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Joss Whedon's Wonder Woman


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13:48 / 12.09.05
more from Whedon...

>> According to Superhero Hype, director Joss Whedon talked to Australia's ABC Radio National about his plans for Themiscira's Finest. "We'll meet a Wonder Woman who is similar to the one from the original comics and from the TV series to an extent," said Whedon. "Neither of them are really a template. I've never loved the comics and I didn't watch the television series, but I loved the character very much." He also said, "she doesn't really understand this world, she's very strong but she's also very naive. She's not quite as little as the girls I'm used to writing, but she's definitely one of them in the sense of she'll undergo that kind of baptism of fire that used to be relegated to the male gender. She'll have to come into the world and see how corrupt it is and learn to deal with it and with her own powers. She is kind of, in a way, the grandma of everything I've been writing my whole life, so it makes sense that we should meet."
Lord Morgue
12:32 / 13.09.05
I always thought actress/comedienne Julie Saunders, AKA Fury from Australian Gladiators had potential...
Lord Morgue
09:13 / 15.09.05
Hmm, nah. Not a good picture of her, looks like Cher all buffed out and pumped up on shit.
16:41 / 22.09.05
more from comics 2 film:


There's more Whedon whimsy at, where he guarantees that while Diana may not crack wise, his signature dialogue will make an appearance. "Wonder Woman's perspective is very serious. But that's what's so funny about her. She doesn't understand the word. She's a fish, and this is a phrase that I've just come up with, who is outside of the water because she's so pure and so focused that she comes to a world that is so compromised that she understands nothing about, of course there's going to be humor. And she's also an intelligent woman, but she's not a wisecracker. But at the same time, she's not going to miss an opportunity."

(back to Finder) I also read somewhere that Whedon recently said he had some really cool ideas for new spins on the invisible plane and the lasso.
13:33 / 01.11.05
comics2film sez:

>> In an interview with Suicide Girls, director Joss Whedon talks about updating Princess Diana's look. "We're definitely have a nicer look than that," Whedon said. "It will be the Wonder Woman silhouette, but the star spangled adult diapers are gone. Wonder Woman is going to have major special effects because she's Wonder Woman. Joel and I are very much on the same page about how big this movie is and what kind of movie it is. I'm not worried about any conflict there. But with Joel, he wakes up and there's conflict but it's the good kind. The kind that makes good movies."
Bard: One-Man Humaton Hoedown
02:33 / 03.11.05
star spangled adult diapers

Somehow that explains SO much.
Phex: Dorset Doom
02:42 / 03.11.05
I always thought they were hot-pants myself; more modest than regular panties but allowing for maximum mobility. But if the man who wrote Astonishing X-men says they're diapers, then diapers they are.
Bard: One-Man Humaton Hoedown
20:17 / 03.11.05
Apparently toilet training is not emphasized on Themyscira.

Joss Whedon reveals new aspects of Amazonian culture with every conversation...


To be honest, I always found it hard to believe that Wonder Woman was able to be serious while wearing that outfit. I mean...its silly. Its the sort of thing that you'd wear for the 4th of July swimsuit special edition of Sports Illustrated. And its one of the few superhero costumes that hasn't really evolved since its inception. Wonder Woman today is wearing pretty much the same costume as she did half a century ago. Hell, even Superman's had at least a few costume revamps, and Batman now looks NOTHING like he did in his first appearence.

I think that's especially relevant for a modern take on the character. People just don't WEAR outfits like that anymore if they're serious. Hell, even Robin's stopped wearing the hotpants! And I think that's important to remember when presenting a character to a modern audience. Look at the X-Men costumes. They're basically sports bike racing leathers designed for impact resistance. Functional, superhero-looking, and yet a far cry from the silly yellow spandex that they always ended up wearing.

While the characters still need to recall their origins, so that old fans will come, to portray them to a larger audience the costumes need to be updated and modernized, if only to seem the logical thing to wear. You're going into a fight, the last thing you want to be wearing is your undergarments.
21:51 / 03.11.05

Yeah, that sucks.

But wait.

Also, costume creativity is not without its own fanboys:
Alex's Grandma
22:56 / 03.11.05
'She is kind of, in a way, the grandma of everything I've been writing my whole life, so it makes sense that we should meet.'

I'm perhaps being a bit over-sensitive about this, but why can't I get the image of Joss Whedon's ghastly, foaming tumnsecence approaching a prone form in a stair lift with a very, um, bad agenda, with a very, y'know, dark set of priorities, out of my mind?
16:55 / 15.02.06
comics 2 film:

>> IESB talked to creator Joss Whedon who put off more queries about who'd slip into the tiara. "We find out who is going to be Wonder Woman when they cast it," Whedon said. "I am finishing the script now, I am a few weeks away from a draft, they'll take a look at that and they'll either say this is absolutely perfect for Paul Sorvino or they'll say this sucks and hire somebody else, it's impossible to say but I think in a few weeks time they should get a sense of what I am doing in the movie and then we can start talking about casting." He did say something interesting about antagonists: "the villains are of my own creation. I don't think Wonder Woman has the greatest rogues gallery in the world so I created someone of my own for her to come up against. It has to do with Greek mythology and the roots that the original comic was built on."
19:45 / 15.02.06
Doctor Kerebos, the Three-Headed Nazi?
03:00 / 30.06.06
According to CBR they're talking to Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra to play Wonder Woman.

05:37 / 30.06.06
yeah, that works.
H3ct0r L1m4
16:25 / 30.06.06
in my nerd world, SURFACE's Lake Bell has been cast.

but I'm an awful at nerd-casting, so...
16:49 / 30.06.06
Wow. Ms. Chopra certainly looks the part.

I read an interview with Joss where he was bitching about working on the second draft of the script and said that he's been all kinds of grumbling jealous over Batman Begins and the economy of that script. I don't envy the guy. Wonder Woman would be a tough character to do.

Yeah. Here it is.
22:56 / 02.02.07
Wow. Whedon just left the projcet, as reported by Aint It Cool News. He basically said everyone at Warners' was cool and professional but that they didn't like his take on the script/character. Whedon envisioned one movie and the producers saw another. So the project goes in search of a new writer...
23:10 / 02.02.07
finally Whedon is free!!!
Now hopefully we'll get something out of him.
00:28 / 03.02.07
I hope he goes on to do something about empowered young girls with various issues. It's an area I don't think he's really covered before.
00:34 / 03.02.07
He could really push the boat out and make 'em wisecrackin'.

Seriously, 'tis a shame. I was kind of looking forward to this.
H3ct0r L1m4
02:43 / 05.02.07
previous to Wheddon being taken out of the project, that was some news regarding the studio buying a script from other writers that was set in the WW2 era...
14:25 / 05.02.07
right, but WB bought that script because they didn't want to be accused of plagarism if any elements they ended up using were similar to the WWII script. Whedon has stated that neither he nor WB wants to make a script that refers to Wonder Woman in WWII.

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