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What is it with some of you people?


Page: (1)234

23:34 / 18.01.05
What is it with some of you people and not returning private messages? I won't mention no names.......but there's 5 of you off the top of my head since I've been here. People I fucking RESPECT aswell. I must be one annoying person.

I am TRULY sorry to those that I have annoyed. Really I am, but if I'd known that you wouldn't reply, I wouldn't have annoyed you. Do you think I take pleasure in this? It's winding my fucking head all over the place, it really is.

Bored of these fucking shit posts from moi? Then read on for good news :

You fuckers (who enjoy reading this shit) can save this post, print it off and frame it if you take pleasure in these rants, (I think they are fucking stupid, but 'vent' comes to mind, and seeing as I'm defanged in the middle of the assembly line I may aswell resort to this.) because I am SICK OF THEM.

Fear not, I'm now in search of the ego-death magick, (believe it. I would not waste my time and make myself look even more stupid just to perpetuate this type of crap.) the curtain is falling on my games........I'm fucking serious here, I've gotta get my ass in gear. If the people you respect won't talk to you, then kill yer fucking ego in any way you can, because there's no point in joining the assholes instead, that's just fucking lazy. (believe that too, or don't. It's your mind for fucks sake, why listen to me implanting 'beliefs' in it?!)

Quick recap of the end :

There's no point in joining the assholes instead, that's just fucking lazy.

Because we are, after all, professionals. Aren't we? I'll soon fucking see in my case anyway.

23:43 / 18.01.05

Don't have nightmares and do sleep well.
23:58 / 18.01.05
Seeing as I never recieved a PM I can only come to the conclusion that you don't respect me.

I am sad.
01:03 / 19.01.05
Dont worry, I respect you.
farseer /pokes out an i
02:01 / 19.01.05
Fear not, I'm now in search of the ego-death magick,

*chants DMT! D M T! D M T! D M T!*

Ahem. Sorry.
The Falcon
02:45 / 19.01.05
I didn't reply to the one pm you sent me because it was over a piddling matter, I thought.

I also think you're a nice, well-meaning lad, so there was no offence intended.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
05:15 / 19.01.05
I didn't reply to your PM because I was in a foul mood. By the time I stopped being in a foul mood, a reply seemed rather redundant.

I don't always get replies to my PMs. Nobody always gets replies to their PMs. It doesn't mean anything.
06:53 / 19.01.05
You'd probably be better off searching for a job or a hobbie rather than death/ego magic, possibly.
06:56 / 19.01.05
I'm actually wearing a cardigan today I think it's taking over.
07:14 / 19.01.05
Some of us don't check in very often. Incredibly, it's not always about you.
08:40 / 19.01.05
well, i got a pm from you sweetie-pants but it was just a consolidatey thing, didn't think it required a reply.


you have a huge brain bending crisis about what, every five to ten days? doesn't it get boring for you? maybe ego-death magick is exactly what you DON'T need. or, with all this lack of harmony in your life, it could just be that you're a very poor magician indeed. i agree with cardigan-man above, you need something that'll get you out of the house and off the internet a bit.

exercise: try to answer the following questions as fully and honestly as you can:

why (the hell) do you care at all what these internet people think of you?
08:43 / 19.01.05
Hi there. What's all this about? You wrote to some other members about something and because they didn't reply you think that they are annoyed at you?!

Ummm... why?

The reason I ask is it seems such a silly thing to get wound up about, especially to the degree that you so clearly seem to be annoyed. What was it you were writing? It must have been very important.

I'm not trying to rankle btw, just understand why you're so angry.
Liger Null
09:13 / 19.01.05
At least you get PMs...*sob*
Haus of Mystery
09:34 / 19.01.05
I take it your time outside didn't help...
Gypsy Lantern
09:34 / 19.01.05
Absurd a proposition as it may seem, people do go on holiday and not look at the internet for three weeks. I know it's a bit weird, but people do have shit of their own to deal with in their lives and can't always respond to PM's as quickly as you'd like them to.
09:36 / 19.01.05
Ego death... so we're up to the end of Invisibles volume 1 now? OK...

Pretty much what Gumbitch said, X. We don't all sit around cackling about how, by deliberately not replying to you, we are FUCKING WITH YOUR HEAD MAN. People are busy. If you still want three books to read, I can recommend them now.

1) The Iliad, Homer
2) Homer, Jasper Griffin
3) Classical Epic - Homer and Vergil, Richard Jenkyns

Problem being, two of those recommendations are support texts, and one of them a very *easy* support text because your experience of literature is, as far as I can tell, so specific as to render what might a couple of decades ago be defined as "literature" almost completely alien to you. When you said in the "Writing Occult Novels" thread that you were reading Cosmic Trigger, it was the least surprising revelation in history. So would you get more out of three written texts and do the reading around inspired by genuine interest? Should I suggest instead, say:

1) The Iliad
2) Mythologies, Roland Barthes
3) Gender Trouble, Judith Butler

And would that make your brain explode? Should one go for something a bit softer:

1) Ben's in Love - Katherine Applegate
2) Charmed Life - Diana Wynne Jones
3) Zoom - Simon Armitage

Or be needlessly cruel:

1) The Golden Bough
2) The Holy Caballah, Whaite
3) On Grammatology, Derrida

These are problems that I have not had time to think through entirely.

So, crisis every ten days or so. You leave Barbelith to sort out some big stuff. Ten days later you return. Ten days on, you are seeking ego death. And the one thread that inhabits every one of these crises is that it involves sitting in front of a computer screen - for the love of God, your sabbatical from Barbelith was spent playing Grand Theft Auto. A bit of fresh air, exercise, reading things the refrain of which is not "there are special magic secrets that only I know, and now I'll tell thee, for you are special"... these could all be a bit more productive right now than Googling "ego death". Might I recommend, should you be equipped to do it, a nice walk? No marijuana, no cosmic visitations, just a visit to a local piece of grassland, perhaps with a newspaper to read? Then making your mother a cup of tea and havng a chat about her life?
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
10:05 / 19.01.05
Haus has brain.
10:05 / 19.01.05
Out of interest, Fireman, did you make any effort to read, or even accquire, the books that were recommeded to you previously?
10:11 / 19.01.05
And, if the ranty, ungrounded verbal diarrohea you've posted in this thread is anything like the content of PMs you've sent to people, why the hell should they reply? I wouldn't.
10:20 / 19.01.05
Incredibly, it's not always about you.

Last time I checked, it was all about Mike Robot, and even he doesn't seem to be checking in much at the mo'.

Where are you, your majesty?
10:20 / 19.01.05
Well I'm obviously insane and need to leave for a lot longer or something. 10 days was way to early to come back. Maybe ten weeks would of helped, but I dunno, I've got issues, it could take ages.

I just feel fucked. I can't control my thoughts/moods/feelings or anything.

I'll probably try to leave for a lot longer or something from now. If you post back I'll read your stuff at some point I guess but I need out of this for more than 10 days.

I keep thinking people are playing mind-games or something, and half of the time I just want out of this. I've got my own life after all, I should just fuck off.

I mean I wrote a fictional peice about a place called the Omega Institute (which was fucked up) and at the same time Grant Morrison, Doug Rushkoff etc etc were REALLY at a place called the Omega Institute holding seminars or whatever. Can that really be coincidence? I think I've been rigged half the time to fuck people up, and I know that if I search a little bit harder I'll find this shit, or I won't. Maybe I haven't fucked life off enough. Maybe I need to fuck it off so much that the whole thing just unfolds before my eyes. There's something wierd going on, and the more I search, the more opposition I get in a lot of cases. Maybe I'm creating this shit myself. Maybe I'm not. Haha, I don't really give a fuck anymore, it's just so see-through half the time.

I get obsessed with magick, then I don't even see no point in doing anything but believing in my own inner essence, that most of magick is just a sham to get drained of our awareness instead of focusing it properly. I keep thinking about 20 percent of magick is cool, teaches you about yourself, but the rest is fucked. I don't even want a life a lot of the time because I think it's 95% crap. Why don't I just stay in this room most of the time, and one day I'll just bail. My memories intact, nothing to cling to, no attachements, and bail. Bail form this whole fucking thing until I can really geniunely help instead of being a fucking fuckwit.

I think "well I should just be Buddhist or something."

I need this, I need that, haha. Yeah.
10:35 / 19.01.05
I think "well I should just be Buddhist or something."

That just reads so bad, like it's any easy way out. It's really anything but.

I've just had so many headfucks that my ability to feel and give a fuck has almost gone. Like you could say anything, the things that are 100% right and it just wouldn't register. Like I'm burnt out or something.

It's just......I don't know.

I just want to go back to this time last year and not have any of these threads of mine anywhere. But now that so many are, I can either go mad, or I can discard massive amounts of my ego. I have to do that or I'll go mad anyway.

I did want to get some of those books, but in the end I left that job. I can't stick a job because I'm too fucked up right now. I've got belief systems going on that really shouldn't be there, and if I find them, then maybe this will be over.

It's just fucking stupid.
10:38 / 19.01.05
Ahhh I hate this fucking internet right now. Nothings gonna fix until I get the fuck away from posting on this fucking internet.

I'm out. Don't worry about me, what's the point?

Sorry again, and again : Later.
10:44 / 19.01.05
Wait up, I can't leave you like that.

The things I've found here and the advice I've had and you've just helped me so much. I feel like I'm on the verge of something so fucking cool. Maybe most of the hard work is out of the way in regards to sorting my head out and getting to something that I can't even begin to describe. I've just tortured myself so much for so many years.

Don't worry about me. I'm into the healing thing now, but I have to bail form this again properly I guess.

Should type to you in the future. But as someone genuine, not as this.......I dunno what.
10:52 / 19.01.05
Oh, huggles for X. It'll be fine, just smoke less dope (whic will hopefully lead to less time thinking the world has been set up to fuck you up; two people thinking the phrase "Omega Institute" is kewl is a perfectly reasonable coincidence), spend less time on the Internet - both will help. Stop thinking you have to be an ascended master, and spend a bit of time taking care of the garden. Don't expect everyone to be as interested in talking to you and about you as you'd like them to be. Possibly consider a bit of counselling?

Meanwhile, cup of tea, read of paper, talk to your mum about what kind of a day she's had. At no point go off on a lengthy tangent about your magical experiences.
10:58 / 19.01.05
X, I think you should just take a big deep breath, calm down and make a cup of tea.

Then I think you should turn your computer off. No wait... you might need it for

Now, drink your tea and maybe have a biscuit too.

Get the yellow pages and find a Yoga class near to you. If it's not in there then go back to the dreaded computer and type in 'Yoga' and '(your area)' into google.

Now, ring up the person, explain that you want to start and that it's been reccommended. It's only the beginning of term so they're sure to accept you.

If you don't think you'll like yoga (you will if you do Ashtanga yoga, I promise) then why not try Tai Chi? You need an activity like these. San Andreas will not help you with calming down and approaching things with reason. I repeat, San Andreas will not help.

You can't think if you'll all coiled up inside and if you can't think then things start to get really fucked up and horrible.

Please try it.

Reading this thread is making me very sad.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
11:07 / 19.01.05
Hey! I replied to you!

And now, the only advice you'll ever need:


Seriously, man. Unplug the computer, put away the dope and the sacrifical chickens, step outside your door and take a nice long walk in the crisp winter air for an hour. Doesn't that feel good? Life Affirming?
11:14 / 19.01.05
Especially that mission with the couriers.

I've think I've been close to where you are X but you seriously need some chill out time and I know it's not easy I've been trying to sell my computer so I can get away from the net, you feel like if you don't connect your missing out on info but it'll still be there in 10 days/10 weeks/10 months time.

I don't think anyone is telling you stuff you don't know, it's just about trying to create the will power to carry it out.

Go on holiday, do a search for Pluscarden Abbey.
Spatula Clarke
11:15 / 19.01.05
Shame you chucked the job in, really, because it could have been just what you needed. Conversation with proper, fleshy people who probably don't give a fark for magick.
11:30 / 19.01.05
Cup of tea. Talk to mum. Go outside and meet some people. Jeenyuss.

I was in a similar place in that space between college and university. Getting a job grounded me to no end. So get your ass down to the Job Centre. Look out for wanted signs and hand out those CVs like a motherfucker.

As for these 'sabbaticals' it's obviously not working. The moment you come back you're back on as much as you used to be only to freak out again a fortnight later. Look at cigarette addiction, and I believe what you have IS an addiction: I think a gradual easing off the computer might help a lot more than quitting. Set yourself a three hour maximum on the PC a day, then shorten it every proceeding week til you're down enough to check your e-mails.

To fill up the time you're NOT using your PC you're going to need a major hobby to keep you interested so you don't fall back into old patterns. Yoga, tai chi, martial arts. All will help. Go down to your local college and ask for part-time/night courses. You don't have to make a major commitment, just find something to focus on other than the goddamn Invisibles.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:14 / 19.01.05
Oooh, seconding the DWJ book recommendation.

You take care now, X.
12:49 / 19.01.05
I'd go out to the park and feed the squirrels. It's a hard time of year for squirrels.

Might do that myself, actually.
Tryphena Absent
12:51 / 19.01.05
Can that really be coincidence? I think I've been rigged half the time to fuck people up, and I know that if I search a little bit harder I'll find this shit, or I won't

You need to stop searching and start talking to more girls. And I don't mean that in a dating way and stop being a teenage goth because it sucks.

And start keeping a diary that other people can't read so that when all your lame anxieties come out, a year later, you can be embarassed about them and then laugh as you realise that no one else knows. Whereas frankly, all of us know and you will never be able to genuinely laugh now. Get some armour (not literally, please don't get actual armour, that would be too much for my poor brain).
13:07 / 19.01.05

Actually, I recommend that you just abandon magic totally for a bit. I've done this a few times over the years, just avoided all occult books and that kind of thinking and looked into other areas (there was a big spell once where I spent alot of time reading books about science and philosophy). Generally, if you're really serious about magic, eventually you will return to it, hopefully with more insight on the subject then you had before. Sometimes not focusing on magic can be the most magical act you can do at that moment. What was that Phil Hine wrote about "Gnostic burn-out"? You may be trying to do too much at one time. There was a time myself where I was like "Oh man, I gotta read the Book of the Dead, I have all these Crowley books to read, have to read more Dion Fortune", whatever. I was trying to absorb all this occult information in a very short time span, trying to make myself this super-intelligent human being, but I was trying to read too much at once and just ended up getting tired and burned out and depressed. Which is why I only read one or two occult books at a time now and try to balance it out reading something else, be it fiction, non-fiction, whatever. Try reading something you'd normally never read, like a chick novel or something. If you really do believe in the kind of things that Robert Anton Wilson writes about, deconditioning yo self and taking on new reality tunnels, this is perhaps one of the most radical things you can do.

I can sympathize with you to some extent, being somewhat socially inept myself a good majority of my friends exist online and I too have gotten wrapped up in internet obsessions, and the end result is usually you alienate your online friends. For example, I almost ruined a friendship once with an Australian friend of mine because whenever we got together for a daily chat I would almost inevitably lapse into a diatribe about how depressed I was, and so on. I thought he could relate as in many ways we're similiar and we've both been emotional crutches to each other in the past, but by this point he had moved on, gotten a social life, he wasn't in that kind of headspace anymore. Which is why I haven't spoken to him all that much in awhile, only every now and then, though when I get out of my dark period I'll certainly try to connect to him again. In your case, you tend to repeat the same problems quite a bit, and that annoys people after awhile. I don't mean this as an insult, as I'm the same way. You have to put yourself in other people's shoes though and see how frustrating itcan be to say the same things over and over again. I have a transexual friend in real life I knew in college who I mostly just talk to over the 'net now, though we're supposed to meet again and hang out one day this year, catch up on old times. We read each other's live journals and this person is constantly complaining about how depressed he is, how much he wants to move, how he wants to kill himself, and so on. And everytime he lapses into self-pity I usually cheer him up with inspirational messages and so on, which he seems to get something out of. But then the cycle repeats itself and I just end up getting frustrated because I care about him but he just keeps thinking the same negative thoughts over and over again. The only plus about all this is it gave me some insight on my own behavior. In David Icke's book "I am me, I am free" Icke says one of the worst things you can do to "why me" people is try to constantly console them. I think there's some truth to this.

See? I learned something from a David Icke book.
13:10 / 19.01.05
I know this may sound patronising, but - can you afford to wait a bit, and turn down the intensity and volume of these issues in your head? I'm all for enthusiasm and headfuck, but at the moment, the pitch of intensity with which you're approaching these questions doesn't seem to be helping you, just winding you up. Wired and headfucked is a good state to be in for an afternoon, then you have some tea and watch the ripples spread out into other areas of your life, then you calm down a bit. Then you do the same thing in a couple of days. You don't keep fuckin the head; that's like being on acid all the time, or sticking your mindfork in the 'lecky socket.
If there are big things going on in the universe, they'll keep going on, surely? And you'll be better able to deal with them.

Maybe knock yourself up some nice calming mantras.

And the Omega thing is a coincidence. Any other letter of the greek alphabet, possibly sinister. Alpha and Omega - nobody has first dibs on those.

I've also ground to a halt lately because everything I've been doing is channelled towards an end. I've found it useful to try doing some pointless things, and you might also. Not pointless things because they will unlock the dark door of reason and let your mind swing free on oiled hinges; just things with no ultimate purpose. It lets you get used to the background noise your brain makes and get used to your own company.

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