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Wandrin' Notebook 3 - this time it's For Real


Page: 12(3)45

15:25 / 10.03.05
Yes, perhaps a status report, BH?

I want to see everybody's pretty pictures!
Bed Head
14:59 / 13.03.05
Ooops. Sorry, I’m sorry everyone. I have been completely bloody useless at keeping this thread up to date.

Okay, so, updates? Actually, *nothing* new has arrived here since the first deadline passed. But! I have been assured that Qalyn, puck, rizla, TheLittleGodOfIcySpaces, Kapok, and May are all doing things/will be sending things/have already sent something, and if they do, that’ll be great. And several others have PM’d over this last week or so to say they’ll do their absolute damndest. Which is also cool. The chap with the PO Box is acting kinda amused/resigned about this whole thing, so a little run-over is almost certainly going to be allowed. Nothing’s going to get binned juuust yet, anyway.

So, here’s where we are. Currently, I’m almost afraid to tell you, our notebook has a grand total of 9 pages. Which is, in fact, roughly a third of the total who originally signed up to contribute. Okay, but, so now I’m kinda thinking that 10-15 or so pages will actually be absolutely fine to start with, and I’ll probably bind a load of blank pages in there, too, so that people can carry pictures on across the next page if they want to. Or whatever. Anyway, I’m *quite* sure there’s a big advantage we can gain here from having fewer, keener artists involved, instead of lots and lots of the perhaps-not-so-keen ones.

So. The complete, total, exhaustive list of contributors so far is:

Grey Area

...and me.

I’ll give it a little while to see what else turns up, and then I’ll get started on trying to figure out how I’m going to bind this thing. But, you know what’s great? All these pages are absolutely fan-fucking-tastic. If you’re one of those who's already contributed, gosh, you really should be looking forward to seeing the rest of this stuff. And I’m psyched to see what its all going to end up looking like after you guys have had a second go. Because it is inspiring stuff. And maybe it’s not starting out as thick a book as I’d originally thought it was gonna be, but the quality is really, really top-notch.
15:23 / 13.03.05
the blank page idea is certainly a good one. you should probably put in as many blank pages as there are submitted ones, so everyone who gets the book will be able to make a new page or two as well as submit a new page or two. I'm so excited! i can't wait to see the scans.
Liger Null
17:26 / 21.03.05
So is there anything new to report?
The Puck
00:04 / 22.03.05
Ive just finished mine, as the feelings of guilt meant that i wouldnt sleep until i did after reading that. be warned its very very raw and unfinished so i will have absolutly no problem people going over and changing it.

gah. now to bed
Bed Head
14:50 / 22.03.05
Nice one, puck.

Not really too much to report. All got forgotten as the Notebook 2 thread took centre stage for a week or so. But! Two more excellent pages, from gingerbop and Rizla, have turned up in the meantime. And right now I’m determined to wait for the pages I’m expecting from Qalyn, puck, and May. After which I’ll consider this stage finished and make it all into a proper book, because everybody else has either PM’d to back out, or else just evaporated altogether.

On the plus side, the art shop across the road from me is having a bit of a stock clearance, and getting rid of most of their fancy-shmancy handmade papers, so I might just get a few sheets of those.

So: Q, P, and M, and then we’ll be ready to go.
18:32 / 22.03.05
Oh! I thought I missed the boat on this! Oh you doll, Bedhead. I have mine done, I will have to mail it off to you tomorrow. Apologies once again for taking so long on this. My life is jammed pack with action. I just moved my home last Thursday, so I am a bit frazzled.
Liger Null
12:35 / 01.04.05

Is it ready yet?!?! Is it ready yet?!?!
15:15 / 02.04.05
Can I still send mine? I am so ashamed. So, much has been going on for me, and I am truly sorry for neglecting this.
18:38 / 12.04.05
heya Monsieur(ette) Bed, any news to be told...
16:43 / 13.04.05
(*whines and makes puppy eyes*)
21:12 / 15.04.05
what's the deal with this? how many pages have you guys gotten? have you scanned them yet? i am antsy-pants.
21:22 / 19.04.05
*bump* *push* *prod*
Bed Head
07:57 / 20.04.05

Sorry kids, I will get this done before the end of the week, I promise. Without fail. I beg you, please forgive me my complete and utter uselessness so far. I’ve been uberbusy, but that’s no excuse.

This week. Grey Area will have it by next week. Then someone else, etc.
18:43 / 23.04.05
I don't know why I didn't think of this before.
03:54 / 25.04.05
That's really beautiful, Strix!

Aww, hedgiehog...
20:14 / 25.04.05
Thank you Sekhmet. Sorry to reveal it here first, but I doubt I am submitting this in time for the book, anyway.
Bed Head
21:05 / 25.04.05
Have you posted it?
21:08 / 25.04.05
It took me a minute to realize what you meant. No,I haven't becuase I thought I totally missed that cut off date.
Bed Head
21:14 / 25.04.05
Okay, then: Are you going to post it? Do you want to post it? Should I ask you to post it again? I’m not sure what’s going on here.
21:20 / 25.04.05
I am not sure either. Do you want to just print out what I posted in the link? I can send you any compensation for that.
Bed Head
21:33 / 25.04.05
Okay, easy peasy. That’s what I’ll do. Gimme a day or two to hunt down a decent printer, as I said on page one, my own printer is worse than useless. It’s just the one side, yeah? Lovely colours, by the way. And - no compensation necessary - of course - huggles, etc.

Update, while I’m here: it’s on my desk in front of me, all together and with the extra pages - which are those fancy handmade papers I mentioned upthread, they’re really rather nice - but it’s all still unstitched. I had a go at hand-stitching which didn’t really work out too well, I’m going over to my mate’s workshop tomorrow night, get some of his compressed air gizmos on it. And, because strix’s piece is only one sided, I won’t need to delay any longer with the stitch-y thing, I’ll just be able to glue her piece in afterwards, as soon as I get it printed.
21:40 / 25.04.05
No, it IS two-sided. The other side is the Zen side!

*snorts, slaps knee*

Thanks Bedhead. I hope it isn't too much trouble for you.
23:24 / 25.04.05
when you scan these, would it be too much trouble to scan them at 300dpi or higher resolution and send the uncompressed, full quality files of our own pages to us? I like to keep digital copies of all my work (for that portfolio site I keep telling myself I'm going to make, haha) and I wanted to scan mine before I sent it off, but didn't have a scanner available at the time. I'd really appreciate it if you could.
Grey Area
08:00 / 26.04.05
Sure, no problem. 300dpi is readily available, as are copies in other file formats than .jpg, just let me know what you need.
Liger Null
21:41 / 26.04.05
I would like a scanned copy of my page as well

Strix, your page is GORGEOUS!!!! I am overcome with tremendous feelings of inadequacy...
22:24 / 26.04.05
Thank you Liger. I am sure yours is kick ass. We are always our harshest critic.
Liger Null
23:02 / 26.04.05
Yes, mine does kick ass. But yours kicks ass, head, and crotch
12:03 / 13.05.05
Any news on this notebook? Has it been scanned yet?
00:53 / 15.05.05
I have finally done my page, I suppose it's far to late by far? (grovel),
All the same I did completely miss every deadline so...
01:13 / 15.05.05
too long (is what I meant).
Either way it is understandable as I haven't shown my self to be particularily reliable within the realm of deadlines.
01:25 / 15.05.05
just a thought - maybe those who didn't make the deadlines in sending their pages in should be put on the list for when the book gets sent around, and they can glue their pages in then? (then again, do we really want to run the risk of people "not good with deadlines" slowing down the process?)
Liger Null
02:46 / 22.05.05

So what's the status so far?
22:45 / 24.05.05
I suspect this has all been an elaborate practical joke.

Ha-ha, jolly good fun!

Seriously, though, what's the deal, MacNeal?
Bed Head
23:05 / 24.05.05
Sorry! I was only apologising to Grey Area this morning, and I was hoping to get the thing in the post before making my apologies here.

It’s scanned, it’s stitched, I’m doing a cover for it right now. Well, I mean, it’s already got covers, kind of stiff board affairs, but I figured it needs a picture pasting on the cover. *That’s* what I’m doing right now. It’ll be in the post to Grey this week.

I really am awfully sorry about all the delays.

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