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Wandrin' Notebook 3 - this time it's For Real


Page: 123(4)5

23:15 / 24.05.05

p.s. as long as it's scanned, would you mind sending me those high-res scans I asked for? i haven't seen my contribution in a while and i want to gaze upon it again.

I'll send you a PM with my email straight away.
01:38 / 25.05.05
A cause for celebration!!! Go Bed!

Sorry for being so impatient, too, I'm just really looking forward to seeing the gorgeous things people have done.

Are the scans perchance going to be made available online, a la the Blue Book?
Bed Head
10:11 / 25.05.05
Are the scans perchance going to be made available online, a la the Blue Book?

Certainly are. That’s, er, next on the list. And liger, I’ll email you your scans soon, too.

And none of you are being remotely impatient. Quite the opposite. I can only beg forgiveness, really.
Liger Null
19:57 / 25.05.05
Thanks Bedhead!

This is going to be an awsome book, I can just tell...
16:34 / 16.06.05

Simply because this was about to slide off the first page of the forum and slip off into the nether shadows of Creation, never to be seen again...
11:00 / 04.07.05
What is the status with the scans?
20:09 / 17.07.05
Anybody need help to make this happen?

Like, I have access to a scanner at work.

Sometimes it feels like there's an inertia-curse on all Creation collaborative projects.
19:18 / 30.07.05
not to be a nudge, but I'm still waiting on those scans

also, where is this project now? it got off to such a good start (comparatively), I'd hate to see it fall by the wayside.
23:19 / 30.07.05
Bed, is it possible for you to just let everyone know how it's going with the book? If you can't scan them in, send it to me and I'll be happy to help - I've got time now because I'm not working and I hate to think of it perhaps being a big stress for you.

It would be such a shame for this project to fall over at the last, I'm so impressed it's got this far.
Bed Head
00:48 / 31.07.05
Mod hat looking good, lula.

TeN, dude, nudge away. I’ve been a bloody disgrace. But! It’s totally done, cover, May’s page and all. I’ve a big jiffy envelope and everything. I’ve been doing my slack thing about actually posting it because Grey’s been away, but apparently he’s back this week so I’ll get that done.

Also TeN, argh, that’s right. Your scans. Um, check your PMs. Autran, dude! thanks for the offer but I’ve got it scanned already, I’ve just been dithering. Squirmelia, sorry, I wasn’t meaning to ignore you, I didn’t notice you asking, if you or anyone else would like scans of your own work emailing to you, pm me your address; otherwise there’ll be scans of everything on the wiki just as soon as I twig how to do that. God bless sekhmet for her bumping, boo to me for not noticing, and liger you’ve got a pm too.

And no, this, ie the book, hasn’t been a big stress at all, there’s just been some other, non-book big stresses and the book, and art in general, kinda got pushed aside for a while. I’ll send you some of those if you want to take them, lula.
21:06 / 26.08.05

My stresses are finally almost gone, so send yours over Bed!
10:31 / 06.09.05
Sorry, I think I'm possibly holding this up. Though maybe it got diverted instead. Cause I'm up North just now, and if I was out when it arrived here, the shiny notebook would be stuck in a random highland delivery office forevermore. Will be back Southside in a couple of weeks though...
10:34 / 06.09.05
gingerbop - I think you may be thinking of the 2nd Wanderer - I asked for your address in case the person just above you didn't get back to me. Bt she did. So she has it. Unless she's been terribly quick off the mark.

But you're not holding up anything, except half the sky, as usual, while riding a unicycle.
16:22 / 07.09.05
Oh no. I got all excited to see that this got bumped, and it was a mistake.

21:17 / 18.09.05
Anything happening here or should we call it?
Tim Tempest
00:21 / 19.09.05
This is such a cool idea...I don't understand why/how it keeps failing.
20:10 / 19.09.05
It has been compiled and composed hasn't it. All has to be done is to get it moving...where lies the problem...

*push* *bump* *prod* *supporting huggle*
Bed Head
21:26 / 19.09.05
Oooh, huggles.

Not lost! Not at all. The book is currently Between Users, ie it's actually moving. And the scans have been hosted and uploaded and whatnot, and the wiki page exists but isn’t ‘live’ yet.

It’s 53 pages, with lots and lots of blank pages of varying colours, so I reckon with our 13 contributors everyone could get at least 3 or 4 goes with it. At least. And maybe that could mean we can have it bouncing around to people when they have the time, rather than sticking rigidly to a fixed list.

Or whatever. I’m not really in charge, I think. Oddman, the problem - the only problem - with this notebook was with having me in a key position. I’m not very reliable at the best of times. But it’s *literally* out of my hands now so hopefully things should pick up.
16:23 / 20.09.05

Any prediction on when the scans will go live?
01:23 / 15.10.05
bumpity bump...

scans/movement/progress?? to hear a story about the book
Liger Null
21:42 / 17.10.05
There's now a Wiki Page. Yaaaaaay!!!!!!
00:21 / 18.10.05
And there was much rejoicing!
02:17 / 19.10.05
good golly miss molly! and it's MOVING!
13:00 / 19.10.05
So then Grey Area has had the thing for almost a month, eh?

When will he be finished with it?

Whence traveleth the book from there?

I'm all a-tingle.
08:43 / 13.01.06
Bumping something more interesting than the current top topics
14:42 / 13.02.06
Another month has passed. How is the book?
Bed Head
16:32 / 13.02.06
Yes! Good point! I don’t know!

I can’t really say anything about this, myself, I think I lost *all* credibility when I took forever to get this thing together in the first place, but anyone who’s in touch with Grey Area - the very-much-missed Grey Area, come back, the lith needs you - if they could give him a teensy little nudge, that’d maybe help.
16:09 / 15.02.06
* runs off to poke Grey *
Bed Head
18:29 / 15.02.06
Please be gentle!
19:06 / 15.02.06
* sighs, puts down fire iron *
Bed Head
19:21 / 15.02.06
*Hands Sekmet goose feather, ethically sourced from a friendly, free-range goose*
14:01 / 22.03.06
Anyone heard from Grey Area? This book is definitely lagging behind the second book in terms of movement, even if it does already have content.
Grey Area
06:18 / 26.03.06
I am not dead, and I'm allergic to feathers so put it away already. I've been away from the barb for a while sorting a few things out, including a house move and an attempt to finish my thesis. The book is safe and sound in the envelope that Bedhead used to send it to me and if someone would PM me an address I promise to get it on its way next Saturday.

I tender my forthright apologies to all for this delay. Wasn't right of me to just forget about it, given my involvement at the start.
14:14 / 29.03.06
Has anyone PM'd Grey yet?

It would probably make the most sense if the thing toured the UK before hopping the pond...
Bed Head
14:50 / 29.03.06
I’ve also PM’d Grey to suggest that if someone doesn’t approach him sharpish, he should just pick someone from the list and ask them for an address. Just so you know....

Also, thanks for reminding Grey of this, Sekhmet. Yay.

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