...it seems that a bit of reflection or thought is unwelcome in the Conversation. ... We should keep this thread free and clear for people to talk about their relationship with Steve, if only so that Jack can persist unmolested in the belief that it is OK to like him.
Hey, it's OK to hate me, too, only spare me your righteous indignation.
A little perspective, here: you have, in your role as moderator, rightly slapped down posters who have attempted to steer tangentially-related topics towards their own preferred soapbox party-pieces. I have applauded those actions, because, while it may be briefly fascinating to see how a poster can relate seemingly any subject to role-playing games, or Discordianism, or Giorgio Morricone, it is ultimately wearying.
But alas! We all have feet of clay: we all have our pet arguments and favored topics, to which we return, again and again, as a dog to his vomit. Much as it pains me to tell you so, your propensity for turning any innocent inquiry on marital status into a referendum on the institution itself is one such. And it is simply tiring.
This thread is, by design, a quick, fluffy, survey-type thread—and there is, as you said, a thoroughly serviceable Head Shop thread on the grander ramifications of the topic. Sometimes you just want to know what time it is, not how to build a goddam watch. And so it is with this thread.
We police each other in a spirit of love and mutual goodwill, guiding each other through tricky conversational straits as our individual abilities allow. I extend the gentle hand of guidance to you now, knowing that you will do the same for me in future.
Boy, will you ever. |