I have an almost total lack of a sweet tooth, so there are no mochas and chais and all that for me.
I've come to realize I'm fairly picky about coffee. For one thing, it has to be a certain consistency, and this is the consistency achieved by adding whole milk or 2%. Cream and half-and-half are too thick, while skim is too thin. In fact, if a coffee shop is out of whole, I'll add a little cream plus a little skim to approximate whole milk.
Furthermore, I absolutely despise what I think of as "West Coast Coffee" - the strong, dark, thick & bitter stuff for which I think we have Seattle to thank. Now found at Starbucks, Seattle's, Peet's, and a number of chains on the East Coast, much to my dismay. I realize that a lot of coffee aficionados consider this the good stuff, and I would confidently assure them that they are wrong. I really don't think roasting the holy fuck out of a coffee bean is what God intended. It's also not somehow closer to being espresso, which is what I suspect these people believe. It's just a ham-fisted, aggressive, callous and Philistine handling of coffee that offends me deeply.
When I can afford it, I do love a nice latte. |