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Page: 12(3)

15:41 / 21.03.05
Mistoffelees - get a needle and thread the loose thread/ piece of wool onto it, and you'll be able to pull it to the inside of the jumper. If it's unbroken, you should be okay - if it's broken, you can 'sew' it into the inner fabric of the jumper (be careful it doesn't show on the outside and then tie it off. That ought to prevent it unravelling.
15:43 / 21.03.05
Damn, that was meant to have a comment about 'handy household tips', to make me sound less like your gran. Ah well.
01:16 / 22.03.05
As usual, a black t-shirt (Squee!), black trousers (jeans this time, not combats) and veggie biker boots.
I may as well just cut and paste every time this subject comes up... I'm a bit boring, really.
Benny the Ball
05:33 / 23.03.05
08:27 / 09.05.05
Retro 70s short-sleeved shirt, black pants, Topman boxers, stripey socks, black leather slip ons, wristband.
16:41 / 09.05.05
I'm ill, so am wearing clothes suitable for collapsing on the couch in. Black jeans, baggy green and yellow Sepultura t-shirt, dark blue cardigan like an old woman might wear.
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:42 / 09.05.05
Pinstripe jacket, beige t-shirt with mysterious japanese script and vaguely 'bob' like face screenprint, enormo red combats that turn into a bag.

Oh yes.
16:48 / 09.05.05
An enormous NAPPY that turns into a bag...

...for POO

Oh, yesser.
The Natural Way
18:36 / 09.05.05
Green, silver and black adidas three stripes, red 'N C Stae' sweater that I stole from a friend, blue jeans from the evil Hennes. Nothing that thrilling. But I imagine you probably want to sex me anyway. And you'd be right to.
ibis the being
20:22 / 09.05.05
From the bottom up: Cheap no-name sneakers, mismatched cotton ankle socks, well-used (and not too clean) painters pants, torso layered with shelf tank/thermal shirt/big black hoodie. And all of it reeking of mineral spirits.
Waltzing Ganainm
22:18 / 09.05.05
Baggy olive green linen shirt over a loose black embroidered gypsy top. Black jeans with a safety pin where the button should be and a wooden/bone link belt holding them up. Purple and lilac stripey over-knee socks. Red suede Doc Marten's with a splodge of oil paint on one boot. All topped off with a three prong wooden hair stick trying to keep the mess vaguely up.

I'm about to add a blanket as I'm cold, and possibly the cat as a lap warmer.
Captain Zoom
22:21 / 09.05.05
Blue jeans and a Green Lantern t-shirt that's just tight enough to show of my rippling muscles.

Oh, and socks.
23:53 / 10.05.05
White Victorian petticoat skirt, lacy salmon-pink, elbow length top, big woolly long cardy, knee length brown socks.

And no knickers. This is true. But it's late, and they were uncomfy. I did have them on earlier, I promise.
23:57 / 10.05.05
Jeans and a shirt. Um, and shoes. And socks.

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