-BENFOX, the anti-conformist DRONE strikes again!-
The headline for the front page of the Barbelith Buggle.
I can see why people hate Bush so much. I can.
But I am still going to believe in him, I have faith in him to lead the nation where ever it needs to go.
The president, and the country just need people to stand behind them, and work with them.
Our country is great becuase we made it that way. Men have died for us to have the right to voice our distaste for the very country they died for. That is what makes america great. The people not the president, or any of the puppetters behind him. I support the idea of a commander and chief. I will follow him, be it Clinton, or Bush 39 or 41, or Kerry. It doesnt matter to me, because they will make mistakes, whoever is in office. The president may make radical decisions, or go to war, but if he makes a mess of things he only has four years to do it, and I have faith in the American people to elect someone we believe has what it takes to fix things up.
Checks and balances really take a lot of power out of the hands of any given president. The media keeps him hopping. Anyway, I support the country. Not the president. |