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21:42 / 21.09.04
You may have noticed that instead of changing my screen name to something smartarse and relevant, I have gone for a straightforward formulation which incorporates the two words which we all want to see everywhere in November. Should we all do this, it is possible that we may just help nudge the ratio of "Bush loses" to "Bush wins" sites found by Google by an infinitesimal amount, and so reverse the cascade trend (after ONE PUNDIT called it falsely for the ape-boy) which invalidly declared him a winner in 2000.
Look, there's a giant!
[Tilts at windmill]
Brigade du jour
21:47 / 21.09.04
Good idea. I'm game!
21:56 / 21.09.04
Yay! Anyone else?
(I feel guilty at persuading anyone to lose a Gyllenhall prefix, let's make this worthwhile!)
22:03 / 21.09.04
Hell, I've just reactivated a blog I haven't used for a long time (read "ever"). Gonna use the magic words every chance I get.
22:05 / 21.09.04
I changed my Bush Loses name too Bush Losing recently. He does, though. Oh yeah, you betcha Bush Losing ass.
22:19 / 21.09.04
Stoatie, I thank you (Bush loses to Kerry) for your help. We all feel deeply for your (Bush Loses to Kerry) recent loss and hope that in some (Bush loses to Nader) small way that we might help you feel better by ensuring that BUSH LOSES! Dogs rock, Bush sucks.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
22:34 / 21.09.04
I'm definitely not pandering to your futile attempts at social engineering.

Not never. No sir-eeee!
22:47 / 21.09.04
Hurrah! Great name, kid! Anyway, Google currently has a 216k Bush Loses to 626k Bush W*ns ratio. Keep up the good work and let's see what happens! Nighty night.
23:28 / 21.09.04
I'm in. And every man who's ever lost me has regretted it bitterly.
Brigade du jour
23:31 / 21.09.04
Aww Sally, fuck those (Bush loses, cos he's a loser) guys, fuck them right in the ear! (Bush fails as well)
23:32 / 21.09.04
I have a feeling that voting in November an prompting others to register and vote is more practical...
Brigade du jour
23:35 / 21.09.04
Sage advice, but unless you're American you can't do the first part of it. I'm not American, so ... BUSH LOSES! loses biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig time!
Brigade du jour
23:36 / 21.09.04
Bush is such a loser. And a fucking tool.
00:26 / 22.09.04
Wouldn't it have more utility to, instead of just ending up pointing to a "we don't like Bush" page, to rather post links, along the lines of
Bush loses fight with space-age scooter
Bush Loses His Mind?
01:08 / 22.09.04
Does anyone like bush?
poor guy, to be hated so...
The Apple-Picker
02:13 / 22.09.04
I feel like we're all in that "Peter Pan" scene in which Peter begs us to clap to save Tinkerbell. Except this is sort of the other way around.
02:21 / 22.09.04
Bush loses an election.

Bush loses his home state

Bush loses advantage in war on terrorism

Bush loses by a landslide

Bush loses, blame Rove
04:34 / 22.09.04
I don't like Kerry either.

Why not Best Man For The Nation Wins?
Lilly Nowhere Late
06:17 / 22.09.04
"There's no place like home, there's no place like home!" I'm a clicketty click clicking my little red slippers too!
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:43 / 22.09.04
Nipples, I only changed my user name a week ago...
We're The Great Old Ones Now
08:45 / 22.09.04
Frankly, I don't really care about Kerry. I doubt he'll be amazing. I'm assuming this time the Dems will cut a deal with Nader, so he'll have to make some environmental concessions. The issue is, he ain't George.

I remember a time when I wanted to move to the U.S.. I remember a time when the notion of America gave me warm, fuzzy, safe feelings. I remember thinking "if only our guy was more like the U.S. guy". Sure, there was stuff needed doing, and it was going to be a hard fight, but that's democracy.

Wow, does that seem a long time ago.

I still admire the U.S. system and the people I know there. But now the words 'U.S. foreign policy' make me afraid and angry.

Let's just get someone else in the big chair, and maybe there's some real work we can get done.
pointless and uncalled for
09:01 / 22.09.04
It may be the cynicism talking but that just made me laugh out loud.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
09:41 / 22.09.04
No. You're right. The sad thing is that saying something like that out lloud sounds utterly laughable. Which, when you think about it, is utterly appalling.
Alex's Grandma
12:19 / 22.09.04
It's not so good. In any other country, you'd assume a show with a brief like The West Wing's would be biting, cruel satire, as opposed to what it seems like, a cry for help.

There hasn't been anyone even vaguely competent in the big chair since Richard Nixon ( who'd have ended the Cold War at least a decade earlier, I'm guessing, if he hadn't got into trouble over what, after all, were just errors of taste, at least compared to what his successors have routinely got away with - There's an outside chance that Nixon might have resigned over the head of the Iran/Contra thing, for example. )

Still, there's no point being nostalgic, so in the absence of much else to do, I am changing my name to something that would hopefully upset Dubya, if I ever met him, the silly ****.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:21 / 22.09.04
Okay, I'm on the Bush loses bandwagon.
12:33 / 22.09.04
If repeating it till it's true works for Bush, than it works for Bush loses.
13:04 / 22.09.04
Bandwagon ahoy!

(Though I almost typed it in as "Sekhmet Loses Bush", which would have been not only embarrassing, but untrue.)

I want America to know that when I win the election, I will tie Bush up and make him an attraction at an S&M club, where he may be gently prodded with pointy sticks.

13:17 / 22.09.04
Bush loses his dignity (worth checking out the unlinkable image).
13:23 / 22.09.04

(cover of this weeks city paper)
ibis the being
13:40 / 22.09.04
how about

Bush Loses Memory


Bush Loses in Iowa


Bush Loses His Balance
16:59 / 22.09.04
Oh, I feel so childishly happy with this thread. Even more so when I find sites like:

Bush loses poll of hispanics

Bush loses poll (and, it appears, a yo-yo)

Bush loses ability to crush democratically elected central American governments
and so on.
You've all made me so proud.
17:03 / 22.09.04
and EVEN BETTER, I thought I'd go one step further and try to grab but some patriotic soul beat me to it. God bless America! ( is currently on sale for $5000, I'm gonna poke around and see who owns it.)
17:16 / 22.09.04
Bush loses wargame against Iran.

Bush loses debate against a stem cell.

Bush loses the culture war

Bush loses the 2012 Olympics.

Bush loses key aide on Latin America
17:50 / 22.09.04
Dammit, I'm in.

I told myself when I registered that I wasn't going to go around changing my name every 15 minutes (or 28 days, whatever), but hell.

Anyone feel like volunteering with the Republican Party to drive GOP voters to the polls, then just dropping them off somewhere else instead? :P

18:29 / 22.09.04
and let's not forget (because he and Karl "bigmouth" Rove seem to have):

Bush loses the will to see justice done, or possibly Bush jusr loses the door to Karl Rove's office

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