MacGuyver is on the right track...Banish with laughter.
Comedy has always helped me in times of intense heartache. I never understood why people ate ice cream and watched sad movies. I don't need prompts to have a good cry at these times.
What Sax said makes sense to me. It is true that there is very little anyone can say to alleviate the pain. It has to be worked through. There is no real cure, just treatments.
I don't think there is any reason to think badly of the other partner,though. Unfortunately, this is a bad state of mind I think most people, including myself, slip into after a break up. It is rather negative, and I know it detracts from one's own healing...and energetically...well, it can't be good for them either.
In your case Cameron, it seems to me that she wasn't exceedingly insensitive, she just wasn't ready. If I am mistaken, and she was cruel about this, then staying positive would be much harder to do and would definately add to your burden.
In which case, get a punching bag. |