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State of the board at present


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14:13 / 08.02.05
Well, I'm perhaps not the one who should be addressing this as I don't have much posting time at present (though I do check in, most days), but is Barbelith dddyyyyiiinnnggg, again? It seems to me to be remarkably slow, in all forums outside the Conversation, possibly the slowest I've seen it - and a lot of posters whose input I enjoy reading, and learn from, seem to have left or become invisible (as opposed to become Invisibles, which is what we all secretly hanker for). What are other people's perceptions?

.. and, if people agree with this, what could be done? Or have we all moved on to other things? I personally think that the only thing that would breathe fresh life into the place would be the lifting of the membership ban, but with some terms and conditions put in place to prevent persistent trolling. Any thoughts?
16:39 / 08.02.05
This is probably less than helpful but, my ongoing presence notwithstanding, I've often been discouraged for posting by the preponderence of poorly thought out and downright stupid threads and posts. Too many posts that seem there just to shoot the shit. Posts that serve no purpose but stir shit (hey look at john Byrne and all the dumb things he says its like a car crash, lets mock ). Currently I feel there is a lack of intellectual rigour and vigour involved in all together too many posts and I'd like to see everyone attempt to raise their game.
Tryphena Absent
16:58 / 08.02.05
Lack of intellectual rigour doesn't stop me posting- but recently I've been misread pretty badly a couple of times and people have just jumped on me for things that I haven't said. That cut my posting pretty massively. And then there was that whole misogyny thing a few months ago and I can't be doing with people deliberately targetting me and making snide comments about hysterical women, whether they're meant to wind me up or not. And then there's the deliberate ignorance with regards to some basic definitions that are really clear. I'm just tired of dealing with people who think saying awful things is funny. Every day I read or watch the news and it makes me tired, I meet people all the time who dehumanise everyone who isn't English, male and white and a lot of those people aren't English, male and white. So to come on to barbelith and respond is sometimes okay but often just too much to do anymore. I was never in it for the fight as much as it might have seemed that way at times, I was here for the company but the company just wants to hate me these days (I guess I don't talk about shoes enough anymore but have you seen the crap on the shelves at the moment!?)
Grey Area
23:27 / 08.02.05
The type of discussion held in some threads of late does seem to be more of the shouting match leading to someone storming off in a huff kind, rather than a more intellectual, fact-based debate. Perhaps we're all too busy with our real life jobs at the moment? I know it's that which is stopping me from engaging with a couple of topics to the degree I'd like to. There simply isn't time to head off and inform myself about the topics to the point where I would feel comfortable about entering a debate on this board.

Strangely enough though the Creation seems to be managing to have three threads going over a couple of weeks now...
Jack Vincennes
12:27 / 09.02.05
I think that part of the problem is, as sleaze says, that it's hard for people to motivate themselves to writing a longish, thought-through response when it's likely its reply is going to be a post that seem there just to shoot the shit. Basically, the feeling that raising one's game isn't actually going to do anything makes the problem a bit self-perpetuating.

Of late, also, there have not been very many topics recently which I have wanted or felt qualified to reply to, which is probably why I've been posting less...
Haus of Mystery
12:52 / 09.02.05
Whilst I agree that the board is somewhat dry at the moment, I feel I must add that there seems to be a number of 'old school' posters who enjoy nothing more than a) telling others that their opinion is of no interest and their contribution to threads is useless
and b) reminding us all that Barbelith is not what it used to be.
Now I've posted irregularly since the Nexus, so I'm not simply grousing at a supposed 'Barbelite', but this behaviour is frankly as tedious and negative as all the 'low' level debate r=that is apparently clogging up the board. People come to message boards for many reasons - in my case I find Barbleith to be a funny, intelligent place to discuss some of my interests and a nice place to banter whilst avoiding work. I understand to others it is a lot more and I respect that. I do object however to being made to feel that my and other presences is symptomatic of a degradation of quality of the board. Fly's recent exit is a case in point. I found/find Fly to be an intelligent, erudite and very funny poster, as well as being an infuriating one sometimes. However in leaving he felt the need to rmind us what a waste of time Barbelith is nowadays which just felt needlessly grinchy. If you're going, go, but don't feel the need to belittle those still hanging around.
Fact is people don't like to be spoken down to, and that's a big part of what Barbelith 'is'. Certain posters slide from educating and informing to intellectual bullying and belittlement. I personally don't mind a bit of snarking, as long as it's not simply abusive, and again it's part of the reason I come here. The bitching on Barbelith is still a thousand times more erudite and funny than on most message boards.
I guess IMO Barbelith is still a perfectly good distraction for me, and good place to find and share information. It's just a fallow period - February being a shitty month, perhaps it leaks online?
14:47 / 09.02.05
I agree that the board has lacked some verve of late, and I think the membership policy has something to do with it.
The fact is that people are going to get tired debating the same old shit with the same people, and the current trickle of new members just isn't going to change the situation. On the other hand, just opening the doors is problematic in that we can in no way guarantee that new members will offer anything we want.

As far as I'm concerned, we, as individuals, have to work to improve the board from the ground up. That's not to say that every post must be product of hours of careful thought, just that we should try and spend a little more time a little more often.

I, for one, am going to give it a go.
Spatula Clarke
15:18 / 09.02.05
Off topic, this, but linked to sleaze's post. Is there any chance that we could maybe lock the Byrne thread while it's drifting down to the bottom of the Comics index page? Sean came about as close as I want to see to kicking off an inter-board war there, and that's something that this place most definitely does not need.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:33 / 09.02.05
Tom putting some work in on the board might not go amiss either. There were a lot of plans, then Cam went off to Canada, they got shelved and now Tom's in to other things.

I tend to feel that claims that Barbelith is all stupid now are selective in their memory, we've always had the braindead element, it's just that they could be marginalised and outbalanced by the people who were intelligent AND willing to show it. Unfortunately most of those have moved on and now it's mainly those happy with keeping their lights under bushels.

I feel like everything I've posted in the last two months has been an attempt to stave off the dying of the special nature of the board that I feel. Plus I've given a lot of time to the board and that makes it difficult to leave. But it does seem that most of the people on the board who interest me have a blog or an LJ so perhaps I can go, but at the moment when I want to organise a get together Barbelith is still only marginally more easy to put the call out to than posting something on LJ, there are a few people like Xocnesh and Stoatie who I talk to through here.
17:39 / 09.02.05
hey look at john Byrne and all the dumb things he says its like a car crash, lets mock

Worryingly, I actually thought that was one of the better ones.

Barbelith's being consumed by its young, innit?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:28 / 09.02.05
Should I get out my B5 'we are the ancient races' metaphor yet?
Lurid Archive
21:29 / 09.02.05
And then there was that whole misogyny thing a few months ago

This has concerned me a little, especially after reading Nina's post, in that I have felt that Barbelith has been less female friendly than it might have been. Certainly Nina has been subject to some pretty outrageous abuse, but I wonder if this is something that the women on the board feel needs to be addressed?
22:13 / 09.02.05
The board is named after something that serves only to nourish a developing organism at a certain stage of its development. I may be putting too much emphasis on names, but if individuals feel they want to move on, then the identity of the board seems set up to for just that: to bring people to a point where they don't want or need it any more.

Most things are only meant to have a finite lifespan. If you want to keep posting quality then do it. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. When things reach too much noise in favour of signal then Tom might decide to wrap things up. It might last years, it might end within the month. I'm in favour of using it as much and as best as I can while it lasts.
23:40 / 09.02.05
Is Barbelith dying? I think this Venn diagram might shed some light on the matter.

02:48 / 10.02.05
So what's your metric for board crispiness? I feel the need to guard against *something*.
Tryphena Absent
08:47 / 10.02.05
The board is named after something that serves only to nourish a developing organism at a certain stage of its development.

Funny you should say this because last night I was having this conversation in the pub with some other board members and we were talking about the name. It seems to me that the people who I'd term the five wankiest members (I hasten to add that I don't have a list, I'm just vaguely thinking of the culture spam and trolling we've had over the last few years) were probably attracted here because the place was called barbelith. I'm not saying it would defeat all problems with the board because every board has its share of tossers and weirdos but I think there's a pull there that is particularly unfortunate.
09:24 / 10.02.05
It's a point... maybe the well-adjusted, interesting and useful people who have read the Invisibles turned up here a while ago and all that is left is a slow drip of fools. Maybe we should change the name to something a bit more relevant to what we want the board to be... and possibly also ban anyone who says "hey, you shouldn't be saying that- what would Grant think?" or any words to that effect.

More generally, how do you allow new people in without choking with fools? Open entry with email details, but take off google? Allow people to "sponsor", maybe? The $5 one-off donation plan, which I really liked but nobody else did, or a combination thereof?
09:58 / 10.02.05
A name change is a very interesting idea. I'm keen to hear what Tom thinks.
Tom Coates
11:05 / 10.02.05
You know actually I'm not averse to the idea of changing the board name. I actually proposed it a few years ago. I thought maybe we should move the invisibles site at the Bomb to prominence here and change the board over to a URL like or something. That was a couple of years ago of course so the name doesn't seem as classy any more.

With regards to the board in general, I think everyone knows what I'd like to do - I want to make it something like the Tripolitica proposal on the wiki and it really is the project that I'm MOST enthusiastic about in the entire world. If I could get two or three months off work and some money to make that a reality, then fixing the board and changing it in a positive direciton would be my absolute priority. You really do need to believe me on that. But it is also certainly true that I don't have any time in the rest of my life at the moment to do much positive about the place as it stands.

Realistically, one way in which I could get more time to do it would be to take it professional and put advertising and stuff on it. This would of course also be kind of upsetting and depressing for many of the old timers.

So basically I'm sorry about the state of the board at the moment if it's not what you guys want from it. Please PLEASE believe me when I say that I'd love to work on it and I have great ideas for the place. And also you have to believe me when I say that I just don't get the opportunity to implement the ideas I have and work on the stuff I'm working on...

Re: name change - if you have ideas and you're serious about this, then propose them.
12:37 / 10.02.05
Wow, Tom, that's the first time I've read that Tripolitika thing... that's an incredible idea. A lot of my enjoyment of this place stems from the ability to watch, and be part of, a community which is contantly evolving and having to come up with ways of governing itself that meet its needs. In some ways it's like an ultra-complicated version of that old computer simulation "Life", except the cells are (for the most part) sentient. (This is why I'm constantly amazed by the number of people who say they don't read the Policy cos it's "boring". Slow-moving it may be, especially when things are going well, but boring? Don't get it. Although I now find it hard to click on this forum without thinking of that little Senate animation in Rome:TW).

On a more immediate note, I'd like to add my voice to those saying we are suffering from a lack of new members. However, I'd also like to add my voice to those saying they're not sure how this can be addressed without laying ourselves open once more to the very problems we closed the gates to avoid. (Also see above paragraph).
13:12 / 10.02.05
And also you have to believe me when I say that I just don't get the opportunity to implement the ideas I have and work on the stuff I'm working on...

Are you saying that you will change the board in future - when you have the time - or are you saying nothing as concrete?

Whilst I'm keen on the idea, shouldn't a name change take place alongside any other big changes that you might make?

As for suggestions, I have no idea. I'll have a think.
Spatula Clarke
13:51 / 10.02.05
I think it's an 'if' rather than a 'when', Boboss.
13:56 / 10.02.05
Yeah, I'm inclined to agree, but I'd quite like confirmation from the big man.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:12 / 10.02.05
Could we change the link at the top to point to the New FAQ rather than the old? This TriPolitica does seem an interesting idea. As for the advertising, I don't really care about that any more, whatever we have to do to keep the board alive basically, short of whoring out my granny, mainly because she's dead so would be a bit whiffy.

And I think we have to open the gates and make it easier for people to join and make it so that trolls just get kicked out easier, whether this means bringing back the Supermods or having some sort of 'x' number of Moderator votes kicks someone out rule, again, whatever it takes and maybe we try being optimistic that things will work out rather than pessimistic (says the biggest naysayer on the board, you can blame the can of Red Bull I just downed in one for this strange disconcerting burst of positivity).
Spatula Clarke
00:06 / 11.02.05
having some sort of 'x' number of Moderator votes kicks someone out rule

If that were to be the case, we'd have to have a reshuffle of moderators. An awful lot of mods don't appear to visit here very often any more - if at all - and given that we've even had trouble convincing certain ones to delete posts by our pet twonk, I could see there being problems with non-regulars voting on such actions.
06:31 / 11.02.05
I think you'll find lots (most?) of us mods are here. I check in all day, read stuff and check on jobs needing done - I just don't always have time to post much.
I'm off to read the Tri-wotsit link now.
06:37 / 11.02.05
Oomph. Interesting, but a bit terrifying. I feel LeapWorld coming on. Am I the only one who finds the idea alarming? I'm sure it would be interesting to watch, though.
rising and revolving
13:41 / 11.02.05
I've only been around for a while (I think I've been posting semi-regularly for a year or so, lurking for a couple of years before hand) and I have to say that Barbelith is definately sick. And looking at this thread, there's no lack of understanding why.

It's really simple, and comes down to a single point - there are no new Barbeloids. The elderly are dying, but they're hanging so desperately on to an unchanging vision of what Barbelith "is" that there's no room for new blood to bring anything fresh to the board.

This is a cultural AND technical issue, with lots of the core elements of Barbelith contributing towards it.

Here's some of the things (most of them listed by other people) that contribute to this issue.

1. Techical.

No new users. Well, duh. All the reasons I've seen for this are just silly. Sure, growth is hard - that's why they call them growing pains. But this response of hiding your head in the sand and pretending you can avoid growth and everything will stay the same as it always was is naive.

From a financial perspective, more users will mean more money in the mid to long term. From a social perspective, this is a SOLVED PROBLEM. There are thousands of viable message boards that manage to maintain their culture while still growing, and the way it's done is moderation and decent tools. Look around and learn how it's done.

2. Cultural.

Barbelith is hostile to both new users and new topics. If a topic has been discussed in the history of Barbelith, all the old timers will heap scorn upon it.[1] Then wonder why there's nothing new going on. The future lifeblood of Barbelith is without fail attacked by the grumpy old men of the board, and if you happen to survive this trial by fire then maybe they'll let you stay. Maybe.

This trial by fire is considered in some way a good and necessary thing, whereas it's actually just bullying most of the time. Unsurprisingly, many people after being bullied just decide to up and leave.

3. Meta-cultural

It's not *that* surprising that you're not getting much new blood, even if the technical and cultural considerations went away. The series from which it draws it's name is long passed, and that means getting new users is going to be hard enough anyhow.

4. Conclusion?

Grow or die. At the moment Barb is dying because it's put barriers in every direction it could possibly use to grow.

To quote from the Wiki

"We also believe that having open borders for new users is a fundamental part of remaining creative and outward-looking and are trying to find the best balance between free and total access for all and our ability to defend the board from abuse with the hope that we can create vibrant and resilient new ways to connect creative people together."

Rubbish. There's barely a single message board, mailing list, forum, whatever on the PLANET that is LESS open to new users.

So, those are the problems. What are the solutions? Get dynamic. Bring in a horde of new users and learn to think on your feet. Assign moderators as needed, get stuff done as needed. It'll be chaos, but perhaps from chaos you can get some life back into this board, which otherwise will simply remain a stagnant pond.

Alternatively, run it Rosicrucian style. Force everyone to bring someone new into the board as their heir.

Crazy ideas are needed. Something is needed. Apathy sucks.

[1] This is not helped by a search function that doesn't work very well, in order to add to the technical / cultural issues that cause problems.
14:19 / 11.02.05
You make some very good points there. I think we definitely need new people, and we just need to work out ways to cope with any problem trolls.

I think probably we need to get tougher about just banning troublemakers, but simultaneously we need to give people a bit more leeway to grow and learn. Give them a bit of a chance to come good.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:41 / 11.02.05
See here, I will argue with you and by doing so prove whatever it is you're trying to prove!

The elderly are dying, but they're hanging so desperately on to an unchanging vision of what Barbelith "is" that there's no room for new blood to bring anything fresh to the board.

So, the oldsters aren't posting on here for various reasons any more but yet at the same time 'forcing' the board to stick to 'an unchanging vision of what Barbelith is'? That was clever of us wasn't it? At this point I normally ask for proof of these allegations but I won't bother, except to note that unless you actually are modzero then puh-leaze, we're walking a line between the board being a place for people to talk about things in a safe environment and the wilderness. Urban75 is thataway if you want it.

But this response of hiding your head in the sand and pretending you can avoid growth and everything will stay the same as it always was is naive.

This merely demonstrates an ignorance of our history. Read the Knowledge FAQ. I also don't think that our actions can be characterised as 'hiding our heads in the sand and pretending we can avoid growth', on what do you base this claim?

From a financial perspective, more users will mean more money in the mid to long term.

Where are you suggesting that we charge for board access? Certainly relying on good will so far hasn't stopped Tom from having to pay the bills each month.

From a social perspective, this is a SOLVED PROBLEM.

Howso? If you charge for access to the board doesn't that mean that people are going to go to the free board down the superhighway? How are you suggesting the pricing structure works so that Tom and a staff make enough money that they don't have to work any more so they can give the time and attention that a paying subscriber would expect to managing the board?

There are thousands of viable message boards that manage to maintain their culture while still growing, and the way it's done is moderation and decent tools. Look around and learn how it's done.

Again, where do you expect the money, time and technical support for this to come from? This thread is full of people saying they don't have the time, as well as sometimes the inclination, to give the board the attention it needs.

Barbelith is hostile to both new users and new topics. If a topic has been discussed in the history of Barbelith, all the old timers will heap scorn upon it.

Now this has more value to it, though as I think has been discussed in some of those old topics people aren't always aware of the 'voice' other people give to their words, something which would go without comment in person is seen as very hostile in cold hard text. But this happens on all boards in all spaces and, for example, I read what you're saying in this case as suggesting that only Barbelith is rude to people whereas all other message boards are a land of milk and honey. Tricky innit? This sounds more like personal experience rather than something that is universal, there are those of us here who could testify that such an experience didn't happen to them.

Unsurprisingly, many people after being bullied just decide to up and leave.

And many people who join never post and many who get 'bullied' (lovely emotive language that!) don't leave. This is a claim that you can't prove, because rarely do such people say anything to note they are leaving.

It's not *that* surprising that you're not getting much new blood, even if the technical and cultural considerations went away. The series from which it draws it's name is long passed, and that means getting new users is going to be hard enough anyhow.

The Sherlock Holmes Appreciation Society seems to be doing well, despite the author's stubborn refusal to communicate from beyond. You're assuming that everyone here came because of the name in the first place, there are loads that never read or had any interest in Grant Morrison's work and we have this wonderful thing called a search engine which can be used to look for words within a page that interest you, often people have found Barbelith using that.

There's barely a single message board, mailing list, forum, whatever on the PLANET that is LESS open to new users.

I would think that if there were message boards they might be a bit more difficult to find than Barbelith. Unless there's a website somewhere of boards which don't appear on any websites, including that list?

Get dynamic. Bring in a horde of new users and learn to think on your feet. Assign moderators as needed, get stuff done as needed. It'll be chaos, but perhaps from chaos you can get some life back into this board, which otherwise will simply remain a stagnant pond.

Blue sky, red hat thinking. Dynamically. Out of the box. Know where your cheese is. America, do you know what colour your parachute is? And so on. Thanks for telling us we should think about ways to stop the rot. That just didn't occur to us. We must crown you as our new king!

This is not helped by a search function that doesn't work very well,

I wonder why no-one has brought this up before.
You should know after all.

You've defined the problem, fancy having a crack at answering it?
14:45 / 11.02.05
Sandalphon, I think you're missing something when you start going on about "trial[s] by fire". I don't entirely disagree with you - perhaps new posters should be treated a little more gently than they often are - but the fact is that if we want to be a community, we must work to maintain certain standards, values and norms. Other boards use super mods. we use collective moderation and, crucially, argument.

I suppose we're back to the age old question: what is Barbelith for?
14:51 / 11.02.05
Look around and learn how it's done.

A little rude.
I assure you that Tom, and many others, have done more than their fair share of leg-work.
Spatula Clarke
15:01 / 11.02.05
I also don't think that our actions can be characterised as 'hiding our heads in the sand and pretending we can avoid growth', on what do you base this claim?

On the obvious evidence that everybody's ignoring the problems with board membership/involvement and refusing to discuss those problems and possible solutions.

Oh. Hang on.
rising and revolving
15:27 / 11.02.05
Okay, some things are unclear evidently. Let's crank up the intercut and quote machine. And since todays broth seems to be a boullion of sarcasm lightly topped with sliced snide, let's keep with the menu.

So, the oldsters aren't posting on here for various reasons any more but yet at the same time 'forcing' the board to stick to 'an unchanging vision of what Barbelith is'?

Yes. The group of "the oldsters" does in fact contain more than one person. Well done.

This merely demonstrates an ignorance of our history. Read the Knowledge FAQ. I also don't think that our actions can be characterised as 'hiding our heads in the sand and pretending we can avoid growth', on what do you base this claim?

I base this claim on the near-complete lack of new users. Of solving a problem that every board deals with (trolls) by the unique method of cutting off your head to spite your ears.

As for ignorance, I've seen the Knowledge issue referenced before. I'm aware of what's gone on in the past. And I'm also aware that in this case, the terrorist won - he changed your behaviour through his actions, and has pretty much killed the board. And the board has stood by and allowed this outcome.

Where are you suggesting that we charge for board access?

Nowhere. At least, nowhere in my post. More users = more donations is all I was talking about.

Certainly relying on good will so far hasn't stopped Tom from having to pay the bills each month.

Nope. But there is such a thing as a break-even point. More active members will result in more donations, and eventually that point could be reached.

Unless of course the aim is to remain forever small. Which I could understand, if that was the overall intention.

Howso? If you charge for access to the board doesn't that mean that people are going to go to the free board down the superhighway?

The solved problem is dealing with trolls, not charging for board access. Given that you were the one who pointed out that I wasn't talking about charging for access earlier, you kind of run off the rails in a major fashion here. Ah well. Moving on.

Again, where do you expect the money, time and technical support for this to come from? This thread is full of people saying they don't have the time, as well as sometimes the inclination, to give the board the attention it needs.

Moderation doesn't cost money, it merely costs giving a shit. The people who post? Make 'em mods. Get the whole thing working - that's how other boards do it. WITH NO MONEY INCOMING, I might add. Tools? I know for a fact most of the ones needed are there, they merely need to be applied.

If you're looking for something that fits the Tripolitik / Barbelith supposed goal of "cutting edge self maintained community" then sure, we could get into theoretical "people who post lots get mod points" dream land. But just to get things working like every other board isn't too difficult. Which would be better than what's going on.

If this is experimental community, then I have to say the experiment is failing. Time to shake up the variables.

I would think that if there were message boards they might be a bit more difficult to find than Barbelith. Unless there's a website somewhere of boards which don't appear on any websites, including that list?

What are you talking about? Have you been drinking? Or are you not familiar with the term "message board" and the fact that it's synonymous with "web forum"? If so, your attempt at being ever so smart isn't really a raging success, I fear. Not that I don't appreciate being on the end of a wildly flailing and inarticulate attempt at sarcasm.

Blue sky, red hat thinking. Dynamically. Out of the box. Know where your cheese is. America, do you know what colour your parachute is? And so on. Thanks for telling us we should think about ways to stop the rot. That just didn't occur to us. We must crown you as our new king!

I would like my crown to be manufactured out of gold, but only ethically mined stuff, please. Do make sure it's lined with ermine, though - and make sure those little buggers scream when ya skin 'em.

What I mean by my "dynamically" comment is simply this.

Let the new users come. Open the floodgates ASAP. See how many problems you have. If you need more mods to deal with problems, add more mods. If mods need a licence to kill, well, give it to them. If mods start abusing their power, discuss how to fix it.

At the moment, you're standing still waiting for the problem to get talked to death. Simply MOVE. Any direction will do. Then you'll be back on the path, and you'll have little problems that have easy solutions - as opposed to one great big problem that no-one knows how to solve because the mere possibiliy of a troll is too scary.
rising and revolving
15:45 / 11.02.05
A little rude.
I assure you that Tom, and many others, have done more than their fair share of leg-work.

Fair enough, it probably was a little rude. Especially given all the work Tom has done.

Suffice to say, other boards get trolled much harder than here, but seem to manage better. Which I should have said in a less impolite fashion, per'haps.

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