Mod hat looking good, lula.
TeN, dude, nudge away. I’ve been a bloody disgrace. But! It’s totally done, cover, May’s page and all. I’ve a big jiffy envelope and everything. I’ve been doing my slack thing about actually posting it because Grey’s been away, but apparently he’s back this week so I’ll get that done.
Also TeN, argh, that’s right. Your scans. Um, check your PMs. Autran, dude! thanks for the offer but I’ve got it scanned already, I’ve just been dithering. Squirmelia, sorry, I wasn’t meaning to ignore you, I didn’t notice you asking, if you or anyone else would like scans of your own work emailing to you, pm me your address; otherwise there’ll be scans of everything on the wiki just as soon as I twig how to do that. God bless sekhmet for her bumping, boo to me for not noticing, and liger you’ve got a pm too.
And no, this, ie the book, hasn’t been a big stress at all, there’s just been some other, non-book big stresses and the book, and art in general, kinda got pushed aside for a while. I’ll send you some of those if you want to take them, lula. |