Thanks everyone... Tango Mango, lilly, mutley, mono and various non-lithers have been looking after me all day... and all the PMs and posts have, believe it or not, helped a lot. I'm still not sure how to deal with this... but everyone's making it a lot easier.
Fuck, I'd do anything for her not to be dead... but I know it's not gonna happen.
But yeah... I'm gonna try to get her a plot in the cemetery (her favourite place) where I can put her ashes, and a memorial, with "walk softly and carry a big stick" on it, as TM says... because that kind of describes her favourite things- she always loved to find the biggest stick she could, and when you'd thrown it, carry it around like a trophy, even if it was far too big and heavy for her to deal with.
Argh. This is bollocks and I don't like it. The world's not working properly. |