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Last-ditch attempt to use Barbelith for the forces of good


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21:05 / 22.09.04
First time I've changed my name for years. What should I visualise when I wank?
21:17 / 22.09.04
WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! We have a big gay elephant god on our side! How can we lose? OK, will work on a sigil. Hard to come up with anything but a symbolic representation of Barney (the dog) hiding in a pretzel, though. I think the primary focus for all of us has to be the two words themselves. Just imagine them on the front page of every newspaper and website you have ever read. For my part I will try to slip it in as an acrostic on every article i edit between now and November.
The official blog for Bush loses is now up and running.
Have emailed the owner of to tell them about the campaign. Hope it don't backfire. [Imagines Karl Rove getting pissed off because we beat him to the Bush W*ns offensive. Gets scared.]
(Just noticed that while cleaning my keyboard last week that I stuck the square brackets on upside down...)
22:46 / 22.09.04
-BENFOX, the anti-conformist DRONE strikes again!-

The headline for the front page of the Barbelith Buggle.

I can see why people hate Bush so much. I can.
But I am still going to believe in him, I have faith in him to lead the nation where ever it needs to go.
The president, and the country just need people to stand behind them, and work with them.
Our country is great becuase we made it that way. Men have died for us to have the right to voice our distaste for the very country they died for. That is what makes america great. The people not the president, or any of the puppetters behind him. I support the idea of a commander and chief. I will follow him, be it Clinton, or Bush 39 or 41, or Kerry. It doesnt matter to me, because they will make mistakes, whoever is in office. The president may make radical decisions, or go to war, but if he makes a mess of things he only has four years to do it, and I have faith in the American people to elect someone we believe has what it takes to fix things up.
Checks and balances really take a lot of power out of the hands of any given president. The media keeps him hopping. Anyway, I support the country. Not the president.
22:49 / 22.09.04
Alex's Grandma
22:50 / 22.09.04
Well yeah, but what does Steve think ?
22:51 / 22.09.04
Alex's Grandma
23:11 / 22.09.04
Sorry Stoat, cross-post, or some such.

But then again, is there anywhere big enough, is there enough room in the whole damn world to fit in everyone who wants to meet Steve ?
23:17 / 22.09.04
As long as I'm at the front of the queue, I don't really care!
Alex's Grandma
00:11 / 23.09.04
High fuckin' Five !
03:36 / 23.09.04
I'm not joining you. I just woke up in this ficsuit; dunno how it happened.
03:49 / 23.09.04
That'll be our special "Bush Loses" roofies.
04:53 / 23.09.04
Watcht the movie,

pointless and uncalled for
07:48 / 23.09.04
Your bandwagon needs some class so I though i should get on board.
Grey Area
07:50 / 23.09.04
Bandwaggon, one, jumping onto for the use of.
Hattie's Kitchen
10:34 / 23.09.04
Oh, twatflaps. I go and change my name for the first time in ages and then I see this thread. Now I have to wait 20 more fucking days!
A fall of geckos
12:11 / 23.09.04
It's worth de-lurking again for this.

Almost changed my name to “Bush Looses his Gecko”, which would have been strange and wrong.
16:05 / 23.09.04
Bush vs. Flying Fists, Bush Loses
16:52 / 23.09.04
Why thankyou. This thing is bigger than all of us.
Stay strong.
Stay silly.
16:58 / 23.09.04


Bush loses by a country mile
Issaiah Saysir
17:00 / 23.09.04
Warmonger? Aw crap, I thought it said whoremonger.
Tryphena Absent
17:33 / 23.09.04
I wanted to be Bush loses Anna de Logardiere but alas I didn't have room for the extra letter. Thus I leapt forward in to the future.
Brigade du jour
20:31 / 23.09.04
I saw a really good film today. It was called 'Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Bush'.
Jack Fear
21:16 / 23.09.04
"Bush loses" is all well and good, but I prefer to accentuate the positive.
21:23 / 23.09.04
Whatever, just don't mess with Mister Inbetween. He has nunchakas.
The Falcon
22:03 / 23.09.04
I'm taking this personally.
flufeemunk effluvia
23:33 / 23.09.04

I just changed my name a few days ago...

Can Tom do some sort of mass reset and allow everyone to join the Bush Loses Bandwagon?
00:13 / 24.09.04
Tom's a republican, I had to lock the server in my room last night just to avoid an equation involving AXE + PC + FACE.

He's watching the situation here with GRRRRITTED teeth.
07:06 / 24.09.04
I fear you are fibbing. However, it's in the spirit of the project. If anyone accuses you of lying on any of your "Bush loses" assertions, tell them that you'll be sure to have a full and frank discussion of it at a later date. Possibly leading to a national debate. Then refuse to discuss it further.
imaginary mice
07:25 / 24.09.04
Google image search never disappoints.

imaginary mice
07:28 / 24.09.04
...and I love the fact that a picture of Bill Hicks appears on page 1.
flufeemunk effluvia
20:30 / 24.09.04
Bush loses on google images came up with these gems:

I love the internet.
03:02 / 25.09.04
Internet wins!

Got this in my email just now:

Name: Bush Loses at
Email Address:


Note To Starter Of The Bush Loses Campaign:

I'm the owner of the domain name, and since I checked my logs this morning on my
site to which I had
re-directed, I traced some hits back to
this page and then to your campaign.

As a Canadian who strongly supports his American
cousins who support anyone but Bush, I'm happy to
re-direct to your new Bush
Loses blog.

Best Wishes

It's working! Well, something's working...!
08:10 / 25.09.04
Oh, such joy! The dream url for the project. I really hope no-one is taking this TOO seriously.
[Does little dance]
madfigs #32, now with wasabi
08:19 / 25.09.04
I don't know what's considered taking it too seriously, but I'm going to be very offended if Kerry doesn't mention us in his acceptance speech.
08:40 / 25.09.04
Sorry I was a little overeager (surprise surprise) and now it's too late to go back for a whole month. But Voting Bush Out is OK too, isn't it?

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