BARBELITH underground

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18:49 / 14.02.05
At work.

Black Perry Ellis collared shirt with white basketweave pattern. French cuffs, black and silver cufflinks. Black Brooks Brothers chinos. Black Clarks lace-up shoes.

Kazuo Kawasaki glasses with octagonal rimless frames. White gold millgrain wedding band. Raymond Weil Tradition watch with white face and black leather band.

Navy blue boxers. Black socks.

And there's five minutes I didn't spend working.
18:52 / 14.02.05
sick today, but had to go to the doctor's office, so reasonably attired

green fuzzy slippers with leather soles, the right one has been seriously chewed on by adorable yet aggravating dog, Fen.
new white athletic socks--I love new socks.
black jeans that should probably be washed
red turtleneck

(what's a poloneck, Kit-Kat--your outfit sounded so fabulous, yet I think "polo neck" in England means something different than what it means here)

With a light blue hand-woven woolen sweater, purchased in the Cotswolds from a woolen mill in 1987 for, hmmm, 32 pounds, I think. It has a small, vaguely cowl-type neck, so I feel monastic when I wear it.

I've worn it so much that I wore out the elbows and had to have leather patches, light grey, put on them by the crazy old man who does that sort of thing, here where I live. It's very cosy, on a rainy gloomy day when I have a sinus infection/ear infection making me miserable and sleepy and I'm supposed to be grading....

Oh, and my Frida Kahlo watch: it's a lovely big man-sized watch with the self-portrait of Frida, holding her letter "para Leon Trotsky, con todo carino..." Happy Valentines...
19:03 / 14.02.05
A charcoal shirt over black suit trousers. The suit is a single-breasted, four-buttoned black wool one, worn today because I went to an interview. There was a tie that went with the shirt, a tan-yellow silk one, though I am not wearing that now. Previously I was wearing a high-necked leather jacket from Barcelona as well.

Black socks, black shoes, cuffs rolled up to my elbows. A Swiss Army watch. Glasses in the thin-rimmed German style that seems to be popular these days. No body jewelry. My pants are grey.
unheimlich manoeuvre
19:24 / 14.02.05
let me see...
dark green Muji cardigan, bright green T-shirt from Tk-maxx, dark blue flared jeans from Seven Dials and my treasured but tatty brown Puma cells.
my Pure hemp bag is by my feet, ready for work.
19:31 / 14.02.05
just off the bike from home to work, so at this very moment, black socks w customary hole in toe of one of them (on the left today), cheap k-mart footie shorts; dark blue, a now-damp white t-shirt inscribed 'i [red heart graphic] ny' in large letters, a gift from my crazy boss when he last flew to usa...

and have by my side to slip into in just a mo.... [grrrrr...]

...swanky jeans, a dark blue cotton long sleeve shirt, unironed, that i'll wear tucked out, and blue suede shoes i bought almost a year ago today on haight st san fran - that was funky! ravishing!

do i have to disclose i have no underwear on? [... dammit!]
Whisky Priestess
19:54 / 14.02.05
flesh-coloured kneehigh socks
Brown long corduroy skirt split up the back
camel-coloured camelhair jumper
purple silk/cashmere t-shirt top
favourite nice lacy black knickers inherited from my friend
(not as dodgy at it sounds ...)
20:25 / 14.02.05
alas, I think a polo neck is what you call a turtle neck.
20:33 / 14.02.05
Oh, forgot to mention- my whole shitty ensemble is topped off by (very non-shitty) NEW HAIR!!!
Shortish and bleached white. (I wear the Lenin badge to stop me looking like a Nazi).
22:17 / 14.02.05
thanks ariadne--do people actually wear those, playing polo?

I always liked the word "turtle neck" however. I like to feel like a turtle when I put one on.
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:39 / 14.02.05
Black boots. Blue socks. Black jeans. Blue boxers. Dark shirt with "white trash" on it. Massive sideburns. Ring that's got a five-pointed star on it.

It's like any other day. Except I was mildly more exciting yesterday, when I had my home-made Einsturzende Neubauten shirt on. (But had worse hair, so it balances out.)
22:47 / 14.02.05
Pink, narrow-ribbed, elbow-length-sleeved, v-necked silk knit top, charcoal grey wide-legged slacks with white pinstripes.

Yay clothes.
22:49 / 14.02.05
So says stoatie: "NEW HAIR!!!"

Photos, please!
05:50 / 15.02.05
No, polo player wear polo shirts, which are sort of t-shirts with a collar, and an open neck with two or three buttons.
05:58 / 15.02.05
Polo necks are so called because the neck is like a Polo mint.

Or so I always thought.
06:06 / 15.02.05
I feel like I'm having extended phone sex with multiple partners. I'm such a slag.

I am wearing a paint-stained pair of black combat trousers which are around four or more years old. They are ripped at the ankles from being caught in my cycling chain. They have major wear on the arse from all the sitting about I do. And they have twice split and been resewn at the crotch.

These are the only trousers I own.
06:19 / 15.02.05
At least, that's what they're wearing in the quick Google image search I just did - Polo's not a sport I follow.
07:28 / 15.02.05
It's only a matter of time, now that you're in PR, darling.
07:56 / 15.02.05
Welll... I'm already surrounded by golfers and rugby fans, so you may have a point.
Today - black trousers, the right leg slightly crumpled from being tucked into my sock while cycling, black v-neck, and a bright yellow yacket. I'm a bumblebee. Or maybe a wasp, for Ganesh's benefit.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
07:57 / 15.02.05
The only person I know who plays polo is a former zen monk now doing a PhD at Cambridge. Polo trivia: Cambridge University is unique amongst UK universities in having its own ponies, with the consequence that anyone can play if they can ride. Polo trivia 2: the best players are Argentinian professionals, many of whom are barely literate, but who are almost unstoppable on a pony.

[Currently wearing: a duvet, a laptop, and the guilty expression of one who has a great deal of work to do.]
09:05 / 15.02.05
Ooh, the laptop in bed thing is very debonair. And a little bit against the rules I think. Do you eat biscuits in bed too, Nick?

Today I feel much happier about myself (partly due to Paul McKenna's book on self image and dieting, and partly due to lovely friends who say things like 'get down with the cakes'). So although my clothes are still tight I've made the effort to look nice and consequently have on;

The same brown boots. (Well I love them.) A red knitted A-line calf length skirt with a frilly bottom and a long sleeved, dark brown high necked knitted top which also has frills but these are around the neck. Over the top of this to keep in the warm I have on a round necked tank top which is striped with horizontal bands of lilac, turquoise, red, ochre, dark brown, grey and cream.

I also have matching underwear on. Yay! And I did my make-up nicely. Two people have already told me I look nice which goes to show that positive thinking and self belief really do make you look more attractive.
09:16 / 15.02.05
That does sound nice, 'lula. And you're right about feeling good about yourself.

I wish I had a laptop. I really must get one. And then find an excuse to stay in bed with it.
8===>Q: alyn
09:42 / 15.02.05
I almost always read Barbelith in my underwear.
10:19 / 15.02.05
Barbelith pants?
10:23 / 15.02.05
Do you mean just your underwear?

I almost always read Barbelith in my underwear too, but then I don't very often go without my pants.
Brigade du jour
11:22 / 15.02.05
Checked pyjama trousers in various shades of blue, dark blue slippers. Remember me? I'm the one who had your baby. (I challenge more than four people to get that joke - go on, get the joke, I dareya)

I may put on a jumper or something (more than likely a blue one) when I've cooled down from my karate practice and London's nuclear fucking winter stabs my body once more.
Benny the Ball
07:06 / 19.03.05
Grey shorts, and a blue long sleeved tee-shirt that says 'The Truth About Love: Cast and Crew' on the front and 'Radish Me' on the right sleeve.
Bastard Tweed
19:32 / 19.03.05
A blue, two-button, raw-silk sports coat speckled with white; a pin in the shape and color of the Salmon of Wisdom on the lapel. An off-black, button-up shirt with light herringbone weave and a pocket on the left breast. A black necktie with a pattern of royal blue vines in a Windsor knot. Navy blue trousers with white, windowpane square stitching. Blue knee-socks with a subtle grey and black plaid pattern. Brown, suede Oxford-cut shoes.

And, yes, I do always dress this way.

I'm trying to start a new trend; I call it, "Ultimate Grampa," (or "Granma" as the gender case may be). You try to dress like the idealized grandparent everyone always wishes they had. So far, no takers.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
23:17 / 19.03.05
I'm wearing a green, blue and white vertically striped dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up (Report) over an old Red Sox t-shirt (Garciaparra) with green jeans (DKNY), blue socks, black buckle-up dress shoes (Clark's) and blue boxers with little piggies on them (Banana Republic).

My hair is looking pretty rough these days, though. It's turning into Luke Skywalker hair.
uncle retrospective
22:40 / 20.03.05
I'm wearing a pair of black Converse, green combats and a darker green Delgedos T-shirt over a red long sleeve. I have a silver chain from my wallet to my belt.
I have bad hair at the moment (no gel) but am going to Australia tomorrow, so don't care.
Liger Null
22:57 / 20.03.05
Boot-cut jeans, Jhonen Vasquez tour T-shirt, black bra, butterfly-print underwear, Spongebob watch, silver-eyeball ring, and metallic pink toenail polish.

Alas, I covet your watch.
11:11 / 21.03.05

I wear brand name clothes today, levi´s jeans and benetton sweater.

My benetton sweater has an orange thread hanging out, because ginger, a friend´s cat, was bored sitting on my lap, and started destroying my innocent sweater. And I have no idea to repair iot, it looks ridiculous now.
11:39 / 21.03.05
Black pointy shoes (Clarks - but nicer than you think), grey cord trousers (Gap. I know - bad Boboss), Dark brown/green cord jacket (Muji) and a white shirt embroidered with flower designs (Top Man).
12:02 / 21.03.05
Dirty jeans and a blue t-shirt saying California
12:27 / 21.03.05

With spring coming up, there comes this time, where it´s too hot for sweaters, and still too cold for tshirts. Which gives ample opportunity to weed out the cupboard!
Benny the Ball
12:37 / 21.03.05
Today I am wearing;

Brown herring-bone trousers, a green 'Brooks Ltd' tee-shirt (with the brooks in white and the ltd in yellow) a little Ganesh neck thing, white socks and blue boxers, contact lenses and a wry smile.

I am listening to Beck's new album, writing the last few pages of the script that I'm working on, and feeling the pangs of hunger hit regular. I am also counting down the hours until Mrs The Ball (TBC) gets into town...

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