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How do you have your coffee?


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08:31 / 03.03.05
I was in Neros this morning, which is by far and away my favourite chain, and got my usual medium black americano.

So, how do you have it?
08:36 / 03.03.05
Like all civilized peoples, I had tea. A nice peppermint tea without any filthy dairy products.
Psi-L is working in hell
08:36 / 03.03.05
"I like my coffee black. Like my men."

A double espresso, unadulterated. The best (and quickest) way to start the day.
09:01 / 03.03.05
Black. Same way I like my tea.
wembley can change in 28 days
09:20 / 03.03.05
In a big paper cup with a plastic lid, outside on a cold day. And with cream. And from Spain. Ohhhhh, spanish coffee...
09:46 / 03.03.05
God, doesn't the fernickertyness of coffee piss anyone else off? All the fiddling about? All the customisation?

Doesn't anyone else hate the way that coffee is sold to us as yet another way to expressing our **totally unique individualityness**.

Make MINE a latte. I'm a latte kinda guy.

09:49 / 03.03.05
Two ways:

Single or double espresso with a teaspoon of (brown) sugar

Soy latte without sugar
09:52 / 03.03.05
Nescafe. And I quite like a soy latte or a 'long black'.
But I prefer tea. Mmmm.
09:52 / 03.03.05
I do agree with boboss, but hasn't that whole Seattle cafe culture thing kind of broken down these days? Coffee is still a pleasant beverage with or without the marketing.
Tryphena Absent
09:57 / 03.03.05
I mostly drink builders tea but sometimes when I'm feeling a bit bleurgh I go for a caffeine-full latte (they can be bad if you go to the wrong place). I'm not experienced enough with coffee for espresso just yet and I find cappucino foam distinctly annoying.
10:34 / 03.03.05
but hasn't that whole Seattle cafe culture thing kind of broken down these days?

I'm not sure what you mean by "broken down". Round these parts coffee marketing still produces maximum Boboss rage.

Yeah, I know coffee can be a nice drink, but unfortunately the act of drinking it still manages to start irritating conversations - or worse, arguments - about the correct way of making a cappucino.
Kit-Cat Club
10:37 / 03.03.05
I can't drink coffee regularly any more - it really exacerbates IBS. But when I did drink it, I usually took it black with no sugar (I used to up-end the jar into the mug, basically - no wonder my guts couldn't stand the pace...)
Grey Area
10:39 / 03.03.05
As the coffee offerings on this campus are woeful, I have decided to bring my percolator into the office. So I guess the current answer to your question is "freshly brewed with two sugars".
Jack Fear
10:48 / 03.03.05
Freshly-brewed, from (cheap) beans I ground myself—not too fine, about the consistency of kosher salt—brewed strong, with three sugars and a splash of skim milk, blended to the shade of well-toasted whole-wheat bread.

But really, I'll drink any old ditchwater.
10:59 / 03.03.05
3 sugars Jack? Fuckinell that's a lot. You must be bouncing off the walls.

Boboss- it just seems to be less ubiquitous these days. I remember a few years ago when everyone seemed to be constantly discussing this stuff, and everyone was buying fancy coffee making machines to use at home that they used once and then put in the basement.

Maybe I just don't notice it anymore.
11:01 / 03.03.05
Also, my body can't stand caffine first thing in the morning. It tends to induce nausea, shaking and a desperate urge to piss.
11:15 / 03.03.05
That's a perfect description of how I feel every morning when I wake up! Caffeine is the cure for that. Mind you I drink tea 90% of the time so what do I know.
Jack Fear
11:19 / 03.03.05
3 sugars Jack? Fuckinell that's a lot. You must be bouncing off the walls.

Idunnowhyyoudsayathinglikethat, itneverreallyeffectsmeina BADway, just givesmethatlittleboostIneedtogetgoingin the morning yup gottagetupand gogogoGO heyLOOK! A MONKEY!!!
lonely as a cloud...
11:21 / 03.03.05
Work mornings I usually pick up a large mocha on the way to the office. That is breakfast - sweet chocolatey goodness with a hidden caffeine kick. Otherwise, I try to avoid coffee, since it started to give me terrible headaches. I drink tea instead, usually Assam. Though I picked up some very nice tea in a chinese shop recently, a blend of black tea and rose petals (the box claims it is perfect for young lovers, as the tea will "simulate love"...), which I'm getting more and more fond of...
Benny the Ball
11:54 / 03.03.05
From Starbucks - a big Chai Latte.

From the little french place round the corner - a latte.

After a meal - an expresso, some sugar.

At home - liquorice tea, with a touch of honey.
Lurid Archive
12:00 / 03.03.05
Espresso. If I'm working I like to wake up with a quadruple to get me started. That usually gives me enough oomph to get out the door and to the coffee machine at work, for another espresso. It is very bad for me, I know, but it seems to be the only way I can really get through mornings.
salix lucida
13:25 / 03.03.05

I drink so much plain black shitty free work coffee in order to function that when I am home I only drink tea, which is often peppermint or homemade chai. And that when I go Out For Coffee, I buy cappumochalattacaramelesspressofroofroocrap with whipped cream on top and feel very, very pleased to have anything other than diesel.
ibis the being
13:34 / 03.03.05
I have an almost total lack of a sweet tooth, so there are no mochas and chais and all that for me.

I've come to realize I'm fairly picky about coffee. For one thing, it has to be a certain consistency, and this is the consistency achieved by adding whole milk or 2%. Cream and half-and-half are too thick, while skim is too thin. In fact, if a coffee shop is out of whole, I'll add a little cream plus a little skim to approximate whole milk.

Furthermore, I absolutely despise what I think of as "West Coast Coffee" - the strong, dark, thick & bitter stuff for which I think we have Seattle to thank. Now found at Starbucks, Seattle's, Peet's, and a number of chains on the East Coast, much to my dismay. I realize that a lot of coffee aficionados consider this the good stuff, and I would confidently assure them that they are wrong. I really don't think roasting the holy fuck out of a coffee bean is what God intended. It's also not somehow closer to being espresso, which is what I suspect these people believe. It's just a ham-fisted, aggressive, callous and Philistine handling of coffee that offends me deeply.

When I can afford it, I do love a nice latte.
Goodness Gracious Meme
14:28 / 03.03.05
Mmm. coffee. At home, if I have it, fresh brewed fairtrade gumph of some sort. Drop of milk. (occasaionally cream)

Out and about: lattes, soy lattes (I like the slight tartness you get from soy milk in coffee), mochas.

When working/writing: tar strength black coffee.
When working/drop-in: one cup of above to get me awake, switch to camomile to get me down from the ceiling/stop me jiettering at users.

I drink alot less that I used to, though, not even a cup every day, down from 8-10 when I was commuting/office working/living with someone who brought me coffee/fags in bed.
Haus of Mystery
16:16 / 03.03.05
Make MINE a latte. I'm a latte kinda guy

Quoted without comment.

Black. In a mug. Followed by another.
16:27 / 03.03.05
Ground coffe, stale, strained through a sieve, in a dirty cup. But never, never, instant coffee - I may be a student, but I'm not a neanderthal.
ibis the being
16:41 / 03.03.05
What, you like your coffee ground?

16:51 / 03.03.05
Mac, I fucking hate lattes. They're disgusting.

Did you read the rest of my post?
Haus of Mystery
17:06 / 03.03.05
I never read any of your posts.
17:12 / 03.03.05
Why the fuck does ANYONE have sugar in coffee? Or tea, for that matter.

It's GOT to be bitter, or it's just crap.

Next you'll be telling me you actually eat food that doesn't have chilis in it. You craxy kids, I dunno...
17:14 / 03.03.05
crazy, craxy, craxy, crazy...

I need a coffee.
Benny the Ball
17:54 / 03.03.05
But you don't get the really good headaches without the sugar...
doozy floop
18:05 / 03.03.05
I hate coffee. Nasty bitter stuff with an aftertaste reminiscent of a red wine hangover when you also thought a disgusting wilted cheeseburger at 4am the night before would be a good idea.

That said, I drink it all the time - strong as it comes, straight through the filter, dash of milk. Vile. Couldn't live without it.
18:06 / 03.03.05
At home:
Two cups of half-decaf Major Dickason's/House blend (from Peet's*) with a decent dollop of whole milk.

A large half-decaf or whole-decaf coffee from Peet's* with a decent dollop of half & half.

Yes, I know, decaf is for wimps. I burned out my ability to handle large amounts of coffee recently. If I drink full-strength coffee I'm liable to end up twitching under my desk and howling at my coworkers.

I have to say that I always get irritated when some pundit from the right starts talking about "latte-sipping liberals," I'm more liberal than those puds, and I hate lattes. Why isn't it ever "strong coffee sipping" liberals?

*Ignore Ibis: she is clearly delusional from poisoning herself with poor quality coffee. Poor thing, it's affected her mind.
18:15 / 03.03.05
With you on the whole sugar thing Stoatie. Ruins the taste.

...although - I heard that tea didn't actualy taste of anything (normal tea - not fruit tea) - it just has an aroma.

Can anyone confirm or deny this?

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