05
Seitan can be good, when prepared properly...but I think you'll need more than a year of mental preparation to get used to the idea of having it with cabbage.
22:00 / 18.03.05
Frankly I think I'm gonna need more than a year to get used to corned anything and cabbage. Any Irish roots I have are so far removed that they are, for all intents and purposes, nonexistant.

Boiled food? Thanks, I'll pass.
Grey Area
22:07 / 18.03.05
Eh, boiling is one of those culinary techniques which can be good, but is often overdone. Boiled cabbage however is a vile and noxious substance that should be limited to use in riot control situations...
23:44 / 18.03.05
Anybody still about?

Hangover day today. Salsa dancing 23rd birthday for a friend, nothing to do with dear old St. Paddy. Smoked a lot. Shouldn't have. I don't smoke and my lungs have been paying the price all day. Yurgh.
23:50 / 18.03.05
Salsa, now that's what I call food.
23:58 / 18.03.05
Yeah. The only problem is that it has to be boiled to stop it dancing sos you can eat it.

How's things down lekvar way?
00:11 / 19.03.05
It's all smooth & creamy around these parts, barring the fact that I'm at work. I'm thinking I've gotta start taking some dancing lessons. Improv is all well and good, but couples just look so good when they're pulling off some rediculously cool tango move, or swing twirl.
00:14 / 19.03.05
Oh, and I've found that braising or sauteing salsa dancers works every bit as well as boiling,so long as you take them off the heat at the right time.
00:23 / 19.03.05
Salsa dancers look as if they're always on heat.

I know what you mean about needing lessons. I can't tell my Salsa from my Sour Cream, and everybody else just looks so smoooooth and sexy.

The night I was at does lessons for the first half then the dancefloor opens up for the second half. Problem is that the floor's packed when the lessons are going on and it's hard to practice your step-to-the-left when there aint-no-left-to-step-to.

Then, when the floor opens up and a lot of people sit down, the best Salsa dancers from Glasgow and Edinburgh take charge, leaving you looking rather foolish.

So I passed up on the exercise and I sat. And drank. And smoked. And now I pay the price.
00:46 / 19.03.05
I went to a swing lesson like that. 50 couples desperately trying to keep their feet to themselves. Then the (disgustingly young and good-looking) dance instructor sweeps the ladies of the class off their feet. The boys lean against the walls and tee each other how much better they could do it.

Swing may no longer be the thing here, but I made myself a promise when I was a kid that I would learn how to jitterbug, and jitterbug I shall.
00:54 / 19.03.05
I've always been in love with swing, but up until now it's been an unrequited love. I've stared at it from afar, only to turn away and blush when it slings a suggestive eye my way. I used to play Double Bass back in school, I think that's where I got the taste for it but sadly I'm totally out of practice on that too. I keep meaning to pick it back up again though.
01:04 / 19.03.05
Is the Double Bass the same as a doghouse, bull fiddle, upright or standup? If yes, you have my utmost respect. I am desparate to get my hands on an upright.
01:16 / 19.03.05

Christ, if you could hear the wistful sighs on this side of my computer right now...

I'd love to get back in touch with my old teacher (she was the best teacher I had for anything in school), but it's an expensive instrument to play and my current funds just won't support it.
01:37 / 19.03.05
evening all. I'd love a double bass, right now, but I'd settle for a double whisky.
01:39 / 19.03.05
I've found a cheap & dirty chinese upright for only$599 usd and I have to constantly fight the urge to skip a rent payment and buy a bass. I've got an excellent electric rig, but I'd love to be able to shed the electric chord from time to time. And let's face it, NOTHING is as cool as an acoustic bass player.

I've even considered getting a cello as a methadone-style craving cessation.

The good news, for me, is my best friend is a luthier. He's promised to look into the possibility of making me a bass. It'd probably be something similar to a stood-up washtub bass, but I'm not going to be picky about it.
01:49 / 19.03.05
Hello alas, it's all about the Double Bass and the Double Whiskey together. You take drinks whenever you spin the Bass around on the spot.

I would if I could.
But I can't.

Now you guys have me listening to The Hot Club of Cowtown, again, for a quick fix. This is bad for me. Have you ever seen somebody play Air Bass whilst gently weeping?

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