Here's one for the swing-staters:
If you have an undecided voter that you know, or even a "casual" Bush supporter who isn't behind the acting President personally but usually votes Republican, it might not be a bad idea to try out a "sweetener" spell to give their opinions a nudge.
If you're not familiar with this class of spell, the basic idea is to take a sweet fruit like an apple, or a jar of honey or syrup, etc. and use it to bring together two people by "sweetening" their relationship (you can find countless variations on this basic spell all over the web, so I won't get into any more detail here). These spells aren't used just for love, but also to sweeten business deals, juries, the in-laws, etc. (And, for those worried about the ethics of the spell, sweetener spells are generally considered to be among the least coercive of the love/relationship spells, as well as having the most "natural"-seeming effect. It's like the magickal equivalent of a couple glasses of wine in a comfortable setting - enough to open your eyes to what is appealing about the other person, without forcing you to like them.) Now, the spell is somewhat less effective without personal concerns (hair, etc.) from both parties, but even with only a name-paper for John Kerry (and personal concerns from the voter) it should still be able to come off.
This type of spell would probably be most effective for the "I don't really like Bush, but I'm just not sure about Kerry... I mean, he doesn't seem to, etc. etc."-type of potential voter, someone who might've been swayed by the debate (had they watched it) or a Kerry rally (had they been there), but wasn't. Get that vote, Barbelith!
Personally, I'm in Massachusetts, so that one...more...vote... is probably less crucial here than elsewhere, but for those of you in swing states...? Give it some thought. Then do it. 
Kerry wins, Bush Loses. What else need I say?
~L |