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Its Christma$$ eve. What are you doing online?


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unheimlich manoeuvre
23:21 / 24.12.04
bahh bumhug i am the only person at work!

(sulks at computer screen)

Merry fucking Christmas everyone
23:29 / 24.12.04
I'm just here to drop in and wish everyone here at Barbelith a Festive Cashmus! Gather with friends and good cheer and celebrate the birth of Santa! ..and if you happen to be a Christian, you can conveniently gear up for Christmas as well which is about now, right?

The New Year will be here soon as well, and since I'm unlikely to be about before then, I'd like everyone to enjoy that too. May the year 2005 on Barbelith bring conversation and company as stimulating as that of 2004.

[I'm in my cups]

unheimlich manoeuvre
00:25 / 25.12.04
la la, la la-la

awful really. sitting here on my own. some dark part of my soul hoping for an emergency so I've somefink to do. God, hardly participating in the festive spirit am I.


Twas the night before Yuletide and all through the hole
Not a creature was stirring, not even a Dhole
Aldebaren hung at the right place at nine
In the hopes that Great Cthulhu would come out this time

A Lovecraft Christmas
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
00:32 / 25.12.04
I'm at of our residents will be back in about an hour, so I'm listening to the radio and catching up on email.

And I'll be here tomorrow too, watching DVDs and reading comics.
00:43 / 25.12.04
Just watched "The Eye" and drank more beer...

one will help me sleep, the other will probably make me spend the night wishing for wakefulness... "Why have you taken my seat?" indeed...

Brr. If it's any consolation to those of you working Christmas, I'm working New Year's... (probably no consolation at all, but I try...)
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
00:54 / 25.12.04
I'm not that concerned. I don't do a lot of Giftmas stuff, and I have two seasons of 24, a big bag of new comix and lots of cookies and soda.

It's all good.
8===>Q: alyn
00:57 / 25.12.04
I am waiting for my rage to abate so I can finish wrapping presents. It's the shovel, you see. The shovel and the hatred.
unheimlich manoeuvre
00:58 / 25.12.04
I'm working New Years as well. My friends keep saying annoying and positive things like, "think of all the money you'll save!", "do you want another hangover?".

8===>Q: alyn
01:08 / 25.12.04
I have a longstanding tradition of spending New Year's in bed.
unheimlich manoeuvre
01:15 / 25.12.04
in bed recovering?

stoatie: linked to an xmas short story in the Mieville thread. thanks for the consolation.
8===>Q: alyn
01:25 / 25.12.04
No, in bed fucking.
01:27 / 25.12.04
Well, the holidays are all about family, aren't they?
8===>Q: alyn
01:27 / 25.12.04
Haus, are you the Ghost of Christmas Future?
unheimlich manoeuvre
01:48 / 25.12.04
Qalyn, we're all disembodied here.
01:54 / 25.12.04
Ah, but classic or Muppet?
unheimlich manoeuvre
03:32 / 25.12.04
classic, I reckon.


la la, la la-la

awful really. sitting here on my own. some dark part of my soul hoping for an emergency so I've somefink to do. God, hardly participating in the festive spirit am I.

ohh déjà vu ... no, I've lost the plot

only 5.30, two hours to go. cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey in here. sounds of revelry have died down outside. i wonder if it'll snow?
06:08 / 25.12.04
I guess I would have had to have started off of Christian stock for Xmas to be much more than an inconvenience in my mind. As it is, I'll be working all day, taking money from any fool who wishes to give me theirs, and blasting blasphemous music like Manson's "Antichrist Superstar" and Tammy Faye Starlite's "If You're Coming Down, Sweet Jesus (Won't You Cum All Over Me?)" But as I don't expect to see much of anyone all day, I may work pantsless.

Now New Year's is another story altogether. I gotta start takin' some vitamins now for that puppydawg.

02:27 / 27.12.04
Late Christmas, not even Christmas, not even boxing day (on to St. Stephen's? I guess), but this is the most recent latshift I've found. Merry Merry, all. Who's up?

I'm back at home now from a sojourn across the Great Plains. 3 feet of snow here! Had to scoop for an hour with partner to get our bags in. But a great moon, full and bright, over head.
Saint Keggers
02:42 / 27.12.04
Hello folks.
02:50 / 27.12.04
Evening. Nice to see people are keeping lateshifting alive in my absence. It would be a fine evening, except I'm panicking, as my current love is in sri lanka, and I have no way to contact him. Um. Not good.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:52 / 27.12.04
I'm sorry to hear that, especially since the only things I ever hear about Sri Lanka are bad.

I'm up playing poker on-line. La la la.
03:20 / 27.12.04
Yes, I have often found 12,000 people dying to be a bad thing.

Though online poker doesn't come far behind.
03:23 / 27.12.04
Well, my plaster smells of copydex(I made "art") and my feet are bloo. That's my story, revel in it's complexity!
Saint Keggers
03:40 / 27.12.04
GeeBee!!!! Yay!!!

Specofdust Insert Arrested Developemnt reference..NOW!: Are you tryring to say you blue 2 feet of yourself
03:48 / 27.12.04
How is it going, mister Keggers? You know, I'm sure you're partly to thank for my current state. Did you not help start the idea of Barbecirque? Well thats why I dont lateshift anymore these days. I've moved to london to circus school, and I dont have a computer in my flat. You only have yourself to blame! How's life anyway?
Saint Keggers
03:57 / 27.12.04
Going good enough I suppose...

Glad to see you took my advice about the cirque thing. I will be expecting 10% of all profit.
Saint Keggers
04:07 / 27.12.04
But alas I must bid you all a bonne nuit! To bed I go!
04:13 / 27.12.04
Night! Never gonna be the caterpillar though- not bendy enough. x
22:50 / 27.12.04
I haven't been here for so long, I can hardly remember whether this qualifies as late.

But having fallen asleep on the sofa around 8, I'll be up all night. I'm entirely stressed, which is not good to be awake all night on my own in. Just hanging on, not knowing what the fuck is going on, hoping that the FCO will get back to me and tell me if my best friend is dead or alive. And I can't do anything. It's the most frustrating thing in the world.

Anyway. Surely someone out there's cheery?
22:52 / 27.12.04
I'm at work, so none too cheery. But awake indeed. And it's a bit late.
Brigade du jour
23:01 / 27.12.04
Hello everybody, I'm at work too, and it's early as far as I'm concerned.

Getting pissed off with the newspapers already for masturbating over corpses the way they do. God they must fucking love it when earthquakes and things happen. Grr.
23:48 / 27.12.04
Blah just returned from wine drinking, played head wrecking game called stinky pinky in lieu of having a worthwhile conversation.
No its not as filthy as it sounds....
for example:
1-Here's a stinks pink. What is a two word rhyming phrase for
a large hog?
2.A big pig. What would be a stinky pinky for a rabbit that makes you laugh?
3. Funny bunny. Here's a stinkety pinkety. 'A hatred for entertainment?
4. Diversion aversion. Here's a stinks pink. How about clergyman's underwear?
5-Vicars Knickers.

Of course you have to be stultifyingly drunk for enjoyment
and it invariably ends in shambles and is stupid and shit...
bleh too drunk for words.
23:52 / 27.12.04
So confess everyone. What was your worst Christmas present?

Mine is a toss up between a size 14-16 mini skirt, when I am, well, about half that, in baby pink. Or could it be the little purple bag, made of some vile plastic material, with a monkey and "cheeky" on it? Or was it... a holepunch?

Do spill...
00:01 / 28.12.04
Ooh... that's a tricky one... I didn't really get anything too bad this year, though mono's enormous fanmily kept bombarding us with stuff (matching Bibles, a weird flowery hangy-up thing which I don't think is gonna be getting hung up any time soon...)
00:01 / 28.12.04
Hey GB, Hope it turns out your friend is safe and sound.

Worst Christmas present would have to be a playskool aeroplane, you know those really simplistic molded ones for babies with no swallowable parts, that I got when I was nine! My sister told my parents that I would love it! Passive Aggressive Cow! Not only did they get me a crappy present but
would not believe me as I pointed to the age rating on the boxes side or in fact believe that I didn't like the toy and sat and watched and prodded and poked me until I pretended to play with it.
But I'm not bitter.

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