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Deleuze & Guattari


Page: 12(3)

sdv (non-human)
21:37 / 13.09.05
Nighthawk, there is a reference to other philosophies of difference here, for example 'Levinas' and the concept of faciality as in the sense of establishing the language-face relationship and interpellation, the order-words that necessarily conform to predominant meanings. This balanced against what Deleuze(in an interview) said about Felix's fascination with Black Holes - 'how do you get out of a black hole' ? which when related Deleuze's fascination with white wall's... produce 'a broad face with white cheeks and pierced with black holes'. The relation reconstructs Leviana's faciality into an assemblage, 'an abstract machine which is to produce a face'. The question becomes (Deleuze argues) what is it that makes societies work ? what machines are necessary to overcode the body and the human face to make it human...

(I hesitate to say 'human' because of the implications that I'm referencing a human subject, identity...etc... which is not really what D&G are constructing...)

A human..

'(black-hole, micro-politics, deterritorialization, abstract-machine...) ' These are not metaphors, it's not like black-holes, like a machine, they are deterritorialised concepts, reterritorialised into another area to enable the construction of a new and difficult thought... in this case the idea of the face as a social concept. 'Faciality' I like to think of it as stolen/kidnapped from Levinas, released from his ethics and dropped into a discussion that identifies a social function...

(some of the above from dialogues (obviously) i think. ) For another dictionary take on 'Faciality' by Tom Conley see the definition in The Deleuze dictionary already mentioned...
21:58 / 20.11.05
Can anyone point me towards any work Deleuze has done on Lucretius, particularly stuff that has been translated into English? He mentions him a lot, at the end of the Nietzsche book for instance, but I haven't been able to find any actual work about him. I believe there is at least one article in French?

Thanks in advance.

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