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Wandrin' Notebook 3 - this time it's For Real


Page: 1(2)345

wembley can change in 28 days
07:21 / 19.01.05
sign the wembley up, plz!
Grey Area
08:13 / 04.02.05
Bumping this because I've got the scanner all warmed up and waiting for a massive parcel from Bedhead. Can't wait to see what you all came up piece is almost finished. Not sure what everyone's going to make of it (or do to it!) but that's going to be part of the fun, n'est-ce pas?
17:53 / 04.02.05
as I've found out, it's harder to get A4 paper in the US than I had thought, and I'm going away mid-february, so ordering from amazon isn't really an option. I hope it's okay if I just get a bigger sheet and cut it down to size, even though it might not be entirely exact.
Liger Null
21:05 / 05.02.05
That's what I'll end up doing as well, Ten, so you won't be alone there. Also, Bedhead, you said in your PM that it was my choice of paper stock. Is construction paper OK, or would that be too thick?
13:18 / 07.02.05
I hope thicker paper is okay, as I think I'm going to be using watercolor stock.

Is it all right if the edges aren't smooth, as long as it fits the A4 size?
Bed Head
13:38 / 07.02.05
Yeah, of course, totally okay. I only said A4 because I thought it’d be kinda standard. There’s absolutely no need to be getting some authentic, officially calibrated A4 shipped out to you, TeN; the nearest equivalent is, y’know, fine.

Gosh, and there was me thinking that paper is the same in any language. I don’t know what construction paper is, to be honest. Can you build things out of it? But, no, I’m absolutely sure it won't be too thick, whatever it is. I’ve been half-expecting at least one person to do their page on nice stiff cardboard, so anything goes, really. So, that’s a yes to raggedy edges, yes to thick paper. Yes to everything.
Grey Area
13:52 / 07.02.05
As the individual who's going to be scanning the pages, a word on size: As long as you remain within either the A4 or standard 'Letter' sizes I'll be able to scan it, although the Letter pages are going to be bit of a squeeze. So unless you're willing to sacrifice a couple of millimetres on the edges, try and avoid weird paper sizes or trim your pages as exactly as possible.
Liger Null
14:06 / 07.02.05
For the record, construction paper is that colored stuff that little kids cut into shapes and paste together to make pictures. Not nearly as thick as cardboard, about the same as watercolor paper.
Bed Head
14:33 / 07.02.05
Um, yes. That’s a *very* good point, about it definitely needing to be A4 or less for scanning.

For your viewing pleasure, me and Grey are doing out own variant on the ‘good cop, bad cop’ routine here. We call it, ‘efficient dude, yeahwhatever dude.’ Eyethankyewww.
Grey Area
14:44 / 07.02.05
Yeah, watch out for the imminent release of the straight-to-video smash hit "A.R.T.F.O.R.C.E. 3: Smack Down Art H8ters". Tagline: One's a laid-back mixed media artist, the other's a deadline driven Photoshopper. Watch the worlds collide as they team up in the name of art, creative projects and world peace.

I can't help it. Whenever I start assisting in the organisation of something my teutonic ancestry rears its efficiency demanding head.
08:52 / 11.02.05
I actually started making mine last night. Am wondering how easy it is going to be to alter stuff without just ruining what other people have done. Guess I will figure that out later though.
Grey Area
09:39 / 11.02.05
In terms of altering/adding to others' work, I'm currently thinking along the lines of getting OHP acetate and somehow attaching it to the page I want to alter, my additions being made on the acetate, leaving the original pristine.
Liger Null
17:47 / 16.02.05
Maybe since some of us are so leery of altering the work of others, perhaps we should just throw a few blank pages for people to sign, High-School-yearbook style?
Grey Area
20:38 / 16.02.05
That's actually a really good idea...couple of blank pages that are open for everyone to scribble over, on, about, whatever.
Bed Head
08:02 / 17.02.05
Okay. Then I’d be very happy to put in a few blank pages, that is a good idea. We aim to please, etc. This isn’t a rule, though. If you don’t feel like touching someone else’s page, that doesn’t mean no-one else will. I’d urge you not to hold back on this, trust in your own good taste, and remember, that’s what the scanning is for - that’s the permanent record of what everyone did on their own. Is the plan. At any rate, I’m as interested in seeing what other people do with my page as I am in seeing what everyone has done on their own page.
Grey Area
19:48 / 17.02.05
A special message to our contributors from overseas: The deadline for submissions to this project is looming, and you need to bear in mind that airmail service to the United Kingdom can take up to seven days, depending on where you post from. Don't have Bedhead's friend leave your contribution in a Royal Mail garbage bin! Post your page in a timely fashion!

And if anyone's interested, the two sides of my page can be found here and here. Not finished yet, there's some hand-written/drawn stuff to be added.
20:12 / 17.02.05
you chopped up a smashing pumpkins album and a calvin and hobbes book for this?!

for shame!
Grey Area
21:02 / 17.02.05
No, I scanned a Smashing Pumpkins cover and a C&H book for this. Photoshop is great for making collages and saves on hours of slicing up photos and bits of paper.
02:06 / 18.02.05
tis time to find out if New Zealand has a Saturday postal service methinks...have finished but one hell of a knicker dropping week soul-wracked me...
apologies will get it there, even if it will be lost in Royal Mail limbo...
once recieved a letter from Australia when I was living in the Scottish highlands post-marked the SAME DAY that it was sent...still a bit tripped out about this blag could be for nought.
*fingers crossed*
Bed Head
11:05 / 22.02.05
Got three pages already. You should all know this book is going to be gorgeous. And, I’m totally liking the sensation of getting ART in the post, soon you all will too. Hurry, hurry, get on the ART TRAIN, don’t miss out!

‘Yam excited.
14:44 / 22.02.05
I am worried that mine will look really bad in comparison and am contemplating going to the library to see if they have any books on "scrapbooking" to help improve my contribution.

I guess it might look better after someone has altered it though.
20:14 / 22.02.05
I have scrapped my original idea, which wasn't working, and will be doing something completely different tonight, and praying that if I post the thing tomorrow it will get there in time.

There's nothing like panic and a deadline for inducing great artistic expression...

(*kicks self for procrastination habit*)
17:27 / 23.02.05
Okay, it's off and winging its way o'er the wide Atlantic, and I am crossing my fingers.
16:16 / 26.02.05
I am really sorry that am not contributing to this as I said I would. I have been genuinely feeling worse than poop for a while now, and even though I collected a bunch of pictures for my peice, I have not had the energy nor inspiration to put it together. Also, I have not been able to move due to injuries for a couple days now and I am not able to post it myself even if I did have my page ready.

Sorry gang. I am sure you all will make a thing of beauty without me. *sniff*
15:08 / 27.02.05
did you get mine yet?! did you get mine yet?!
I'm so excited!
Liger Null
19:54 / 27.02.05
Oh, Strix, that's awful Maybe when you're feeling better you can finish the piece and scan it in so we can all admire The Page That Could Have Been...
Bed Head
22:49 / 27.02.05
Bless. It’s not arrived yet, TeN...

Okay. For a whole different bunch of reasons, several people didn’t hit this deadline, and we’re a few pages shorter than planned. But! Not a problem, because these things often happen to the artistically-inclined. It’s the natural way of things. I have duly plied my chum with cheap booze and secured an extra fortnight of PO-boxyness for us all. The second deadline will be Monday 14th March. Those who haven’t made the first deadline, don’t worry, don’t hesitate, just carry on and create. And anybody who thinks they’ll still have trouble, PM me and we’ll see what we can do to accommodate further.

No need to exclude anyone who wants to be in this book. Rules are for school. Those who still want to contribute, we’ll figure something out. Just like grown-ups.
23:29 / 27.02.05
well i sent mine off exactly 7 days ago, so it shouldn't be too long before it gets there.
*TeN keeps his fingers crossed*
13:22 / 28.02.05
Dangit. I want to redo my second page...
Liger Null
23:31 / 01.03.05
Just out of curiosity, how many pages do we have now?
23:53 / 01.03.05
and is mine there yet?
12:43 / 02.03.05
Would it be possible to get a list of everyone whose pages have arrived, BH?
Bed Head
14:51 / 02.03.05
Aieeee, sorry kids. I’ve totally been neglecting this thread. And sorry if, by making a second deadline, I pissed off everyone who had busted a gut to meet the first one. If it’s any consolation, Sekhmet, of course you can go ahead and redo your page and/or send another one now. It’s hardly fair that any of you should feel at all punished or hard done by, just because I’m trying to stay as inclusive as I *possibly* can. So go right ahead; take two if you want. Why not?

It’s the way of things, innit? I start off with a whole bunch of rules, and one by one they get bent or broken, as and when they begin to get in the way. It’s as controlled a descent as I can manage.

And, umm, I’ve been trying to keep people informed by PM when their pages arrived. Dunno why exactly. I’m really, really trying to preserve every last element of surprise for when the book arrives on your doormat.

But, yes: TeN. Your page arrived today, and it certainly deserves a public announcement. Nice one.
15:26 / 02.03.05
Aaaaah. That maketh sense of a sort.

Upon reflection, I think I'll just wait till the book gets back to me and see if it's salvageable - or whether everyone else has fixed it in the meantime. *

* i.e., please don't judge me by that crappy piece, I promise I really can draw, but trying not to say that.
10:57 / 10.03.05
I just wondered how the notebook is going. Have more beautiful pages arrived or is it going to be quite a thin notebook in the end?

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