Ooops. Sorry, I’m sorry everyone. I have been completely bloody useless at keeping this thread up to date.
Okay, so, updates? Actually, *nothing* new has arrived here since the first deadline passed. But! I have been assured that Qalyn, puck, rizla, TheLittleGodOfIcySpaces, Kapok, and May are all doing things/will be sending things/have already sent something, and if they do, that’ll be great. And several others have PM’d over this last week or so to say they’ll do their absolute damndest. Which is also cool. The chap with the PO Box is acting kinda amused/resigned about this whole thing, so a little run-over is almost certainly going to be allowed. Nothing’s going to get binned juuust yet, anyway.
So, here’s where we are. Currently, I’m almost afraid to tell you, our notebook has a grand total of 9 pages. Which is, in fact, roughly a third of the total who originally signed up to contribute. Okay, but, so now I’m kinda thinking that 10-15 or so pages will actually be absolutely fine to start with, and I’ll probably bind a load of blank pages in there, too, so that people can carry pictures on across the next page if they want to. Or whatever. Anyway, I’m *quite* sure there’s a big advantage we can gain here from having fewer, keener artists involved, instead of lots and lots of the perhaps-not-so-keen ones.
So. The complete, total, exhaustive list of contributors so far is:
Grey Area
...and me.
I’ll give it a little while to see what else turns up, and then I’ll get started on trying to figure out how I’m going to bind this thing. But, you know what’s great? All these pages are absolutely fan-fucking-tastic. If you’re one of those who's already contributed, gosh, you really should be looking forward to seeing the rest of this stuff. And I’m psyched to see what its all going to end up looking like after you guys have had a second go. Because it is inspiring stuff. And maybe it’s not starting out as thick a book as I’d originally thought it was gonna be, but the quality is really, really top-notch. |