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Joss Whedon's Wonder Woman


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04:47 / 17.03.05
The news just broke that Joss Whedon is writing and directing the upcoming Wonder Woman movie. While I think it will probably be a really good movie, I'm a bit disappointed. On the one hand, because I was still holding out hope for some kind of Buffyverse followup, on the other because if we didn't get verse, I was hoping for an original script from Joss. I'll certainly be seeing it, and I assume he'll have some kind of cool spin on the character, but I can't help but be a bit disappointed.
06:27 / 17.03.05
Well I'm not.

Teh hooray!!111!!
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:38 / 17.03.05
I was really hoping for verse from Whedon. I'm a big fan of his 2004 effort "Elegy On The Cancellation of Angel: The Series".

So farewell then,
Angel. You were always
My broodiest character.
I admit
Season four
Was the best.
Brigade du jour
10:29 / 17.03.05
I couldn't see how a Wonder Woman movie could be made credible without delving into proper Amazonian history/mythology and exploring the role of physically powerful women in popular culture etc yet still be a knockout bag o' fun. Now I think it just might be possible.

Let me just climb off this fence before I turn into Trevor Brooking ...
Benny the Ball
10:35 / 17.03.05
I agree - would have to start like some Sword and Sandals epic - but it could all so easily become Hercules in New York...
12:56 / 17.03.05
Eh? Don't be silly.
14:11 / 17.03.05
God, I REALLY don't want Charisma Carpenter in the role, as many have speculated.

We need someone who looks majestic, regal, athletic, classic Greek statue beautiful looks, and who has that air about her.

I don't think Charisma fits that bill at all. Hopefully Joss won't choose friends over type.

But if anyone can pull off a WW movie, it'd be Whedon. Kudos to him for taking on the challenge. Diana is a hard character to really make work.
16:13 / 17.03.05
Which is why I think they might tell the story through Donna instead.
Benny the Ball
16:33 / 17.03.05
My fear was/is that it might play like a fish out of water scenario, which I hate (cheap laughs don't work in superhero films, the whole point is that heroes are in the real world as a given, yeah you'd be excited if you saw one, like a celeb, not that the real world suddenly finds themselves with heroes in it). Or they may try and get the Wonder Woman as superman (Secret ID bumbling fool that no one realises is the hero). Just get her as an amazingly powerful character in a world under threat and I'll be happy.
17:27 / 17.03.05
Actually, it'd be sweet if they had the woman going to play Lois Lane in the upcoming Superman flick interview Diana -as a celebrity. Princess Diana as political celebrity is a volume two theme that has been absolutely excellent when done correctly. I'm imagining the first third we don't even really know this woman, flying through NYC and saving the day, wearing the flag, and appearing on television like Thor in Ultimates. Then using Lois as a vehicle, we learn about the weird immortal history, ceramic made-from-clay jokes, the incidents of Diana Trevor's crash, and the dangers under the magic gateway under Paradise Island -now spread to under Manhatttan Island. Big battle with mythologicals and manic generals, ultimate confrontation with Ares, and how war is always defeated by the willing, and the power of truth. Truth being the news exclusive with Lois Lane.
17:47 / 17.03.05
Oh, come on, who else could possibly be clever, talented, beautiful and (kind of importantly) rather buxom but:

Miss Ehle.

Oh, okay, it'll never happen, but I can dream....
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:02 / 17.03.05
As long as they respect the community of Wonder Woman fans and do not besmirch teh sacred text and cast someone with enough DIGNITY to be the PRINCESS OF POWER...

How about if we do this great new thing where we mostly talk about films after they've been made?
19:15 / 17.03.05
Flyboy wants attention.
D Terminator XXXIII
19:26 / 17.03.05
Flybs is sage and allknowing. You do not question Flyboy.

Although the end result will be shit because it doesn't respect my views of how I would write and direct Wonder Woman, you do not question Flyboy.
Because he is sage and allknowing, and writes importantly cute stuff like "I, Petey Shaftoe."
19:33 / 17.03.05
How about if we do this great new thing where we mostly talk about films after they've been made?

Clearly you do not have the internet's best interests at heart.
20:41 / 17.03.05
Hmm. Well, it could be good, it could be bad. I would've preferred Joss on X3.

I fear the casting. Really, it should be an unknown, or Catherine Zeta-Jones. This Jessica Beal and Kim Basinger nonsense frightens me.

Yes, Wonder Woman should be a political ambassador and celebrity and all that, and have to save the world from an invading force of Roman gods and kick ass and all that and yet still preach peace. Or *something.* Joss will probably find a way to make it interesting.

Now about that Invisible Jet...
22:14 / 17.03.05
Jessica beal? Fuck me with a fire engine, she'll be shite! Just ties some hooks and wire to linda carter. It'll be FINE.
Pooky Is Just My Pornstar Name
02:25 / 18.03.05
Gotta agree with Triplets. Lynda Carter at 40+ years is still smokin' fine and better looking than many women half her age.

I doubt that Charisma Carpenter will get the role, though. Rumours abound that she and Whedon are not close and that he basically fired her from Angel. That aside, a while back, Greg Rucka, the current writer of Wonder Woman stated that Carpenter is very likely out of the running for the role due to her Playboy photo spread. He believes that the studio suits will be conservative and hire someone without a risque past.

I liked Carpenter well enough on Angel, but I do believe that she is not right for the WW role. She lacks the physical stature and - pardon the pun - the charisma to pull it off.
Pooky Is Just My Pornstar Name
02:49 / 18.03.05
Actually, it'd be sweet if they had the woman going to play Lois Lane in the upcoming Superman flick interview Diana -as a celebrity. Princess Diana as political celebrity is a volume two theme that has been absolutely excellent when done correctly. I'm imagining the first third we don't even really know this woman, flying through NYC and saving the day, wearing the flag, and appearing on television like Thor in Ultimates. Then using Lois as a vehicle, we learn about the weird immortal history, ceramic made-from-clay jokes, the incidents of Diana Trevor's crash, and the dangers under the magic gateway under Paradise Island -now spread to under Manhatttan Island. Big battle with mythologicals and manic generals, ultimate confrontation with Ares, and how war is always defeated by the willing, and the power of truth. Truth being the news exclusive with Lois Lane.

Some of this actually happened in the Phil Jimenz run of the Wonder Woman comic book. On assignment for the Daily Planet, Lois Lane follows Diana around for a day and is simultaneous awed, annoyed, and deeply jealous of WW. It was actually a very good story, well written and showing the complexities of WW as a public figure (in the comics she's no longer a Princess, but the Themiscryan ambassador) in which she's the peace loving ambassador on one hand, and on the other, she's the hard ass warrior, willing to kill if necessary. Lois also broaches the subject of Diana's intense personal friendship with a certain man from Krypton. If this was any other female comic character, a cat-fight probably would have ensued. But Diana being Diana, handles the situation with grace, wit, and warmth, putting to rest Lois' insecurities.
06:40 / 18.03.05
As long as they respect the community of Wonder Woman fans and do not besmirch teh sacred text and cast someone with enough DIGNITY to be the PRINCESS OF POWER.

I sympathise, Petey.
Brigade du jour
12:01 / 18.03.05
We need someone who looks majestic, regal, athletic, classic Greek statue beautiful looks, and who has that air about her.

I'm with BillR, got to be Catherine Zeta Jones. There's not much she can do, but she can do everything on that list.
12:44 / 18.03.05
Well, Pooky, the Phil Jimenez issue you mentioned is exactly what i'm thinking of and referencing. Made from clay jokes and all.

If I'd my way, Lois Lane would be a centered peripheral character to the all three worlds of the Big Three Heroes. She's all about Supes, when she could be more interesting as the wonder woman of the DCU News. She did serve as an emissary to Themyscira back when George Perez was scripting. Using Lois as a element of consistency throughout DCU movies would be a tongue in cheek way of having a little more fun in a film world already inundated with lame Crow-like catwomen and superninja chicks.
13:33 / 18.03.05
I agree that Catherina Z-J is a top-notch choice. Although part of me wonders if she's too old for the role, or if her little button nose is too "cute."

I trust the Joss to make this something special, and cast the best person for the job.
13:35 / 18.03.05
Oh, man, that's right...I bet they do away with the 'made from clay' part.

Even reading the comics lately, I still forget that she was made from clay. Bizarre. In a recent Flash team-up, Wally West says to Diana "You're not human." And it ain't just cause she's been a god once or twice.
13:39 / 18.03.05
link to Adam Hughes-drawn teaser image for the movie, with a hint at the design of her costume (well, breastplate and bracelets, at least):

Began fanboys complaints now, such as "the bracelets aren't silver, like in the comics, they seem to be gold in that pic!!!"
19:20 / 21.03.05
Joss just said at Wizard World "Hmm, where will I find an olive-skinned, dark haired beauty...?" and looked over at Firefly's Morena Baccarin, laughing. Although I think he was just joking around...she's too small and petite to play Diana.
19:47 / 21.03.05
Aw, man, Inara would be perfect. She can certainly pull off Diana's nobility and stillness and inner strength. She'd need to build up some serious muscles, but I think she'd look great. And bonus: She's already got experience playing a superhero (she's the voice of Black Canary on Justice League Unlimited).
20:05 / 21.03.05
I just gave myself the shakes (and not in the good way) thinking that they might cast J-Ho as WW. Note to any casting directors: You want your movie to succeed. Ditto on Alba; two outright comic movie adaptations should be enough for right now, thank you.

However, Sofia Milos from CSI: Miami is tall, statuesque, busty, has an all-purpose exotic accent that could be from any number of backgrounds (she's actually Swiss-born, according to IMDb, though I saw references to her on Greek-oriented sites), and definitely doesn't look baseline Anglo.

Barring her, Karen Cliche from Adventure, Inc. and the last season of Mutant X is another gorgeous hardbody with stunning blue eyes, among other assets. (Looks as though I'm far from the first to think she might be ideal for the role.) She may currently be a blonde, but as she's been a brunette in at least a couple other projects, I'm guessing she wouldn't have a problem dying it back. And having been on the losing end of two syndicated series in a row she'd probably be available for a song.

I suppose I could deal with Catherine Zeta-Jones or even the occasionally bandied-about Minnie Driver, but these are the first two who come to my mind. Yes, that's it, mind.

20:20 / 21.03.05
I like the CSI choice above, Karen Cliche has a weird face if you look closely at her.

from Wizard World:


>> Finally, Entertainment Weekly talked to Whedon about the costume. "'She represents something absolutely pure,' says the 'Buffy' creator, who says his Amazon will not, repeat not, wear 'star-spangled panties' a la Lynda Carter's TV incarnation.

>> Whedon now sees it as a match made in fanboy heaven. 'When I was mulling this over, my friend said, 'Joss, look at your freakin' resume. You have two things on it: wonder and woman. That's all you write!'"

Good, she'll be a wearing a skirt.
21:09 / 21.03.05

one: her name's Karen CLICHE? That better be her birth name...

two: did you really say "hardbody", slashplus?

21:49 / 21.03.05
Please please please don't turn this thread into "you know who could be the best Diana EVER?" like they have on some other boards.

Any tanned white girl that's reasonably pretty and has dark hair would be fine.

Just gimme a good STORY.
02:23 / 22.03.05
a good story about a HARDBODY, I might add.

02:59 / 22.03.05
Got a little carried away, yes. At least you didn't have to watch me lick the screen. Shocked my tongue. Now everything tastes like Duracells.

04:04 / 22.03.05
This actually has me more excited than the new Batman and Superman movies… I’ve seen those two on the big screen (done right and done horribly wrong) but I’ve never seen Wonder Woman done right. Not that the TV show got it wrong she just wasn’t the Uber powerful goddess I grew up reading. Hell, she wasn’t even Xena. I trust Joss Whedon enough to have faith in his take on the character.

I do agree that Linda Carter still looks, um, wonderful… so how about making her Hippolyta?
13:15 / 22.03.05
I doubt they'll do Hipolyta, but I do harbor a bit of hope that they'll set during WWII. I know it's foolish to dream, but that would be soooooo nice.

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