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Sex Lives Of The ( Not So ) Rich And Famous


Page: (1)234

Alex's Grandma
14:12 / 06.09.04
After the threads about age and careers, this seems like the next logical step. So what's your status ? Feel free to drone on sickeningly about your fab dream lover, or, alternatively, to just rail against the injustice of it all...
14:23 / 06.09.04
Fixed up with my voidy Merged Permanence, Xoc.
Grey Area
14:31 / 06.09.04
I'm 'fixed up' (is that what the kids are calling it these days?). OK, so ze's not living in the same place as me, and won't be for some time to come, but we're doing fine.
14:32 / 06.09.04
I live with Ganesh and Xoc. They just don't know it.
14:35 / 06.09.04
That'll be where '3 in a bed sax romps' got their name, then.
John Octave
15:40 / 06.09.04
The girl I've dug for about a year and a half's just broken up with her boyfriend. And we spent a little over twelve hours together yesterday, just talking about stuff and listening to music and doing the whole "curse one's exes" thing. Felt a little too right, if you know what I mean. I'm sure nothing will come of it this time, either, but ah well. *pine*

So checkmark for "single," then.
16:00 / 06.09.04
Me? Happily single for many years, thankyou. But currently wondering whether becoming a rebound for a good friend might be worth a fling.
16:05 / 06.09.04
Hmm I remember the last 12 hour conversation I had with someone, oh yes that would be just before I started going out with my current partner about 2 years ago .
Don't give up before you've even started dude, who knows what might happen?
Benny the Ball
17:27 / 06.09.04
I am happily in love with my dream lady. Sadly she is currently living in LA and I'm a Laaandaaanerrrr. But I'm off to see her for three glorious weeks in October!!

And work is picking up!!!!

Those pink bubbles seem to be working!!!!!!!!!
20:20 / 06.09.04
I've been embracing my solitude (is destroying a Nietzsche phrase bad, or can I consider it breaking a tablet?) for about a year and a half now and quite happy with it. Been thinking of hooking up with one of the various girls I've met on campus to reduce boredom, but not many of them seem all that grand, so I probably won't, especially since I seem to be incapable of short, meaningless relationships.
21:36 / 06.09.04
Been engaged for four years, not because we're nervous about getting married, but because we really suck at planning group events.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:07 / 07.09.04
I'm single or I wouldn't have time for this silly board.

And will prolly be so for the next lifetime or two.
No star here laces
05:11 / 07.09.04
I got ladeez on my left
Ladeez on the right
I'm in the middle gettin jiggy all night...
pointless and uncalled for
07:10 / 07.09.04
I have hottt chicks beating a path to my door.

I guess it really wasn't the smartest thing to do when I decided to move to an area of outstanding natural beauty. Now Greenpeace have parked a ship outside my house to demonstrate against my rakish good looks and wistful charm. My life is now a waking nightmare from which I can see no escape.

Still, if one of you could be so good as to send me a shitty stick, I would be most appreciative. Mine is begining to wear out and I may soon be overun by sexy girls with loose morals demanding endless carnal pleasure.
07:45 / 07.09.04
Steve? Is that you?
pointless and uncalled for
07:55 / 07.09.04


My name's .... errrr... Bob.

That's right, I'm Bob, from Hull.

Definitely not called Steve.

And if you see that benfoxdance around tell he's a shit wingman.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:36 / 07.09.04
Ha, you may joke, SK, but I like the way there's already about three posts from people saying "single, but I'm this close to hooking up with someone", or "single, and I could pull if I wanted to but the girls don't meet my standards!" or "single, but I can tell we have a deep connection by the look in her eyes"...

That's not just single. That's Barbelith single. Mmmm.

Me: fixed up (look sharp) for just over a year and four months now. It's all rather wonderful, except when my own idiocy puts the whole thing in jeopardy. But right now, it's just about the only aspect of my life that I feel I'm really getting right.
Hattie's Kitchen
10:46 / 07.09.04
After a couple of years of celibacy, and then a few casual dalliances, I had gloomily resigned myself to never clicking with anyone ever again...but through the most unexpected and random happening, I am now dating a lovely, lovely Belgian girl, who likes to hold my hand in public and kiss me in the middle of Oxford Street. In yer face, sweaty hetties!
10:57 / 07.09.04
Single, seems strange even though I've been single most of my life. I keep meeting great people who're already seeing someone, the wrong someone! I'll start a thread.

I feel the need to hug someone, maybe I'll just start hugging random people on the street.
Jack Fear
13:49 / 07.09.04
Married 10+ years; been together since we were tennagers; two kids. I'm the heteronormative patriarchalist oppressor that it's okay to like.
14:04 / 07.09.04
Hitched up for just short of two years, and now living together (6 months or so?) Really comfortable and lovely most of the time apart from the odd moments where you panic and go "HOW HAS THIS HAPPENED!". S'odd, the more time you spend with someone.... I was going to write the more they seem a mystery, but that makes it sound like we're distant, not true. It's more like the more time together, the more you you appreciate the peculiarity of someone elses's subjectivity. Bit of a mouthful, that one, sorry.
Matthew Fluxington
14:10 / 07.09.04
I am single. Not looking.
14:33 / 07.09.04
Married, but still waiting for Matthew to notice me.
14:40 / 07.09.04
yeah yeah

we've been together getting on for three years, living together since day one, engaged for about two and a half months, due to tie a knot in a year. no kids, one cat. it's the best thing in the whole world.
15:36 / 07.09.04
So, why are you kids getting married? This is something that remains utterly opaque to me. Jack gets a pass because he is a Christian (and thus a slave to primitive traditions(tm)) - are you, Cajun?
15:40 / 07.09.04
Ooh! Or is it a dynastic marriage between you and the queen o the Assassins' Guild, which will end your generations of strife?

Or Stryfe?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
15:43 / 07.09.04
Aw, c'mon, Haus, there's stuff which you get for being married. Like Next Of Kin status, and legal rights and so on. It's not just about religion and social form. Plus it's a form of promise; a statement when things are good about how you and your other half will act in times of stress and pain. It's a bonding ordeal. It's a bunch a things.
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:46 / 07.09.04
I'm totally fixed up.

Or at least, I will be, once she answers my love-letters/notices me yammering outside her window.

Yep. As coupled as can beeeee.
15:52 / 07.09.04
Aw, c'mon, Haus, there's stuff which you get for being married. Like Next Of Kin status, and legal rights and so on.

Yep. It's a gold star for being normal. That doesn't mean it is a default state, though, now, does it? Which is why it might be interesting to find out why people are making the decision to buy into it. Thanks for your thoughts, though.
16:08 / 07.09.04
not single and wondering if I'd be so hot to get married if I didn't want kids, probably not -- thought there are some things to consider that have little to do with self & bf -- the larger community in which we're embedded -- for example, will almost certainly be married in trad. muslim ceremony by grandfather, which will include the amusing prospect of bf, who is asian & comes from a semidevout christian family, converting to islam & taking a new name -- mohammad-reza chan or something -- come on haus surely you see the comedy factor there
16:14 / 07.09.04
fixed up for about 4 months now. was terribly reluctant at first, but it's turning out to be increasingly intense fun.
Jack Fear
16:15 / 07.09.04
You know, I was wondering how long it would take the Haus to hijack this thread and turn it into a race-course for his favorite hobby-horse. Any time the subject of marriage comes up, in any context, you'll find him there, like some patriarchy-smashing Tom Joad. It never fucking fails.

Off! Away to the Head Shop with you!
16:21 / 07.09.04
so why does grant get a pass, because he's hot for flux?

(vomiting sounds)

celi mink got a lot of it right there plus: we want to involve our families and friends in a pact where they promise to support our relationship should it hit rocks, we don't want any legal strife should something happen to one of us, she wants rid of her surname, we want a big party where everyone we know gets to see us go 'yeah, we got it goin' on'. most importantly though, we want to get married to each other, and the decision doesn't really require a level of abstraction deeper than that.

what's a 'default state'? where's the gold star? please provide an example of 'normal'.
16:31 / 07.09.04
Snark, me? I would, but it seems that a bit of reflection or thought is unwelcome in the Conversation. There's a perfectly good thread in the Head Shop where this sort of thing should be kept.

We should keep this thread free and clear for people to talk about their relationship with Steve, if only so that Jack can persist unmolested in the belief that it is OK to like him.

I've been seeing Steve for a while now. He's incredibly HOTT, but he is spending a lot of time over at his friend Ben's, and I have noticed tell-tale circular paint-smudges on the bull's eye of each peach-pink buttock. He claims it is just manly horseplay, but he doesn't see the tears I weep.
Jack Fear
16:53 / 07.09.04 seems that a bit of reflection or thought is unwelcome in the Conversation. ... We should keep this thread free and clear for people to talk about their relationship with Steve, if only so that Jack can persist unmolested in the belief that it is OK to like him.

Hey, it's OK to hate me, too, only spare me your righteous indignation.

A little perspective, here: you have, in your role as moderator, rightly slapped down posters who have attempted to steer tangentially-related topics towards their own preferred soapbox party-pieces. I have applauded those actions, because, while it may be briefly fascinating to see how a poster can relate seemingly any subject to role-playing games, or Discordianism, or Giorgio Morricone, it is ultimately wearying.

But alas! We all have feet of clay: we all have our pet arguments and favored topics, to which we return, again and again, as a dog to his vomit. Much as it pains me to tell you so, your propensity for turning any innocent inquiry on marital status into a referendum on the institution itself is one such. And it is simply tiring.

This thread is, by design, a quick, fluffy, survey-type thread—and there is, as you said, a thoroughly serviceable Head Shop thread on the grander ramifications of the topic. Sometimes you just want to know what time it is, not how to build a goddam watch. And so it is with this thread.

We police each other in a spirit of love and mutual goodwill, guiding each other through tricky conversational straits as our individual abilities allow. I extend the gentle hand of guidance to you now, knowing that you will do the same for me in future.

Boy, will you ever.

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