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What is it with some of you people?


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13:19 / 19.01.05
Oddly enough, due to a weird eye condition I've developed over the last year or so I can't spend as much time on the computer as I could in the past. I think it's the universe's way of telling me that I needed to cut back a bit.

Someone up there recommended getting a job, which I also recommend (though I highly recommend you don't get a job at a supermarket. Trust me). I bitch about my job constantly but it really does keep me grounded and it gives you something else to focus on. My coworkers are all pretty hip, intelligent people I enjoy talking to, and you can get satisfaction from doing manual tasks. Sometimes to brighten up a dull shift I'll visualize myself as a shepard and all the books in my zone are part of my flock, and it's essential they're all in their proper place on the shelf where people who are looking to buy them can find them. Also, I find that doing a good job (and hearing your boss tell you that all your coworkers tell them what a good worker you are) and getting promoted can be a huge ego boost. A few months ago I got promoted to being a lead and now I have my own department to look after, which is a lot more work but it's also more satisfying. I like the fact my position says "lead", I've never really been a leader type, so it's a new experience. 'Course I don't actually give anyone orders and I'm the only person who works in my department, so I'm a leader in title only, but still, it's the thought that counts.
13:35 / 19.01.05
14:01 / 19.01.05
I would like to take this opportunity to say that I am ever so sorry for anyone I have neglected to PM. there are a few of you, and I truly ♥-and-puppies you all.

my only excuse is that I am both self-absorbed and easily called into hardcore magpie mode.
Gypsy Lantern
14:10 / 19.01.05
Get some armour (not literally, please don't get actual armour, that would be too much for my poor brain).

I nearly spat my cup of tea out all over the screen when I read that.
14:37 / 19.01.05
Now this thread is all cuddly and lovely and full of good advice that everyone should pay attention to.

I think you should also try to do something each day that you have never done before. It's a really good way of thinking about the basic things in your life.

I don't mean do a new thing like go parachuting or bungee jumping, or ram-raiding or anything, I just mean simple, everyday things. Like stopping at the Little Chef and eating cherry pancakes with ice-cream (do this, really do this, I know it's the Little Chef but still) if you've never done that. Or walking a different route for a familiar journey. Or stopping to stroke the cat from next door. Or, well, anything.

It's the doing of it that is the point.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:39 / 19.01.05
I think the phrase "Omega Institute" is wicked kewl. In fact, just putting OMEGA on the front of anything makes it more kickass. My PC is now the OMEGA PC. My mobile phone will henceforth be the OMEGA mobile phone. I'm drinking a can of OMEGA lager and eating some OMEGA crisps, and may decide to put my OMEGA kettle on in a minute for OMEGA tea.
14:40 / 19.01.05
Here's today's thing: I bet you no-one has ever made you a picture of talking squirrels before. Print it out and stick it on your wall.

I want squirrels like that, I am jealous!
14:47 / 19.01.05
Mordant your OMEGA theory falls down once you reach cider I'm afraid, that stuff was anything but cool
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:55 / 19.01.05
Good point. OMEGA cider shall hereafter be called OMEGA Foul Horrible Throatstripping Applefilth Of Nastyness.
15:02 / 19.01.05
Katy cider is lovely. However, Katy everything else is not nearly as cool.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:22 / 19.01.05
Mmm. "The Katy Institute" just doesn't have the same ring. Unless Katy was an acronym for something edgy, of course.
16:19 / 19.01.05
Wait -- you can return PMS? Good Lord, I'll have to tell my wife...
16:25 / 19.01.05
I bet you no-one has ever made you a picture of talking squirrels before

no, but someone once made me an entire bouquet full of well-wishing, meowing kitten heads. does that count?
16:32 / 19.01.05
Fear bearo, for he LIES. ALL white cider is good. I lived on that shit for many years.

Actually, it isn't good, is it?

Apologies. Don't fear bearo. He is wise.

Seriously... X, I hope you're still reading this thread, cos there's some great advice in here for you. Indeed, it's pretty sensible stuff for ANY of us. Basically, as far as I can tell, you just need to chill, back off a bit, reconnect with the everyday...

Life can be beautiful if you let it. Don't feel you have to try to MAKE it so. (Jesus, I need a haircut. I'm talking like a fucking hippy again.)

And fridge is right... feed dem squirrels. FEED 'em. They'll appreciate it.

Take care of y'self, boy.
16:54 / 19.01.05
Lies! The Katy Institute is obviously an Institution for Kinetic Androids Trained for Yelling.

8===>Q: alyn
17:44 / 19.01.05
You know, at one time I was on this science fiction writing newsgroup where Damon Knight hung around, and he was all the time correcting my usage. I got all, "Jesus, Damon, can it with the friggin' usage, who do you think you are?" And I did other unmannerly things there, but probably that was the most egregious because, you know, Mr. Knight is this nice old man who is really doing everyone a favor by hanging out on this newsgroup, giving sage advice and whatnot. And he sent a letter around to all the editors and agents in the world that I was a nasty little shit who mustn't be trusted, and that's why I'm not a famous science fiction writer today.
18:57 / 19.01.05
Without checking this thread, I posted this in the Temple. Isolation, or solitude seems to be a running theme on the board lately. Even with Money $hot's hilarious, "Please do not open this thread".

We should have an official "No Barbelith Day". Anyone even caught lurking, will be shot on site.
19:05 / 19.01.05
Or shot on the site.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:47 / 19.01.05
Now we've got this out of the way I must say that squirrels are bastards and steal bird food from my back garden. If the Beaufort hunt want to relocate to a 20 metre by 10 metre patch of land and hunt squirrels they'd be more than welcome.
19:53 / 19.01.05
Squirrels will be shot, regardless.
Alex's Grandma
20:09 / 19.01.05
Yes, while I gather there are plans to put them on re-start schemes, surely the Beaufort hunt can't climb trres just yet ?
20:23 / 19.01.05
Bah. Squirrels rock and will kick all of your arses.
20:37 / 19.01.05
Nuff of that skwerlhugger talk, Fridge! Apparently, skewrls iz tryin' to take over the world!

Squirrels, evil? Cast your vote for squirrels here
20:45 / 19.01.05
Yeah I'm still here. I'm just........I don't know.

Regrouping the contents of my head or whatever. There's no use in running off and trying to come back all "Woo I'm fine now!" or any of that, I'll just try my hardest to change what I'm doing, give magick a break for a month because I'm far too obsessed with it, start going out of the house....OUT OF THE HOUSE......sorry, I had to repeat that to myself, daily, and instead of reading about occult stuff I'll focus on my Buddhist stuff, (which is really going very well, it's the other stuff that's fucked me up, numerous things etc etc) my Kung-Fu, and I'm going to try and learn what I can about Science whilst having a break from the mojo.

It's important to start thinking differently, so I'm going to approach Science with a desire to genuinely learn some of it. Instead of (and Gypsy suggested this ages ago I think) clicking on the Temple whenever I get here, I'll click on the Laboratory instead, and try and learn things with the same enthusiasm that I've had with Magick etc.

I hardly go on the PC now anyway, that's why I had a shock after this latest episode......I just need to spend time away from Magick and more time outdoors, chilling out, getting a different view on life.

This has surely reached it's end now.....I'm going to get a 'rant pad' to freak out in too, like someone kind of suggested. Write this shit down somewhere else. I just freaked, got para, and I've also got...I think it's called Agoraphobia....where I don't even want to leave the house no more...I don't feel comfortable outdoors and shit, it's horrible....but it's not a very bad case of it I don't think, because if I push myself I can go's just wierd, I've had it for a good few years now, it's mild though, I can push through that one easily hopefully, it's just laziness and shit. I went to Kung-Fu tonight though and I proved to myself that I can still communicate with people normally, have a laugh etc so that's great. I'll take up walking and jogging to, on a daily basis hopefully starting from tommorrow.

Fucking ego-death magick. I have this thing where everything builds up and it's know when your pissed and you sometimes rant on messageboards? Well I have this thing where I do it sober. I just get so wound up and then I let it fly. (usually late at night) It's selfish, and I'm stupid because I've just realized how selfish it is. How much I value your online freindship and I've just fucked up again.

Ha, I don't need ego magick now. How can anyone have an ego that survives all the ranting that I've done here? I think I've done so many things subconsciously like purposely making an idiot of myself......I sometimes wonder just what the fuck I really am.....what the fuck are we all doing with ourselves? Can't we just leave all this behind and go and live in the woods? C'mon Haus, you've got that big brain thinger, can't you work something out for us all? Can't you be Plato and run our woodland thing and Gypsy be the Merlin guy and LVX23 the Chaos guy who does big parties like Burning Man and that? C'mon guys.

I want to live in the woods. There, is that a good sign that I'm better?


Skip that last bit, I'm on it, again......but I'm getting too old for this shit now, ranting like this so I'm onto it with total renewed effort. It's selfish in the end and I can't keep doing it. Thanks for the book suggestions Haus, you suggested The Golden Bough? If so I've been wanting that for years now, I'll order it when/IF I properly get over this shit and get back on track. (wait a minute....ON track, not back on track, (fucking hell) I've never been on the fucking track except when I walked PASSED the fucking thing again and into the woods on the other side have I? Sort of like criss-crossing over the track every time I go off into the wilderness again)

So come on then you lot, I've gotta be the coolest Hypermage ever now. Right? Where's my super wizard award?


*CRAWLS into a DARKENED corner*

20:47 / 19.01.05
Oh yeah, Fridge those Squirrels were so cute. I can't feed them though, I only ever see one when it's running past every now and then. I do feed the birds though, I like feeding the birds. (I throw bread in garden, birds come, not actually feeding them when they are there.)
Mourne Kransky
20:51 / 19.01.05
But those biug bastard grey sq
20:54 / 19.01.05
Well, quite.

If you feed them, they will come. They just run past you because they know you don't have any food. They also like fags, incidentally.
Mourne Kransky
20:57 / 19.01.05
Ignore half finished mispelt post please.

But those grey squirrels are imperialist adventurist c*nts, eating all the Scottish red squirrels.

Boo hiss. Quick, hide their nuts.
21:02 / 19.01.05
Oh ok thanks Fridge. Hey I've done a really good job of helping you believe I'm not that X gonk from fade to black haven't I? Sheesh I'm nuts. Oh yeah : they do NOT like cigs!

Anyhow I've only been in the Lab for two or three minutes and I've already had a good laugh : (I didn't expect that)

Qalyn :

Put differently: Photons are just bullshit, aren't they? There are no photons, gluons or gravitons. Isn't "massless" a hifalutin' way of saying "it doesn't exist"?

Am I really smarter than everyone?!?

And Xoc : what?

But those biug bastard grey sq

Classic pissed typing. I'm sure a tear dropped from my eye as I laughed at that. That's just such classic pissed typing that it's unreal.
21:08 / 19.01.05
Naaa man!

I'm sorry if you don't like this Q, but I gotta quote the next post too, this is really funny :

This is just something that infuriates me, man. A wave is not a particle! You can't have a wave/particle. A wave is motion; a particle is matter. You've got your amber waves of grain, but the grains are not the waves. So, fine, force particles are fictions, but what do the fictions represent? Nothing. It's a handy tool for theoreticians, but it doesn't actually describe anything, rather like the Holy Trinity.

That's right, I said it.

(I'll save the next for barbequotes or something if I find one, and I am actually paying attention to that thread instead of just laughing at it, even though it might be hard to believe.)
21:09 / 19.01.05
Squirrels *do* like fags (see third paragraph from bottom).
Mourne Kransky
21:10 / 19.01.05
Classic pissed typing

How dare you! OK, hands up to that. Blame Cherry Bomb, dipsomaniac seductress!
8===>Q: alyn
21:13 / 19.01.05
I don't think I mind, X. Should I? I'm glad you're finally starting to realize what a powerful genius I am, and how it is my agenda that secretly influences all others at Barbelith, but I'm not sure what you're getting at.
21:18 / 19.01.05
Fridge that's insane! I like the little picture of the Squirell on each paragraph too, it looks....I don't know, like it's....on something. It would be cool if have food at the ready incase of any encounters with squirells. I keep seeing foxes when I go out on a night every now and then too. They always run off but wierdly they stop at a distance and just look at me. I'd love to feed a fox.

Xoc, it's good to see you typing good anyway......has this turned into the lateshift or something? Maybe it's time this thread started the death march........I don't know why I ever say that, I mean if someones gonna post in it then it's not gonna die is it......oh well.
21:20 / 19.01.05
I'm glad you're finally starting to realize what a powerful genius I am, and how it is my agenda that secretly influences all others at Barbelith, but I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Ha, there's nothing hidden there don't worry. It's just the way you finished both posts, they both had funny endings.

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