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Celeb Big Brother 2005


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19:33 / 06.01.05
Well someone had to didn't they -

So far we have -

John what's his name from the racing
Germaine Greer

and now Bez

Who's next?
19:47 / 06.01.05
Hmm...McCrirrick's hero is George W. Bush.

He'll be popular...
23:43 / 06.01.05
He'll win, though. There's no justice.
07:55 / 07.01.05
nah bez's got it sewn up, just in time for the mondays revival and the bez'n'shaun osbournes-show. just so they've enough for retirement, i worry about them, i do.
Alex's Grandma
08:10 / 07.01.05

Though I have had a soft spot for Bridgette Nielsen since she twatted either Baddiel or Skinner ( possibly both ) on Fantasy Football League that time. And I'll also be interested to see which of the two boyband jailbait I'd imagine they've expressly put in for this purpose she gets drunk and hits on first.
The Strobe
08:18 / 07.01.05
Woo, Germaine Greer. Could be fun.

However, I'm probably going to root for Bez as he's the only one of them who's bought me a drink before.
11:00 / 07.01.05
Kenzie Blazin' Squad looks barely pubescent, and as such is probably more at risk from Germaine.

And Paleface - when I met Bez at a party a couple of years ago, he smoked half my fags, tried to get me to procure one of my friends, and didn't buy me shit. What's your secret?
Tryphena Absent
12:12 / 07.01.05
I don't think I'm going to be able to watch this, my 10 year hatred of Lisa may be topped by the sheer irritation that is Brigette.
16:15 / 07.01.05
I was waiting for Brigitte to ask who any of the other contestants were... such a poor display of minor celebrity and career-flagging individuals.
And of course they'll all be playing against type when it's their type that would make them interesting in this environment.
Except Brigitte... she's the only good thing about this series.
modern maenad
14:13 / 08.01.05
So what's the deal with racing John? In last nights' (friday) show he was shown being a bigotted twat, droning on about women being useless and ugly girls being grateful ad nauseam. Later, when speaking in the diary room, he displayed a bizarre awareness that what he was saying was both unacceptable and liable to turn people against him. I have found myself mulling over this on and off all day. I'm sure we've been exposed to this type of man (over bearing, over opinionated, over whelming, long overdue a personality transplant). The question I keep asking myself is why would he persist in such behaviour if he knew it was offensive and liable to alienate him from others?? What d'ya reckon?
16:20 / 08.01.05
OK, cards on the table here, I don't watch telly if I can help it.

And the question I don't understand about BB is- surely the people you most want to win aren't going to be the ones who are the most entertaining to watch?
How does this work?

And no, I'm not taking the piss, I am actually interested to know. Cos I'd be torn, myself.
18:16 / 08.01.05
Well I don't watch a great deal of tele myself, and I've never seen more than the odd snippet of any BB series, but I felt the need to confess that my smugness coffers are full to overflowing to learn that Germaine Greer is on it. IMHO she's been a credibility-free talking head for years so it's no surprise that she's there. And after her public denunciation of the offer to appear in I'm a Celebrity ... tsk tsk.
Mourne Kransky
19:14 / 08.01.05
I was intrigued to see Prof Greer swallowing her words as she strutted in to share living space with the foul tipster but it never really kicked off thereafter and I haven't been back.

Maybe I will if Jeremy Edwards gets his kit off regularly. Couldn't they do a cross-over show featuring some of the best bits from I'm A Celeb Get Me Out Of Here? Put them in tanks of rats and snakes or give them testicles and grubs to eat?

Problem with celebs doing this is they're all too media savvy to give us the flare ups we crave. Although Bez has never been set on the straight and narrow path, I guess, and the cherub from Blazin' Squad is like a bush baby and may behave very unwisely.

And I guess there's always the hope that one of them will do a Vanessa Feltz. But, for tonight, I'll be glued to Jerry Springer - no contest.
Spatula Clarke
23:57 / 08.01.05
And the question I don't understand about BB is- surely the people you most want to win aren't going to be the ones who are the most entertaining to watch?

I think I've been in the minority on this since the first BB, but for me... no. The people I want to win are the ones who seem to be yr decent, ordinary, everyday attention whores, and that's partly down to finding people getting involved in yr decent, ordinary, everyday conversations and activities more interesting than people being ignorant fuckpots or threatening to kill each other with butter knives.

You don't want to see people being rewarded for being dicks, basically. I think even those who like to see the wankers staying in for a while for their dubious entertainment factor don't actually want them to win the thing. Keep them there for a while, just long enough for them to have been put through the mill a bit and caught a sniff of final victory, then rip the carpet from under them at the very last minute. See also: Edwina Currie in that Gordon Ramsey celebrity chef thing, Natalie Appleton in I'm A Celebrity, Make Me Eat Eyeballs In Here.
00:23 / 09.01.05
Totally... but surely they're not going to be much fun to watch? So why watch them?

I don't get it.

Someone explain this to me. With diagrams and stuff. I fear I am too stupid for television.
Spatula Clarke
00:44 / 09.01.05
There's an edit waiting on that post that might explain it a bit better, Stoatie.
Peach Pie
11:43 / 10.01.05
Germaine Greer comes across as very sweet, somehow.

That game where they were made to rank each other in terms of attractiveness was quite cruel for John.
11:58 / 10.01.05
oh come come. what possible objection could a grown man his age have to being ranked last in a poll of attractiveness, given the company? how immature and sensitive do you think he is? what is tight is that ch4 knew that's how the order would go and gave the oldest, overweightest male of the lot the most physically demanding task.
12:32 / 10.01.05
Am I alone in feeling real sympathy for John at the end of last night's show? As he sat in the garden, humiliated by the task, unable to talk to anyone about how he was feeling, utterly alienated from the rest of the group, desparate for the home comfort of a diet coke, my heart honestly went out to him. He's seems emotionally and socially under-developed in a way that's properly pathetic. I get the impression that he's extremely immature and extremely sensitive. Do you really think he's not, Gumbitch?
Am I way too soft.
12:56 / 10.01.05
I doubt it - Gunbitch is an astonishingly cruel human being. He's been known to kick kittens.

But, yeah, Smoothly, whilst I haven't watched Celeb Big Brother, John has always struck me as a somewhat under developed human being.
12:59 / 10.01.05
i think the words 'immature and sensitive' could easily be applied to old john, yes. should any man his age be vain enough to worry about their relative attractiveness in a group of younger people (perhaps greer's older, but she's a woman innit) whose careers are in no small part dependent on the quality of their looks? no, and not for the merest second.

i felt for him last night because he's old and overweight and a laughing load of tv producers maneuvered him into having to perform a physically demanding task that he really wasn't up to. i felt for greer for the same reasons - she's sixty-five years old and if she'd fallen during the test she could have easily seriously hurt herself. plus watching people fit to puke tough it out for the team? i was left in admiration of all of them.

on second read perhaps secret goldfish above wasn't making a thing of the attractiveness test being humiliating itself, just the upshot of it, which i'd agree with. to worry about john in case he develops anorexia or something is a bit bloody silly though, just because he came last in a poll of eight attractive slebs.
13:03 / 10.01.05
i don't kick kittens. i place my own mobility at risk every morning of my life for the very reason that i'm trying to avoid treading on my favourite feline companion. i totally stacked it on friday night, nearly killed us both. then, right, then i get told of for calling the cat a cunt.
14:09 / 10.01.05
Yeah, it wasn't really his coming last in the attractiveness stakes that got my sympathy (although finding it painful has more to do with dignity than vanity IMO). And I don't really blame the production (he's getting paid, he should have known what he was letting himself in for, etc.), it's just that I felt more sorry for him after last night's show than I had previously (and, TBH, my heart's ached for him a little right from the beginning).
I think to hate him - or relish his discomfort - you've got to buy all the 'I'm a really horrible person, I love George Bush and hate women' schtick. I don't think I do. What he resembles to me is the most bullied kid at school (didn't he in fact mention the culture of bullying at his boarding school?). He's the one who blows raspberries and tells everyone they smell of poo, because he's broken. He tries to disgust because disgusting is what he thinks he is (all the stuff about picking his nose...And Eating It!! - he knows this is repulsive and that's why he comes out with it). His loathsome 'views' are so pantomime that they suggest chaff and flare. What they're distracting from I'm not exactly sure, but his obvious discomfort at dressing up in the sperm suits, his self-consciousness and resistance to anything involving his physicality make me wonder whether perhaps his unattractiveness isn't a bigger deal to him than one might think.
I dunno, he just seems like a frightened and lonely little boy to me. And while I don't really blame the rest of the house, their sniggering seems particularly cruel somehow.

I still hold out some hope that Germaine (who, OAP or not, seems to be coping with everything rather well) will rescue him.
14:19 / 10.01.05
he should have known what he was letting himself in for

I'm deeply suspicious of this argument. Watching BB is not the same as experiencing the reality, and, frankly, I can see how and why people get confused.

There's more here, but I've got to get on with some work. The phone is a ringing.
14:36 / 10.01.05
i agree, he's silly, sweet and not a little broken. i've found him quite sympathetic since he blustered his way out the limo on the first night. he presumably had no small amount of trouble in the dorms as a lad, and appears to make up for his omega status as a child with a child's signifiers of adult status and success - the gold, the cigars, the chops and the hat. there does come a point where i think grown men should be able to control their tempers if all that's frustrating them is absence or otherwise of cocoa. his behaviour towards the other housemates was extremely rude given what they'd all been through, but not unforgivably so. i think your smooth observations explain many of his, ah, idiosyncratic reactions to some things, but don't necessarily excuse them.

i liked kenzie getting the hess last night 'i ain't a kid', well, someone should have said, you're acting like one now.

the funny (i.e frighteningly and gently fascist) thing about this show is just how much better it makes celebrities seem than yr proles. they're just coping, being respectful of each others' boundaries, forming quite an effective little team dynamic. even lisa i'anson seems quite cool, i like the way she talks like a dj the whole time, commenting inanely or insightfully as subjects demand. when you've got like jason's kilt and that emma girl as the comparisons, they seem like a higher class of species entirely.

germaine, who's coping very well, (i don't think i'm being ageist by suggesting that getting very dizzy and walking through an assault course of dirt and meat might be a far less good idea for a sixty-five year old than an eighteen-thirty year old though) is good with john. she's smart enough to know that buffalo-talk like his is never as serious or harmful as it might seem, and together the old-uns are handling themselves with much more freedom, insight, and simple aplomb than any of their sexlyer companions.
15:07 / 10.01.05
I agree. I know other who don't think so, but I reckon it's a good cast this year. Although talk suggests the recruitment of several of them was a bit of a last-minute scramble, it looks well crafted.
And whatever the broadsheets say, I think this was a good move for Germaine, who seems to come off rather well when plunged into a culture in such stark contrast to academe. And she handles John beautifully. She doesn't rise to his obvious baiting, but waits to deliver the right kind of smack-down just when it's called for. On the first night when John was telling everyone how easy attractive women have it, and how Caprice cannot know what it's like to really struggle, her 'Shut up John, you know sweet fuck all about Caprice' was timed with comic precision. A text-book example of picking your battles.

If Jeremy's looks weren't matched with such an appealing charm (who'd have thunk that?), I'd put my money of GG to win. I think Kenzie is also well in the running (although I doubt his bantam-weight posturing over John's slight helped), as is - I think - John, providing he goes through the kind of redemptive transformation that is always available on BB, and quite possibly (if I'm being cynical) his 'game-plan' from the off.
16:50 / 10.01.05
if I'm being cynical

If you're being silly, more like.

Always gets a rise out of me. Always.
18:05 / 10.01.05
Ha. I know *your* game-plan, Bobossboy.
19:55 / 10.01.05
Ha ha ha.

I haven't been paying much attention to this at all (in fact, I'd prefer if this thread were longer so I could just read about it all) but it does amuse me that they're putting someones ex-mother in law in the house.
20:55 / 10.01.05
I'm deeply suspicious of this argument. Watching BB is not the same as experiencing the reality, and, frankly, I can see how and why people get confused.

Well, yes, but this argument applies to pretty much any situation in which someone consents to something they've not directly experienced, and someone consenting to take part in Big Brother arguably have more of an idea what's coming than someone consenting to, say, endoscopy - yet we expect the latter, having given informed consent, to assume full responsibility for any possible adverse consequences. McCrirrick is also, at least on paper, better placed to take responsibility for himself - being a fully-grown man with a career and a relationship (ie. not an undeveloped teenager who defines himself solely through fame/celebrity).

I can muster a certain amount of sympathy but, after a while, one has to concede that a mature adult able to give informed consent is responsible for his behaviour - and, frankly, he's behaving like a selfish, pathetic boor. IMHO, his fellow housemates are tolerating him remarkably well...
09:40 / 11.01.05
i find it almost impossible to have any respect for someone who can hold on to a silly little grudge even after a good night's sleep. john was being an absolute twat on yesterday's show, the diet coke gags they played with the others at his expense were hilarious. it's very difficult for me to escape from the fact that his behaviour has been so drastically modified by the absence of diet coke (they should have tried mollifying him with some panda pops). this would have seemed like the actions of an utter wank-break even when i was four years old myself, and well blah blah he's obviously being silly but he should just bally well pull himself together.

jackie stallone, fuckinghell. it will be interesting to see how much of an advantage actual psychic powers are in the bb house.
09:51 / 11.01.05
... and there I was thinking (hoping!) it would be Rachel Stevens. She's so priddy. Bit too famous though.

So, what's going on with her face? I mean obviously she's had plastic surgery, but goddamn, how unfortunate. She looks like a botoxed Jo Brand.

The really question I suppose is, does she look hard enough to stop mccririck eating his snot?

Do you think she's a sandwich or two short of a picnic. I know she's older than most people in there but she was making Bez look normal! Eg...

"I have been practising making sandwiches in preparation"
"I thought it was in a castle"
"I will wash when I get home and do what the French do and just spay myself with perfume"

10:07 / 11.01.05
WTF? She's from the 18th century, obv. You can do amazing things with plastic and nanobots these days.

Hn. John's diary room rant about entitlement did rather harden my heart. And it would have been soooo easy for him to apologise, admit that he was he was being childish and not only would all have been forgiven, I'm sure his stock would have actually risen. He was clearly finding them amusing at various points, and it takes a special kind of cunt to maintain a sulk like that even when its not coming naturally.
He's obviously got something of a diet coke problem though, akin to Nadia's nicotine dependency. Although, saying that, not enough for him to threaten to leave. For all his *talk* about wanting to be chucked out, he's not really doing anything that might precipitate that.
10:15 / 11.01.05
absolutely. It's more likely so he can say "I wanted to be chucked out anyway" when he does get voted out.

Did enjoy big bro's "we will not throw you out for sulking" line.
10:25 / 11.01.05
Yeah - you could almost hear them smirking behind the camera. And it makes me think they share my suspicions about John's gutless petulance. It was if they were daring him to ask what they *would* throw him out for.

There were a few good diary room moments last night, I thought. I liked Jeremy nailing the potentially deadlock-breaking diet coke, shrugging and declaring he 'didn't even taste it'.

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