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Barbelith snapshot: What has it got in its pocketses?


Page: 12(3)4

farseer /pokes out an i
19:52 / 05.01.05
You enter your receipts into Quicken?
For now, yes... I recently opened a new account (credit union, fuck banks) and so I have WAY less paperwork and crap to consider putting in there. So I figure if I keep up on it, then it won't be so bad. When it's bill-payin' time, I just do it at my computer desk and crack my own whip about it. =)

May I take your skin and wear it as a suit? Sekhmet! Magpies don't wear human skins!?!?

... or do they?

Bed Head
20:02 / 05.01.05
Oh, I wish I was organised enough to carry a bag of things around with me. I wear my keys on a chain around my neck because it’s the only fail-safe way I have of not losing them. So, my pockets, now:

filthy snotrag
tin of snuff (Wilsons of Sharrow, menthol)
pencil stub (Venus, 2b, woohoo)
door swipe card
bank card - for emergency use only
winnie the pooh sticker. I think I keep this alongside my plastic cards because it’s the same shape and size as a bank card. From a distance, makes it look like I have more than just 2 measly cards. I reckon.
Gazillions of old train tickets, shopping lists and ATM receipts. Oldest train ticket is from, uh, 28th July.

Only interesting things get brought out of my pockets. Dull things can languish there forever for all I care. Bwah-ha-ha, etc.
Bed Head
20:04 / 05.01.05
(Yes, this jacket does get washed, btw. Junk gets taken out of pockets, jacket is washed, junk gets shoved back in. Unsorted. I think I only sort through the rubbish when I’m bored shitless, ie not since 28th July, at least.)
09:00 / 06.01.05
Man, some of you guys are hoarders. Remember Ally Sheedy in the Breakfast Club ...?

Since I had nothing in my pockets when this thread was started, I'll play again:

Trouser pockets
3 house keys + 1 office key on Caledonian 80/- keyring
Nokia mobile phone

Faux-leather wallet containing:
Staff ID card
Pre-paid bus pass swipe card thingy
Debit card
Credit card
National Insurance card (I don't know why that's here. I just wanted more stuff for my wallet really. Plus it was so hard to get the bastard thing in the first place so I like to see it.)
£20 note.
75p in coins.

Shirt pocket
I almost never put anything here but today I have:
1 hastily scrawled shopping list on an old envelope. I always insist on writing lists on envelopes. It just seems a waste to use a nice clean sheet of paper.

Boring novel that I'm forcing myself through
Packet of (Port Royal - soaked in rum and wine) cigarette tobacco with loose filters and (orange! think these are from Amsterdam) Rizlas inside.
Blue disposable lighter
Small umbrella
3 vegemite sandwiches on brown bread
Packet of tissues
Blue pen
Paracetemol (hmm, this is stuff that I bought in Greece over a year ago - hope it's still ok)
Pen drive

So ... who wants a boring contest then? I get extra points for bringing my own lunch.
The Strobe
10:04 / 06.01.05
Well, I bring my lunch too quite often, it's just when I made that list, I'd eaten it.

So today, add to bag: tinfoil package with sandwich: chicken (roasted at home) with lettuce, red pepper and mayonnaise on homemade bread.

I didn't make the bread myself, but it was made at my home, so that counts for something, right?
Kit-Cat Club
10:13 / 06.01.05
Hmmm - I too could do with clearing out my bag...

Coat pockets:
Bus saver ticket (six quid! SIX QUID!!)
Small, shredded pieces of paper

Remittance advice for a cheque from UL (for a scholarship)
Private Eye
J. R. Jones, The Anglo-Dutch Wars of the Seventeenth Century
Green A4 spiral-bound notebook half-full of work I do for other people plus assorted papers
Red A4 spiral-bound notebook half-full of my work plus assorted papers
Black A5 spiral-bound notebook half-full of addresses, notes, etc., plus assorted papers (including my birth certificate, oh dear, and a payslip)
Thank-you card which needs to be sent ASAP
2005 diary which I will use this year, I will I will
Tom's of Maine Natural Deodorant (doesn't work)
Stop-smoking beads
Floppy disk with Google Desktop on it
£25 book token
Magnetic address book (largely unused)
Badger lip balm
2 more floppy disks
Directions to East Sussex Records Office
5p in coppers
1 broken mechanical pencil, one working one, 2 boxes of leads
8 biros
3 biro lids
Wallet containing: Passport photos, business cards, 3 bank cards, defunct train tickets, work ID card, and 7 library cards

I seem to be in student mode at the moment...
10:21 / 06.01.05
Hee hee, I knew I would like your pockets KCC.
10:25 / 06.01.05
Badger lip balm

Do badgers have lips then? And how do you get near enough to put lip balm on them? Or have you in fact stolen it from a poor sore-lipped badger who is now being forced to walk around with very dry, chapped lips, and is not really able to think about anything else?
pointless and uncalled for
10:26 / 06.01.05
Badger lip balm

Can I ask why you eschewed the usual fruit or vegetable lip balm in favour of roadkill?
10:29 / 06.01.05
Badgers DO SO use lip balm.

They're a lot more civilised than you think.
Kit-Cat Club
10:32 / 06.01.05
Oh dear, you've caught me red-handed in my act of badger deprivation... Stoatie will never speak to me again...
10:37 / 06.01.05
Might you take his name out of your address book, or are the magnets dead strong?
12:16 / 06.01.05
Okay, I have to ask this, because it comes up over and over again... What the hell is a Rizla? I have the impression that it's some kind of European candy, but I really have no idea.

I feel so backwatery around here sometimes.
12:19 / 06.01.05
I'm carrying waaay too much.

(hooray for cargo pants, even if I'm too old to wear them)

Left Pockets:

--Amsterdam Metro monthly pass ("OV Shop")
--Panasonic GD87 fone; no longer hot shit after 2 years, but I'm still keeping it.
--Cross robo-pen
--Laser pointer key fob from Fry's; ridiculously overpowered and not very useful, but a reminder that Edmund Scientific sold lasers 1/6th the power at 10x the price.

--Douwe Egberts (coffee) coupon for 10 proof of purchase points
--Boudisque (music and DVDs) loyalty card
--American Book Center loyalty card
--Cult Videotheek loyalty card
--ABN-AMRO bankcard
--Gall & Gall (liquor store) loyalty card
--KLM/Northwest frequent flyer card
--Wells Fargo Mastercard
--BankofAmerica Visa (Debit card)
--Texas Driver's License
--Dutch ID card
--Dutch railpass card
--company keycard. The sensor is at the level of my ass so I don't have to wear it or take it out
--bunch of phone numbers and emails written on slips
--Church of the Subgenius ordination card (ticket outta here on 7th of July; been saying that since '98)
--85 euros in bills

Left pocket:

--coin purse with about 5 euros in change
--LED keyfob, violet/near ultraviolet. Geek toy and can spot bogus euro bills
--Sylvania flashbulb, left over from New Year's Party (entry for 4 Jan)


--Kuifje (Tintin) agenda for 2005
--Solidariteit agenda for 2004
--toy top from crisps bag, looks like cock ring
--USB cable for DimageX31 camera (took this picture)
--card-reader and cable by SWEEX (good products, crap support)
--military stickpin, looks like sleepy eye-in-pyramid
--madeleine, expires 28/02/05
--undeveloped APS film
--PCMCIA Kingmax Scenic Wonder MPEG card, useless without drivers and redundant anyway.
--pencil sharpener
--lip balm
--red pen
--headphones ear cover
--15 dollars Singapore
--about £3
--"Herriestoppers" (foam ear plugs)
--spare battery for fone
--warranty for camera
--spare batteries for camera
--SD cards: 16MB, 128MB, 512MB, 1.0G
12:20 / 06.01.05
Rizlas are a brand of cigarette rolling papers, but the name has become the generic word for them even though there are of course other brands. They come in different colour packets to denote different thicknesses and other things. Green is pretty much standard, blue is thinner, red has cut corners iirc.
12:28 / 06.01.05

I don't know if we have that brand here... The only rolling paper brands I'm familiar with offhand are Zig Zag and Bambu. Of course, Americans aren't big on rolling their own ciggies as a rule... or at any rate, we don't put tobacco in them...

Mystery cleared up, though; thanks, Loomis!
12:31 / 06.01.05
No problem! They would make a great name for candy though.
Bed Head
12:39 / 06.01.05
Licorice rizlas are best. They're nearly sweeties.

Ontopicish, I’m noticing there’s a heck of a lot of money here if we were to pool it all together. Perhaps a running total of all the loose change? Then we can decide what to spend it on.

(Assuming no-one objects to my pretend-freeloading, of course)
12:42 / 06.01.05
They would make a great name for candy though.

It's also the name of every third stonester's cat.

They have a surprisingly invloving website.
12:45 / 06.01.05
Where's our Rizla, by the way? Has someone got him in one of their pockets?
12:55 / 06.01.05
Has he catastrophically been accidentally smoked?

bjacques, that is so much stuff. So, so much. Have you also got several thousand old newspapers stored in date ordered piles in your house?
12:57 / 06.01.05
So is anybody else playing those games on the rizla website? I know what I'll be doing for the rest of the day ...
13:02 / 06.01.05
I have now only six Rizlas left. But the shop around the corner from work sells 10 packs of Zig Zag papers for a pound.

On a Badger tip, I today have a tub of Badger healing balm. Apparently, Paul Bunyon once said: "Give me enough Badger and I can heal the cracks in the Grand Canyon".

It is very good stuff for cracked skin, particularly if you have it on your knuckles and people think you're a prize fighter.
17:11 / 06.01.05
Not a ton of newspapers, but worse, cool old art and cyberculture magazines I can't bear to throw out. Since a lot of them are glossies, I suspect they're the reason I had to get a new foundation.
17:15 / 06.01.05
Sekhmet! Magpies don't wear human skins!?!?

Of course not!

They use them to line their nests.

Grey Area
18:08 / 06.01.05
In that case I absolutely refuse to hand over my skin...I feather no-one's nest but my own.
unheimlich manoeuvre
19:24 / 06.01.05
Pockets - Council ID (very unflattering photo), keys (for flat, car, parent's house, warden's offices), blue Salbutamol inhaler, £4.82 in change, 12.5g golden virginia, Rizla packs (one of each) blue small and silver kingsize (torn).
Wallet - Smile debit card, Unison (union) card, Harrow borough library card, AA card, MVC card, Blood donation card (A rh+), stub for Amsterdam travel (Nederlands Spoorwegen? dated 23rd May), stub for Empire State Observatories, Book of stamps (1st class, xmas design), various receipts, bits of paper and half a bean covered in fluff.
Bag - blue A4 notebook, small swiss army knife, small screwdriver set, pendant alarms (one watch-base, one eclipse), velcro watchstrap, mobile phone, pack of "A call was made today..." cards, diaries (2004 and 2005) and a woolen hat.
19:30 / 06.01.05
I was just going to wear it for a little while.

And dance.

That's all.
19:56 / 06.01.05
I today have a tub of Badger healing balm

Fairly handy stuff, I'll concede... but everybody knows, badgers can heal themselves with mashed potato.
Haus of Mystery
20:08 / 06.01.05
I keep everything in my bag, aside from house keys. In my bag today I have:

- Phone & Charger
- Hairwax
- sketch pad and pen
- work keys
- four albums (Mountain Goats, Theodore Unit, Neil young & Subtle)
- Book (Timoleon Vieta come home by Dan Rhodes)
- small roll of masking tape
- wallet
- assorted bits of crap

So there
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
20:38 / 06.01.05
What's this? There is talk of wearing human flesh without me? Is my username in vain?
22:18 / 06.01.05
OK, going to enjoy spending tomorrow catching up with everyone else, but here goes .This is a massively thinned down version from usual, you should have caught me yesterday when I got back from Barca... that would have been an interesting haul.

Left trouser pocket:
Wallet containing:
Debit Card
4 Credit Cards
Hootsmon ID
Student ID (they dated it wrong, so I still get cheap cinema fun - sweet)
Driving Licence
Boots Advantage Card
RAC Card
T-Mobile top-up card
a single Euro cent
a piece of paper with my travel insurance details
an amble (if you are not immediate family or one of three ex-girlfriends you will not know what this is, and will never find out, so don't ask. Please. Spare the bandwidth.)

Right pocket:
Tartan cotton hanky containing equal measures of snot and blood (flights play hell with my nose).
Blue Original Lypsyl

Coat pockets:
Left: about 100 tiny sheets of paper from a Muji keyring that disintegrated last year that I occasionally use in extremis for shorthand notes
Right: Wrapper from one of those really thin kids' Dairy Milk bars
Benny the Ball
02:50 / 07.01.05
At the moment I'm naked, but usually I can be found to hold the following;

Pockets - right pocket - door keys, includes small torch, yo-yo moose keyring thing and a bottle cap opener.

left pocket - mobile phone and wallet. Wallet contains (at moment) some US dollars (about $36 or so) some Buster's coffee shop dollars (about $6 or so) a couple of receipts, a photograph of Mrs The Ball (TBC), some pounds (about £60 or so) some change (about £5 worth) and my drivers license, three credit cards, two debit cards (one business one personal) and a car wash token from some random US state.

In bag I usually carry - pad, pens, ipod, book of the day/week/month (currently Quicksilver by Stevenson) a jumper of some description and an A-Z.

Around my neck I have a Ganesh pendant (but this is currently hanging on my bedroom door knob, guarding my nudity or something).
Grey Area
06:57 / 07.01.05
I was just going to wear it for a little while.

And dance.

That's all.

Well, OK. But only if you promise me a dance. And that you get it dry cleaned before returning it to me. I guess I can sort out some kind of clingfilm arrangement to keep myself together in the interim.
wembley can change in 28 days
07:33 / 07.01.05
Oh no fair, I just cleaned out my pockets this morning.


Nokia 3650
Wallet made of duct tape
Gym class schedule for spring
The Body Shop coconut lip butter
2 blank minidiscs
Stabilo OH pen (S)
House keys
Bus pass
Little ziploc baggie containing 1x Yogi Tea Himalaya, 1x Yogi Tea Licorice, 1x Yogi Tea Breathe Easy Tea, and 1x Triple Leaf Detox tea
3x paracetamol and codeine

that was far more revealing than I was anticipating.

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